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House of Brother Project: Summer visits. spots fully booked, Lord Rey in the city

+1 also for bringing back creep shots. i think if they're properly censored and relegated to the private logs (like i have done), it should be fair game
I vote in favor of the creep shots too!

With regard to the topic of this thread, I find the idea very interesting. Definitely can see the benefits of such a project. I'm eventually interested in trying something like that for a few months, especially since I'm not too far from the proposed locations. The biggest problem is always "how am I going to make money there?" as I would have to quit my job to move.

That said, I clearly see how I can bring value to such a brotherhood, and get value from close accountability partners while living in a relatively big city. Will definitely consider the idea of joining.
Creep shots.....are you fucking kidding me.....

You do not understand the history of this.

You do not understand the cultural climate, and have never seen the repercussions of this

Do you know that I made YouTube videos which were just legit street interviews asking girls questions in London, and this got me pulled aside by HR, had me undergo a full investigation, had multiple female staff complain that they "didn't feel safe" being employed by me, and women went to the CEO telling her they will never be in a room with "that man"

I was a Senior Manager, had many years of experience, and had I not had a deep relationship with the CEO, who knew I was not doing anything wrong, I'd have lost my job then and there.

I was not able to recover professionally from this and did have to leave the organisation.

Do you think I'm going to let other men go through the same shit? I don't think so.

It was the following video that caused my life to basically spiral, for no reason:

So if you think I am going to let men come to my f**king website and post unsolicited naked pictures of girls they are sleeping with, you've got to be fucking kidding me.

No creep shots. Ever. No excuses. The matter is closed. Do not raise this with me again.

If you post a creep shot, I ban you on sight.

You do not, EVER take unsolicited naked images of women. Be mature. Be better. Be better humans.

This forum is to get your shit together and be quality men and leaders. BE BETTER. We are not going to descend into a pit of filth and pervsersion. We are going to succeed.

House of Brothers Project Update: I’m paying double rent so you can test the city and get to know me

I’ve gotten hands on a unique situation. I’m moving places and decided to keep my current place a bit longer. This gives me a window of 6 weeks during which I have two places to stay.

This GIVES YOU AN OPPORTUNITY. If you’ve read about the project and are interested in joining it down the line, you can come visit my city, have your own place to stay, for free, and test the city and get to know me in advance.

What will we be doing?
During your visit I am only working three days a week, so most days I am completely free and the others I can take time for you in the evening. That gives plenty of time to get to know each other. I’ll show you around the city and show you how it’s done. We’ll do fun stuff together, hit the gym, do some cold approach sessions (I’ll teach you if you’ve never done it), I’ll show you what the city has to offer in terms of cultural and nightlife opportunities.

What’s the apartment like that I’ll be staying at?
The place you’ll be staying at is a small one room apartment, centrally located, 1 min walk away from an ideal bar date spot, 3 min walk away from an ideal cafe date spot. Perfect pull logistics. Both places have couches to sit on so you can start getting physical before even pulling to your place. So if you wanna make this visit a game-cation, it is absolutely perfect for it.

Short recap about the project:
  • at some point next year I’ll rent a house/big apartment
  • 4-6 guys that are dedicated to improving their lives can move in
  • there is a test period of three month after which both you and the rest of the members can decide whether it’s a good fit or move on. After that if you love it you can stay up to two years
  • the house is designed to give you the best possible surroundings to build your dream lifestyle

What you should bring to the table to join the project
  • a radical willingness to change your life
  • your very own goals and dreams
  • the desire to live in the real world instead of behind screens
  • honesty towards yourself
  • openness to talk about problems and emotions

When can you visit me?
I have the two apartments from August 17th until the end of September. I already invited one guy from this forum, Lord Rey, and he will be visiting me mid/late August. I have a company retreat the week after which leaves an open window of August 31st to September 30th. You can come up to two weeks, I recommend coming at least for one week to make it worth your while. If you wanna make it a game-cation, that is also a sufficient time frame to convert numbers to dates.
UPDATE: Since Holden will be coming for about the first half of September, only the second half of September is still open for time slots.

In the beautiful city of Freiburg, Germany. If you are coming from far away, the most likely airport for you to take is Frankfurt (FRA). My city has almost all the features of a big city without the stressful atmosphere of huge cities. It is is the warmest city in Germany, has a beautiful and car-free center, a very young population and on top a massive female population overhang among 20-30 year olds which gives you the dating edge you need.

Who is this guy Cain?
I’m 27 years old, from Germany. I was a virgin til age 22 but then started getting my shit together. I did the Good Looking Loser Approach Anxiety Programm in 2021, that’s how I found this forum. I have 36 lays, predominantly from daytime cold approach. Right now I got three fuckbuddies, one Korean 28yo, one half-German, half Dutch 26yo and one 24yo from Malaysia, all from cold approach. I am finishing my Masters degree in Economics and working a part-time job across the border to Switzerland in a wealth management company.

How can I seize this amazing opportunity?
Write me a private message and/or reply in this thread. We’ll set up a video call, get to know each other a bit and if it’s a good fit, we'll set a time spot for you to visit

Looking forward to get to know you, Cain
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House of Brothers Project Update: I’m paying double rent so you can test the city and get to know me – only two weeks of time slots left

Besides Lord Rey in August, forum legend Holden will come visit for about the first half of September. This means only the second half of September is up for grabs. if you want to take a spot in that time, read the last post before this one for details.
In the beautiful city of Freiburg, Germany. If you are coming from far away, the most likely airport for you to take is Frankfurt (FRA). My city has almost all the features of a big city without the stressful atmosphere of huge cities. It is is the warmest city in Germany, has a beautiful and car-free center, a very young population and on top a massive female population overhang among 20-30 year olds which gives you the dating edge you need.
Having lived here for a year during my studies, I highly recommend Freiburg to everyone! It is my very favorite in all of Europe.
Besides Lord Rey in August, forum legend Holden will come visit for about the first half of September. This means only the second half of September is up for grabs. if you want to take a spot in that time, read the last post before this one for details.​
Damn this sounds cool af. I'd be totally down for this if it wasn't for my uni program and conscription. I hope you post some updates here on what you've been doing in Freiburg once you have the ball rolling.​
House of Brother Project: Summer visits. spots fully booked, Lord Rey in the city

Been super busy in physical reality and and am struggling to post updates here in the digital realm.

The last time slot for the visits has been filled for a while now. Wave will be flying in from the US for about 10 days at the end of September.

Lord Rey has been in the city since Thursday. I’m typing this post while he is out having a date, so found a little spare time. Stay tuned for his report on Freiburg.
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My personal opinion on Freiburg

Hey guys,

So, I just thought of giving a quick opinion on Freiburg, as it's the city picked for this project. Last time I went there was almost 8 years ago. It was during winter and I stayed with friends from Switzerland there to celebrate New Year's eve 2017. Back then I was a total loser so no dating (and none of my friends were into "the game" anyways), but I enjoyed the city and already noticed how on average girls were more attractive than in Switzerland haha. Good news: I can confirm it's still the case in 2024, even if TBF the bar isn't really high.

Anyways, last week, before moving there, I created a new Tinder account and moved my location to Freiburg. I used a double boost and got a dozen of likes which resulted in generating 2 leads. Unfortunately, one of these flaked on me when I arrived on Thursday, but the other one resulted in a lay, as reported in my log. Because of that flake, I used another 2 double boosts throughout the day. The results were totally useless because most likes were from outside the city. It's Tinder's fault, as I noticed that since mid-2023 boosts are showing the profile more to distant girls than to girls nearby. I had the same shit happening in Poland and Switzerland. My conclusion was that OLD is really going down the drain at this point.

While my boosts were giving garbage-tier results, I tried to approach girls, taking advantage of having an experienced wing by my side, but couldn't even get one approach because of my severe AA. Cain was so nice that he even opened a couple of girls for me haha... and to my surprise I got two new leads. Unfortunately, nothing came out of it, even if one of the two girls seemed genuinely interested but was in a bad mental state just after having been physically hit by her ex... she apologized for flaking on me. The next day I finally got 3 approaches done and I got a number, which resulted in a nice date, but I couldn't pull her unfortunately. So, to conclude the dating/SMP aspect, I think Freiburg is a good city, but the volume is maybe still too low for OLD. On the other hand, there's a lot of diversity, as you can find girls from all ethnicities (and I really tried to go on a date with a black girl haha).

Now, the city itself is pretty and clean, I really like the old town. There are a lot of nice dating spots, a couple of parks, and pubs & bars everywhere that serve good beer! :)
Logistics and transports are good around there, but parking my car without feeling ripped off was a challenge because most parkings are insanely expensive for Germany (up to €30 a day!!!).

There's a nice nightlife going on even if I'm not a fan of clubs because I hate having my ears mistreated by some loud & shitty music. I was surprised that the venue we visited with Cain actually had more girls than guys! Usually it's the opposite in most venues. He also showed me a super leftist bar as a kind of joke. We had fun there, but obviously it's not my vibe as I'm on the opposite side of the political spectrum (and I'm not into feminists with unshaved armpits haha). On the other hand, I really liked the pubs we visited and the rooftop bar Skajo is definitely my favorite (and it's where I took my very first daygame date).

Also the city seems safe, but I can't really judge this with my very short stay. All I can is that I never felt threatened, even when crossing alone a park full of migrants and drug leaders lmao. It's a city in Germany (and Western Europe), thus of course you have to expect it has its share of beggars, drug dealers and (illegal?) migrants.

All in all, I give Freiburg a solid 7/10 and I never thought I would rate a German city so highly TBH. It's pretty, it has a good SMP, and tons of cool places to visit.

For comparison, I rate Kraków 10/10 as it's absolutely perfect and the best city I visited by a margin all things considered, and I rate my fucking village in the Alps 0/10 on the other extreme lmao.

In between, I would rate other cities where I experienced dating as follows:
  • Warsaw (Poland) - 8/10 : Great volume and quality of girls, but too big for my taste, makes logistics less optimal when you have to move from one place to another. Also will never be as beautiful as Kraków.
  • Gdańsk + Sopot (Poland) - 9/10 : Gorgeous cities with a great volume and quality, and have the Baltic Sea as a bonus. Kraków is still above in terms of logistics, vibe and weather though.
  • Katowice (Poland) - 8/10 : Lower volume than the previous cities mentioned, but still very high quality of girls (it's Poland after all), and has nice places to visit. Very peaceful vibe.
  • Geneva (Switzerland) - 4/10 : Has a nice airport to quickly fly to better SMPs abroad. I'm always in a good mood when I'm entering Geneva because it means that I'm about to leave Switzerland lmao. It has more volume than Lausanne, so it probably should be better, but I didn't bother to check it seriously. Also, it has a lot of French girls (which I find usually more pleasant than Swiss ones).
  • Lausanne (Switzerland) - 3/10 : Leftist shithole, not very pretty, but has decent volume thanks to its big student population, and it has a lot of diversity if you're into non-white girls (I'm into all ethnicities even if I have a preference for Slavic girls). Also, it has a few cool bars and the nightlife is decent. I used to study IT there but I was a total loser back then, I only had a few dates there recently.
  • Montreux (Switzerland) - 3/10 : Low volume but a lot of Asian tourists, and a few events that suddenly bring a lot of volume. This city is pretty but has a population of only 26K people. I used to work there but was still a loser back then, but I saw the potential during big events.
  • Sion (Switzerland) - 2/10 : It gets 2 because it has 2 nice castles! Joke aside, it's the biggest city in my Alpine region with an incredible population of… 36K people. That's the closest city where I can consider trying daygame in Switzerland.
  • Sierre (Switzerland) - 1/10 : It's the closest “city” from my village but has nothing really interesting (except a nice castle). A population of 18K people, so rock bottom volume. I go to the gym there but I don't think I would dare to approach there. Or maybe I should?
Anyways, I could continue this list with a few more trashy cities, but I'm getting really off topic at this point lol. So basically, I think Freiburg is way better than any city where I have experienced dating in Switzerland. Thanks again to @CainGettingLaid for the invitation! It was really cool!
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My Experience

I spent 10 days in Freiburg with @CainGettingLaid and had a blast. First of all I want to say that Cain is a perfect, very gracious host who did his best to make my stay as enjoyable as possible even though I told him multiple times I only need a bed and a desk lol.

My main goal was to approach girls irl. I quickly saw that OLD wouldn't be very viable. I put my location etc. not even in Freiburg but in the next city already to do some pipelining.

The weather was perfect on the first two days and on the last day, and in between, it was shit. Not anyone's fault obviously, but it did hamper my mood a bit and in the end I didn't approach as much as I wanted to. My brain is really good at coming up with excuses.

That said, I did quite a few sessions with Cain winging me and in those sessions I approached more girls than I ever did in my life, in total. So I'm very grateful for that.

He also pushed me to do particularly challenging sets and got me out of my comfort zone. Towards the end the approaches went better and I could more deliberately sexualize but by that point I was due to leave Freiburg so logistically I couldn't get a date going despite getting around 10 numbers/IGs. Roll of the dice I guess.

The biggest "achievement" for me personally is that the sessions with Cain gave me momentum to finally start approaching on my own without having a wing by my side to push me. Once that first set is done, my AA is gone, but that first set never comes unless someone is there to call me a bitch lol. But Cain helped me get over that.

A big lesson too is that I exchanged IGs at the start, girls didn't reply, I switched to exchanging numbers instead, and the reply rate shot up exponentially (from almost 0% to almost 100%, literally) (yes, I took care that the girls followed me on IG, etc.)

I'll post more detailed reports in my private log, including the nightgame adventure we had.

Freiburg itself is a (stereo?)typical German city/town surrounded by beautiful nature, lots of parks, a young population, and idyllic scenes. I greatly enjoyed my time there, and without this opportunity I probably would've never travelled so far into Southern Germany. Everyone speaks great English and I had more time here to build an actual life, I could greatly enjoy it.
My Time in Freiburg

I stayed at Cain’s place in Freiburg for about a week at the end of September.

I couldn’t believe how much Cain poured into the experience for me. First off, he paid double his rent so he could host some guys from an obscure internet forum at his place. He was always prioritizing time to hang out, approach, and show me around. There is something so insanely valuable about traveling somewhere you know a local. He deeply knows the nuances of the city. He showed me tons of great German food - schnitzel, mett, lange rote, spätzle, etc. He brought me to bars, restaurants, introduced me to his friends, and gave me great recommendations.

I really valued the time I had with him. He’s a serious guy who’s taking a lot of action with a great sense of humor. I’ve never had someone wing me for an extended period but it was so much fun. We’d be out walking the cobblestone streets of old town, see a cute girl and immediately look at each other and say “is that you or me?”. It was insightful to spend time with someone more experienced and see how they operate. Cain uses no social media or dating apps but lines up dates from daygame like a machine.

Freiburg is an excellent city. Clean, charming, surrounded by nature, young and lively. It’s known as the sunniest city in Germany. The city is very walkable and has a great train system. It’s a university town and there are plenty of cute girls around. Perfect for daygame. There are some decent bars if you’d like to do nightgame but most venues aren’t set up for mingling. It’s not a megacity but it has so much to offer. It feels like an authentic European city you could imagine yourself living in.

If you want to explore a beautiful city nestled in the hills of the Black Forest.
If you’d like to experience German culture with someone who knows it firsthand.
If you want someone who will support and push you to improve with approaching.

Then visit Cain in Freiburg. I can’t recommend it highly enough.

You boys crushing it.

Dream big, guys, we have the community and we want to push to great levels of success

Proud of you & this is a WIN

Let's take WW to new heights
