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philippines bro
I mean, I don't know if you're really serious or not, but even if I'm not totally a fan of Filipinas (mainly because of a past toxic relationship), I think that the Philippines is still worth a shot for Ravi.

@MakingAComeback As far as I'm aware, you never tried the Philippines, did you? Have you considered taking a couple of weeks of vacation in the Philippines just to check how dating is going over there for you? It's a totally different marketplace and maybe/hopefully you can have better success than in Europe or America.

It's painful to read your struggle and see than even after all your goodwill and work put in, you don't get the results expected/deserved. Truly, I don't understand how you can't get anything going well with girls despite all your efforts. To be totally honest, even if maybe you had a vibe issue a couple of years ago when we first met in person, I still couldn't understand (even back then) why you couldn't get any quality girl, as you already had good looks, good pics, and dared to cold approach girls, again and again and again, even if most sets where unfruitful. While me, at this time, I wouldn't dare to make just one single approach because of my titanic AA.

Then you improved a lot, on all levels, and you got your own business going on, but you still don't get any success with girls!? To me it just doesn't make any sense, but then I understand that we're really different on many levels and not just about the looks. It's just that I think that you're already a high value man and that a lot of girls should be into you... I just don't understand why it's not the case...

I guess I'm still really clueless on some dating related stuff. Then, I know that there is the skin color/ethnicity question that can have a lot of influence on the dating experience of a man. I don't want to troll in this post, but it's funny to me that most girls in the West call themselves "liberal" or "progressist" but don't want to date certain ethnicities!? Let me have a big laugh, as I'm a big far right wing guy, and yet I'm not a racist and I don't judge people on their skin color, and I totally want to date girls from all ethnicities if they're attractive enough to me (still have no luck with black girls tho).

Anyways, the point of this post is just to express how confused I feel about your lack of success, and to encourage you to explore other SMPs to see if you can get a better experience elsewhere. I'm totally a Geopilled guy and I believe that location and logistics are absolute kings, in war like in dating.
I mean, I don't know if you're really serious or not, but even if I'm not totally a fan of Filipinas (mainly because of a past toxic relationship), I think that the Philippines is still worth a shot for Ravi.

@MakingAComeback As far as I'm aware, you never tried the Philippines, did you? Have you considered taking a couple of weeks of vacation in the Philippines just to check how dating is going over there for you? It's a totally different marketplace and maybe/hopefully you can have better success than in Europe or America.

It's painful to read your struggle and see than even after all your goodwill and work put in, you don't get the results expected/deserved. Truly, I don't understand how you can't get anything going well with girls despite all your efforts. To be totally honest, even if maybe you had a vibe issue a couple of years ago when we first met in person, I still couldn't understand (even back then) why you couldn't get any quality girl, as you already had good looks, good pics, and dared to cold approach girls, again and again and again, even if most sets where unfruitful. While me, at this time, I wouldn't dare to make just one single approach because of my titanic AA.

Then you improved a lot, on all levels, and you got your own business going on, but you still don't get any success with girls!? To me it just doesn't make any sense, but then I understand that we're really different on many levels and not just about the looks. It's just that I think that you're already a high value man and that a lot of girls should be into you... I just don't understand why it's not the case...

I guess I'm still really clueless on some dating related stuff. Then, I know that there is the skin color/ethnicity question that can have a lot of influence on the dating experience of a man. I don't want to troll in this post, but it's funny to me that most girls in the West call themselves "liberal" or "progressist" but don't want to date certain ethnicities!? Let me have a big laugh, as I'm a big far right wing guy, and yet I'm not a racist and I don't judge people on their skin color, and I totally want to date girls from all ethnicities if they're attractive enough to me (still have no luck with black girls tho).

Anyways, the point of this post is just to express how confused I feel about your lack of success, and to encourage you to explore other SMPs to see if you can get a better experience elsewhere. I'm totally a Geopilled guy and I believe that location and logistics are absolute kings, in war like in dating.

So bro, it's a nuanced one.

I've always struggled with online. Done several photoshoots but just didn't really get there. I don't have the most attractive face so it's not going to be easy online, in my opinion!

I've had 200+ dates, and have banged. But didn't find the relationship I am actually looking for.

Not even close.

I am at peace with my online outcomes. My product is just too niche for online and doesn't appeal to the female gaze. I get outcomes via law of large numbers. I have an archetype, that isn't desirable, and also a unattractive face. I've been unable to find a way to make it work online - tried a lot.

I don't feel any negative emotions about it, because it's not me - it's just low SMV.

Day game, gives guys like me a punchers chance. I've been able to exchange with quality chicks who were open to giving me a shot in the past. And it will happen again.

I would say, I am not struggling in my dating life anymore.

Because I have let go of it and have banged enough and been seasoned enough in this arena, by doing the work, and accepting a lot.

I just don't have the same naive illusions I once did. This is kinda the reality of low SMV. You do the work, and do what you can. Best hope to compensate, is Game.

Strategically re-aligning, giving up with online dating (what purpose does it serve now, bang more 5s?), and moving my life to be able to just work on approaching for 2 years or so.

I have to figure it out.

I guess I'm still really clueless on some dating related stuff. Then, I know that there is the skin color/ethnicity question that can have a lot of influence on the dating experience of a man. I don't want to troll in this post, but it's funny to me that most girls in the West call themselves "liberal" or "progressist" but don't want to date certain ethnicities!? Let me have a big laugh, as I'm a big far right wing guy, and yet I'm not a racist and I don't judge people on their skin color, and I totally want to date girls from all ethnicities if they're attractive enough to me (still have no luck with black girls tho).

Yeah man it's such a joke. Like my worst performing market is with brown girls!

SMV is a scale and you can as an individual, overcome if if you're a VERY ATTRACTIVE minority, so there's handsome browns like my brother who are Italian passing and hence do well.

And there's true currycel Brown-Browns like your boy, I've tried a lot of different styles and self-improvement but you just get lumped in psychologically as a low value Indian person lol.

Truth is, women just aren't able to open their mind to see a brown dude as an attractive option, so you need to use Game to slap them and show them, I have substance, I have good qualities, and you can use this to stimulate her emotions in the moment and make something happen.

That's about all you can do!

I approach daily, with white guys, Asian guys.

They get insane levels of reception and frame.

And you have me, absolutely battling to get something out of these chicks. With ZERO initial frame, but I am able to create a little bit of attraction, which lets me do something.

All of this is to say, yes, it's ridiculous that women want to talk about being liberal and open minded, but in the actual real world, they are purely hypergamous and just looking to bag themselves a top draw dude, and her perception of this is 95% social conditioning I would say.

That's why white guys, black guys, can be absolute bums in life and losers, and still SLAY.

See it literally every day.

This is how it works, and when people don't tell you the truth, and tell you to just be yourself and be authentic and real, you're done and dusted as a low SMV dude.

What those other men don't realise, is that their basic Just Exist ass, is able to just get a pass due to halo effect. Dudes like myself have a negative halo and need to just get used to having to battle and fight.

I was questioning all of this during my healing stage in Mexico, and thought maybe if I heal more, I'll have frame and dating will improve.


You literally have to hustle game if you're low SMV

So back to the streets for my brown ass ;-)

Friday 06/09/2024

Day Game:

1. Was super weird about giving her name, was telling me she's notinterested in talking, weird set.
2. She chatted a little, butreally confused me with some things she was saying which were not relevant to the convo
3. Chatted but was walking super fast andrefused to stop or slow down~
4. Blowout
5. Total lack ofpresence and sexuality, like talking to stone
6. This woman was atotal piece of crap. She pretended to chat and play along but then began fucking with me, talking over me, and then flipped outentirely. Complete psycho.
7. Stopped a little, but barelyinterested or conscious, barely processing what I said, then just walked on
8. Exact same thing as above, barely conscious orlistening, just looking through me while kinda following the convo
9.Said she's in a rush and powered on
10. Stopped kinda but notlistening, paying any attention, focused on getting away, and not taking in anything being said. Like talking to stone.


What Idid well: They're stopping.
What I could do better: There is absolutely nothing happening in any of these sets. There is literally zero interest or receptivity for one. I am not new to getting zeroframe (I basically never do). But the frustrating thing is, you're like talking to ghosts, there is nothing there and it just ebbs into nothing within about 10-15 seconds.
What I will improve next time: Tonality and reducing hand gestures.
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I approach daily, with white guys, Asian guys.

They get insane levels of reception and frame.

And you have me, absolutely battling to get something out of these chicks. With ZERO initial frame, but I am able to create a little bit of attraction, which lets me do something.

All of this is to say, yes, it's ridiculous that women want to talk about being liberal and open minded, but in the actual real world, they are purely hypergamous and just looking to bag themselves a top draw dude, and her perception of this is 95% social conditioning I would say.
Yeah, that's absolutely crazy. Before meeting you, I've never thought that being Indian would be such a big drawback dating wise. Girls are really harsh with their selection and preferences... Even though I enjoy the irony that I'm actually more open minded than those libtard girls who think they're morally superior to me with all their bullshit virtue signaling...

Anyways, you still avoided my main question which was why you're not considering trying to date in the Philippines, or any other SMP you haven't tried yet?

You always talk about being too niche for the marketplaces you tried so far, so why not explore further? It shouldn’t be a problem for you as you’re location independent. Or did I miss something?
Day Game:

Best session yet.

Shadowed Carl's session with Dante. His inner game work, directly supported his DG. He had a massive breakthrough.

Did my own Dante coaching session. He was happy with everything, good stops, very strong, sets were man to woman.

Two women, gave me HUGE fucking levels of frame. An Asian girl, who was freakin stunning (8) and a black chick who was also super hot (8).

The black chick, I instadated, took by the hands, and just walked her to a coffee shop.

We did a date, but she cucked me, and bounced after giving a fake number.

Standard procedure. Gotta work on the learnings. Will write FR. Gotta go to bed now after 8hrs of fuckin day game.

My market and reception with blacks and Asians, is pretty fuckin decent in NYC. MIND BLOWN.

My market with browns, is literally non existent, my sisters literally do not give me the light of day. Market with whites and latinas also in absolute death but that always been the case.

Def. gonna lean into approaching a lot more Asians and blacks.

She was absolutely insane and clearly screwed in the head

To give you an indicator, this was her texting the past few days, and she invited me over last night

View attachment 802
That chain of messages is actually crazy as fuck. I just can't get my head around how insane some individuals are and I don't mean that in an insulting way. It's really cool but it's cool in the same way as a lion in a zoo behind a 4-inch glass wall and not in nature where it's gonna fucking maul you to death.​
That chain of messages is actually crazy as fuck. I just can't get my head around how insane some individuals are and I don't mean that in an insulting way. It's really cool but it's cool in the same way as a lion in a zoo behind a 4-inch glass wall and not in nature where it's gonna fucking maul you to death.​
Dude it was fucked up man

She got my number off feeld and was sending me texts like that and videos of her masturbating all god damn day

She then began calling me demanding to come over and fuck

This chick had mental illness, nymphomania, and no self awareness

The sex itself was OK. I banged her for 2 hours and destroyed her.

Within literally 15 seconds of finishing she was 15/10 horny again and began demanding ‘I need to bounce on your cock again it feels so good’ and basically threw a temper tantrum

I was disturbed but I fortunately understand frame control so was able to get her under control

A year or two ago I probably would have caved and basically been raped lol

Banged until 230 tried to get some sleep and the nut case woke me up at 4am by sucking my dick and begging to be fucked again next thing she’s riding me

I felt weird and slight regret…..

I fortunately had my alarm set early as fuck and left claiming I have to go to a business meeting. Which I do often have on weekends with my biz partner.

Got that subway back to Manhattan and crashed at carls. And should be going out to day game with pancake later.

Fucking weird experience.

Hopefully my next close is more normal lol
Was good to see @pancakemouse yesterday after a year!

Did some sets but was super tired and bit stressed from the nympho chick basically trying to rape my brown ass

Got two numbers, one is responding. One was an Asian gal, the other Mexican/Brown.
Many thanks to one of our members for letting me know my calendy link wasn't working.

If you want to book a free consult with me, to see if we'd be a good fitment to work together on my Accountability & High Performance program for business goals, life & romantic, and other areas of focus and commitment, the link on my website (see sig) should be working now.

Started a forum thread where I will be releasing all of my notes from my mentoring sessions under Dante.

The most elite, respected, proven masculinity coach in the world. Underground and exclusive, invite only.

He is OK with me sharing on the forum.

Tue 10/09/2024

(1) Business:

-Block 1: Coaching Delivery + Adding Value
-Block 2: Selfless Service
-Block 3: Content
-Block 4: Biz Dev
-Sales Calls: Inbound enquiries for IronWill

(2) Health:

-Diet: Get good level of kcals/macros. Realistically, this month is manic, and I'll just tick over body-wise.
-Gym: Chest & Biceps + KoT

(3) Mindset:
-Day Game: Approach, work on presence, creating vibe.
-Online Dating: Hinge, Tinder, Bumble, Feeld. Set aside some time to swipe.
-Reflection Work: Field report / Reflecting / Message any leads


Feel good.

Been exploring some peptides, as part of some knowledge I've been getting from a great biohacker I met out here. Might be a possible bizpartnership I explore later down the line. Gonna help him out withbrand building, and if he sticks with it and grows an audience, there may be some joint ventures there.

Thing is, there's an opportunity for growth, everywhere. If you live this lifestyle, you make opportunity. A client is created from a conversation here, a partnership opportunity dropped down from the heavens because you met this person there. You catch yourself thinking, it's as if it was all meant to be.

Nothing in my journey, has come easy.

But, the more focused you are, and the more you stick with it........

The brighter horizons and vistas you have available to you.

No matter your starting point, your SMV, your level of intelligence and ability - if you want to live a satisfying, happy, productive and successful life, where there's a will, there's a way. Period.

Day Game: 10/09/2024

1 – Tall, pretty Asian girl with jacked quads. Stopped, chatted. Didn't hook. Tried to stim – nada. Was a one way convo. Didn't call it out. Set had no real vibe, despite efforts. Exchanged. Fake number.

Thoughts: Should have called out the one way feel of the convo, if they're not wanting to have a convo, and just want to soak in validation, they should just leave and not waste both of our time. The deeper issue is, sets can feel dull and quite dry. Lacking presence.

2 – Another tall Asian girl. She wouldn't stop, but we kept moving, chatting side by side. I didn't like her – bit of a dullard. Ejected.

Thoughts: Clearly, you've got to be way, way, way stronger on the open than anywhere else. You don't really break their reality, they just steam roll through you. Lesson learned & re-learned here, just about every day.

3 – As I was going to approach her, she got her phone and began looking around as if she was looking for someone, which threw me off. Should have remained focused and made something happen, but was thrown off.

4 - She was initially confused, but then gave me a lot of frame. She looked good from afar, but closer, I would say she was a bit too old for me. 40s. Decent looking black chick though. Just outside my age range. She exchanged, but I won't text.

5 – Heard my opener, and then blew me out harshly. Strong objection. Probably way outside her market.

6 – Chick was nice but, again, not my type really. No intent, because I wasn't attracted. Let her go.


Not the best volume wise.

We thought gaining muscle would help – raising SMV and all that.

Well, not quite. The verdict is back. The year pushing in the gym, did not make the blindest bit of difference. As suspected.

The good news – I'll sever the cord where it is, and not invest any more into pursuing looksmaxxing. This didn't work – and I'm not entirely sure why. Are my facial features and structure beyond the pale? I don't know – you'd have to tell me.

I wonder why things got so much worse here this year for my product specifically?

My housemate, Carl, who is white-passing, is swimming in matches. I wonder what is the major issue women see with men who look like me?

I'm glad I got the lays I did using the apps, while I could still get something online. The remainder of my own personal journey, is more about creating the version of me, who I want to bring to the world.


I'll sever the cord where it is, and not invest any more into pursuing looksmaxxing. This didn't work – and I'm not entirely sure why. Are my facial features and structure beyond the pale? I don't know – you'd have to tell me.
I think looksmaxxing works.
Same as game works.
Same as status works etc.

But the question is at what point it REALLY starts to work.

Even if you made progress (I think you mentioned somewhere 180lbs -> 210lbs). Props.
The thing that matters is if others can see the progress.

Do you look like you lift in the shirt? Are you legit jacked in it?
If not, then it is obvious why it hasn't yielded much results yet.
Maybe you just need to expand the timeline.

To compare this is you from the 9th of July and some Indian actor with a pretty good physique.
I think naturally achievable one. (But fckin actors always need to take some peds lol)
Screenshot from 2024-09-11 17-21-38.pngScreenshot from 2024-09-11 17-22-26.png
If your surroundings don’t acknowledge it, it doesn’t matter.

Putting lean size on your frame will take a shit ton of time.
More so if you want it to be noticeable and in the "jacked" category.

To be honest, in my eyes I look like a total DYEL in the wrong shirt.
And that is okay.

Time will show.


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We thought gaining muscle would help – raising SMV and all that.
I didn't.

But you look worse than a year ago because you're higher bodyfat.

It's all about being lean, which reveals and defines the face.

In any case, all of this is immaterial because right now you're just a tall stack of lego bricks with no vibe, and girls that sense that.

New York City is the hardest mode. All of us here have had hard days. You can't take to the forum and all your chats and write times of sadness every time you have a tough day, otherwise it's annoying and just "crying wolf". Just do whatever you need to do to let off steam and go back out tomorrow.

Yesterday, took some time to reflect. Long convo with Carl. We've been on this journey together for 3 years, which means we understand each other a lot.

He's overcome a lot of his inner sticking points over the 3 years, which to me, is just impressive as hell. The shitty beliefs he had about himself, just went away. He proved them wrong, and poof - gone.

I still have a bunch which are quite sticky, but I'm hopeful. It's gotta be done.

So, all that aside - this week's been stressful as fuck. After a shitty year on the apps in Mexico, I chalked that one down to just being a poor product:market fit. Getting to the states, and doing exactly ten times worse, I think you'd forgive me for being thrown for a loop. Especially considering, last year, I could get something.

Day game, is where my focus is going to have to go moving on, because it's where I'll be able to fix certain issues that are problems for me at this point. It's tough in NYC for most.

I think, I'm just going to learn some new mindsets and beliefs this month.

Find different ways of looking at the journey.

It's definitely a confusing patch.

Anyway - a lot of work on today. Just checking in. Meetings & calls all day.

I think naturally achievab

I think naturally achievable one
brother, that's not achievable naturally. He will never ever be like that natural. If Mac believes that he will waste precious years just to find out it was never achievable. Actors take peds because you can't be like that natural if you're tall and in your 30's
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