Ali's latest activity

  • Ali
    Ali replied to the thread Sewerdog's log.
    Checkin: 2 hrs door to door done. 3 new monthly customers, 3 for every other month and two one-off deep cleans with extras (one gutters...
  • Ali
    Ali replied to the thread Sewerdog's log.
    My last day at work tomorrow! From then on my plan/system will look something like this: Wake up Do some gratitude and affirmations...
  • Ali
    Ali replied to the thread Sewerdog's log.
    Big change of direction. My mum's partner was an absolute legend and offered to give me some money towards my business. He owns his own...
  • Ali
    Ali replied to the thread Sewerdog's log.
    End of the Nottingham saga: I've had a very successful few weekends and have been able to get more window cleaning work than I can...
  • Ali
    Ali replied to the thread Sewerdog's log.
    Checkin and more lessons from the weekend: -had a great talk with a guy who does advertising for businesses going over my Facebook ads...