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    • Ali
      Ali replied to the thread Sewerdog's log.
      Move is almost done, here's my schedule/to do list for this & next week
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      • IMG_20240620_173420588.jpg
    • Ali
      Ali replied to the thread Sewerdog's log.
      Had a great workout for the first time in a couple weeks, felt very willing to push into the pain. The mansion job: My attempt to find...
    • Ali
      Ali replied to the thread Sewerdog's log.
      To do: The fastest way to do this is to move back in with my parents, get some work. Go canvassing after work to test the market in the...
    • Ali
      Ali replied to the thread Sewerdog's log.
      Check-in from yesterday and recapping the week: -Most of the work on the mansion is done, just waiting for the rain to stop so I can...
    • Ali
      Ali replied to the thread Sewerdog's log.
      Check-in: Had a good day today jet washing the mansion. Should all be finished tomorrow but it's a big job. Thought through some stuff...
    • Ali
      Ali replied to the thread Sewerdog's log.
      Thanks dude, I'll look into those sleeves for sure, I'm basically gonna have to mummify myself on hot days if I'm out there for hours.
    • Ali
      Ali replied to the thread Sewerdog's log.
      Check-in: Toughest day so far! Was stacked with jobs so I started off with the traditional method until my resin refill arrived. Got the...
    • Ali
      Ali replied to the thread Sewerdog's log.
      Checkin: A full day of cleaning! Got some very good results and customers were sending messages saying how good the windows looks. Got...
    • Ali
      Ali replied to the thread Sewerdog's log.
      Recapping the week: I've got to 20 monthly customers now. If I can hit 80 by the end of the month I'll be in a good spot. I have a pure...
    • Ali
      Ali replied to the thread Sewerdog's log.
      I'll check that out, it was working yesterday but not today so im gonna go through all the wiring and see if somethings loose as well...
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