Sewerdog's log

Toughest day so far!
Was stacked with jobs so I started off with the traditional method until my resin refill arrived.
Got the resin and carried on but noticed some streaking in the windows - tested the ppm of the water and found it had gone way too high again!

I think the issue is the container uses these refillable cartridge style sacks that gave a mesh in the top. This way they make you way way more to refill by having to buy a new cartridge.
I opened the bag up and refilled it myself to save money so I can only think it was due to some resin getting out of the bag and into the water.
I'll trouble shoot it properly on friday.

Before that I wasn't enjoying the work too much and just wanted it over and done with.
I enjoy the work but not the speed aspect of it where to make good money you have to go from door to door and do everything really quickly.
I find this quite frustrating as I like attention to detail.

I'm also very aware if how badly I'm doing in the sun all day. I think as I'm looking up at the sky or getting light reflected off of windows all day it's aggravating things.
This is something that I will draw a hard line under as it moves me away from my bigger goals of being healthy.

I went home after the water filter failed and just couldn't be bothered. Felt quite irritable today too and my mood crashed which is quite rare.

If the equipment had been working well and I wasn't feeling the elements I'm not sure how much I would have enjoyed today.
I don't want to shelve this business model just yet but I'm gonna do some thinking and see if it's right for me.
I'm also very aware if how badly I'm doing in the sun all day. I think as I'm looking up at the sky or getting light reflected off of windows all day it's aggravating things.
What gear/clothing do you wear? I'm assuming you've got the basics down of a hat/maybe some sun cream, but you could look at some UV sun protection sleeves for your arms/legs that still allow you to wear shorts and a t-shirt and won't restrict your movement, but covers you up.

I went home after the water filter failed and just couldn't be bothered. Felt quite irritable today too and my mood crashed which is quite rare.
Happens to the best of us. I'm still impressed you quit your job and have pulled this off full time. Very cool
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What gear/clothing do you wear? I'm assuming you've got the basics down of a hat/maybe some sun cream, but you could look at some UV sun protection sleeves for your arms/legs that still allow you to wear shorts and a t-shirt and won't restrict your movement, but covers you up.

Happens to the best of us. I'm still impressed you quit your job and have pulled this off full time. Very cool
Thanks dude, I'll look into those sleeves for sure, I'm basically gonna have to mummify myself on hot days if I'm out there for hours.

Had a good day today jet washing the mansion. Should all be finished tomorrow but it's a big job.

Thought through some stuff and particularly talking this job today. In order to be efficient and enjoy the work I really need a van. This way I can mount a pure water system in it with pumps (and backup pumps) and go from house to house simply open the door of the van, run the hose out on a reel, switch the water on, do the windows, wind it up and onto the next one.
That way I'll be as fast as possible while also not having to rush around because the equipment setup time is minimised as much as possible.

I've found the ultimate solution for high UV days: it's a visor but with UV film that blocks 99.9% so there's no way I'll burn from the sun reflecting off the windows or from spending hours looking up.

After today I'm going to keep building a window cleaning round but find ways to emphasise the bigger high ticket services that I can offer as well.

For the van I'm gonna need to move back home for a bit to bring it in my budget.

I'll also get an instant social life back with my old friends.

I can test the market and go hard trying different marketing avenues at home and if it works out well in that area I'll probably set myself up in Oxford.

I don't want to live at home for too long but I think it will be faster overall.
Check-in from yesterday and recapping the week:

-Most of the work on the mansion is done, just waiting for the rain to stop so I can finish up. Probably do this early on Monday.

This week:

-I can get enough leads to where I'm struggling to actually deliver the service
-Anyone can do a service business but it takes time to be able to do it well and efficiently

Improving my business:
After a frustrating day Wednesday I've put together a plan to improve every aspect of my business.
1. Service delivery.
I need a van to supply my own pure water and to keep all of my equipment for the different services I offer.


Gutter cleaning: I started with this one I and it's the easiest by far. This is because the equipment I have is overkill for most domestic jobs.

Jet washing: I can do small and medium sized properties quite effectively. A lot of people are put off by the price of this service but it's very labour intensive and requires petrol and chemicals which have to be costed in. I think more photos and videos to show the type of results I can get will help convince people that its worth it.
The mansion is the first job where I've been able to sell this service as an add on from windows, but a property this size really pushes the equipment to its limits.

Everyone is very pleased with the results but I need to find ways to make it more efficient: this involves cutting equipment setup times as low as possible, not having to use ladders, having the optimal brush and water flow rate to remove dirt.
1. Van mounted pure water system cuts setup as low as possible.
2. Water flow rate controlled through van mounted pump
3. Upgrade brush head

That will have me as efficient as possible.
To do:
The fastest way to do this is to move back in with my parents, get some work. Go canvassing after work to test the market in the area and supplement my income.
Try Google and Facebook ads in the area, get some video content. Use all my cards and leaflets as well as all local connections. Put flyers in public places. Free cleans for community buildings.
Build the van system.
Depending on wether I'm getting enough work in the area set up in Oxford or move back to Nottingham with a few months cash saved up.
Had a great workout for the first time in a couple weeks, felt very willing to push into the pain.

The mansion job:
My attempt to find a cheaper way of if refilling the resin failed big time as now water is leaking out of the top of the container instead of going through the hose.
Was really close to throwing it through the air but I think I can find a solution. 😆
Told the customer I wouldn't be able to do the windows but could finish everything else.
They're still very happy with the job.
I have to re-sand the front driveway tomorrow but that will only take 30 mins.

I'll make my first trip back tm and take some clothes and equipment down. Probably sign up to a recruiters and try to start some temp work next week.
That will let me buy a van end of jun/July and I'll go from there.

Been thinking more about the gutter cleaning and why it's so easy compared to the other services:
1. Ease of access using a vacuum
2. It's almost overpowered for domestic cleaning so it just rips stuff out really quickly.
3. There's no need for really detailed cleaning - it's about function rather than appearance

This will be the philosophy for the rest of my equipment.
The jet washer can be upgraded to a far more beastly machine.
The windows will be done with a van mounted system and my own water supply.
Gutter, fascia and soffit cleans can be done with a pressure washer and an extendable lance so I don't have to scrub away for ages.
Cleaning chemicals can be used in strong concentrations.
I can block out all the sun with a UV visor, long sleeves and a high collar.

Re-watched some window cleaning training vids and the guy emphasised that it takes time to get fast and to just focus on doing the job well at first.
I think without having to worry about running out of money I can put more time I to actually getting good at each service. It's not complicated work but there is still a massive aspect of experience for this type of work.
Move is almost done, here's my schedule/to do list for this & next week


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