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Thrice log. A killer ig page would help right now

Had an amazing coaching session with Mac, and we talked about my biggest sticking point and the need for a plan moving forward.
I also need material things like a car and furniture for my apartment to be able to invite girls and friends.
I feel I have 2 big obstacles now:

1) Money. To buy a car and furniture for my apartment I'm working the cleaning job during the day and pizza delivery at night. Even with these two jobs my income is not that high and it will take a lot. The car is essential for social circle game. Guys and even girls ask me for a ride not knowing I use the cleaning job's van to come to the club.

The need for two jobs creates another problem, the people I meet on weekends meet during the week in the evening and I can't join them. Plenty of girls I would like to fuck go to the same bar in the evening from Monday to Thursday. If I could go there every day and become a regular it would be different instead of meeting them on weekends only.

2) my Instagram sucks. I'm meeting new people and only sharing my ig with guys. i don't like to give my ig to girls because I look too autistic there. They see me in the tekno club like this cool alpha guy and would cringe if they saw my autistic expression on ig.

Honestly I don't like the examples on this site, all those guys look cringe because it's very clear they are posing and instead of looking at the camera they look at the horizon. I don't see this cringe pictures working for my ig to get the club's baddest girls

my idea is high quality cool but still natural pictures like this where I'm looking at the camera and not staring at the horizon

I want to come off as a cool guy who doesn't have many followers just because is not much into it. Also, who were the guys saying that if a girl don't give you watsap is a timewaster? I don't believe is true. I've had girls saying you're handsome but I want to make sure you're not a psycho. This girl stared at me all night and was interested.

I think it is crucial to keep in touch and create comfort so to be able to move things forward the following weekend. Thats what girls are doing, they trust me more and talk to me more every weekend.

I feel many things at once. i have doubts about what I'm doing and my future. Knowing very well that I don't like the normies life and don't want a girlfriend. I also feel pressure, this is a small city of 200k people. I think girls have groups or something where they talked about me because I was stalking all the attractive girls with fake profiles so now they're creeped out.

I know that for sure because sometimes I see like 3 or 4 girls and their faces change when they see me. I'm sure they have facebook or watsap groups where they share stuff like this.

I like the fact that I'm slowly turning into an absolute alpha chad. In fact I could be one already. Last Sunday a 50yo teacher from tinder sucked my dick on a bench at the park, I told her to swallow and she did. Surreal.

I like the fact that I'm out there trying different things, the fact that I was stalking girls with fake profile is part of my history. I feel it's an incredibly complex history that no woman or girl will ever understand. Thats why not only i don't give a fuck about the way they look but i also approach their friends.

I think it's very that 2 things are going to happen:

1) I'm going to fuck one of the friends of the girls that shared the info about me being a stalker.
2) I'm going to fuck one of the girls that are part of the group that shared the info about me being a stalker

It would be just surreal. The most amazing from incel to chad story. And I'm not making shit up. One of the girls that often flirts with me Saturday night is part of that group that shared the info. I know this for sure because she was scared the first day and started flirting the following weekends. She knows my past and still flirts. Her friend, who doesn't know my past still flirts. Fucked up. I'm happy i went from lonely sexless depressed to surreal life where things are happening.

I'm still human though, knowing that about 10 girls or more talked about me in a group and shared info about me in a group and shared info about me using fake profile puts a certain stress on me.
I like to remind myself how unimportant woman are to relief that pressure. I like to remind myself that when i was fat they treated like absolute garbage and never saw me as a threat because i looked unattractive in a chubby way. Now they're "scared" but still want to fuck. Just like the Lithuanian girl.

This phase is part of my transformation, let's remind myself that it all started a few month ago after years of nothing but isolation and pain. I visit some forums daily and most guys don't have the luxury to have my looks while i have 19yo flirting and giving me compliments at 36. letting a few girls stop me would be a shame.

I feel I'm at a turning point. And by turning point i mean fucking a very to girl.

I went from skinnyfat pear shaped incel to "getting my dick sucked at the park is nothing special i need a hot 20yo" and that's a good sign

I just wish i already had a car and furniture for my apartment and a killer ig page


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God damn this is just crazy lol.

Power of serious looksmaxxing.

Some thoughts.........

I do maintain, that the wider mission of your journey, should be about building a life, and allowing your energy to be balanced across more domains of life.

The central focus of improving your dating life, is one that can bring some negative downstream effects.

I'm seeing it in you, and I went through the same thing. You got your dick sucked recently on a park bench of all things (LOL) and waved it off like it's nothing.

We can be prone to doing this, when we've got very unhelpful thinking and beliefs. You can even bang gorgeous women, and if your underlying thinking is distorted, you'll still complain endlessly that nothing is working, things are fucked, etc.

This, I learned, we as humans tend to do when we are operating from a place of deficit, and have beliefs about not being enough, having to redeem ourselves, and things like that.

It's hard to be happy with anything when this is the psychological platform you operate from.

Realise that a more "normal" guy would have had that chick swallow him on the bench and he would be really feeling himself, like he's won, and his stresses and fears in life would be abated. The guys with more logical, normal thinking, actually let go of their baggage and they move on.

The more hardcase you are, the harder it is to be happy with any results. Ever.

Went from virgin incel when I started to banging 30 odd chicks, some of the sex was legit insane, and some of them were even quite attractive girls.

Yet, it was just never enough to prove to myself that I have made it.

Because I had the same thinking and beliefs. And still have to work on it.

Just flagging this.

You'll get the best outcomes, when you're about building A LIFE

With friends, community, good finances, good health and relationships.

Because when we just push all the time from this place of "fixing our dating life", subconsciously, we turn women into our idol, and when we play that game, no one wins.

You'll get the best outcomes, when you're about building A LIFE
True, that's why i deleted tinder and started focusing on social circle game which literally forces you to go out and make friends. I don't consider the new friends i made since starting this journey a tool to get woman. I consider them my new real friends, it's the girls that don't count much actually and can come and go.

With some of them, I started boxing, I started playing guitar with another group of friends that are into music. If I only bang one chick the social circle game worked but considering the guy friends I've made I already considered it a success.

Social circle game is successful when you make friends, women are just an addition and they can fuck off after sex if they dont want to stick around

I'm on a weird journey, literally killing the beta. It's so weird going from beta to alpha and having all the girls I stalked when I was incel freak out when they see me at the club. It's not always easy but I embrace this uncomfortable feeling as part of my hero's journey.

I remember when I was a dancing monkey for women, not able to hold eye contact—doing all beta shit like trying to please them or make them "laugh".
Now my balls are big enough to creep them out while getting them wet at the same time lol

when I start caring too much I just read your log man, your posts make me remember how brutal women can be when they don't consider you attractive.

I stop caring and being self conscious when I remember how they used to treat me and how they're treating you just because they're socially conditioned to see certain ethnicities low-value.

but we win in the end, we will still be here in 10 years time while they expire at 25 lol
when I start caring too much I just read your log man, your posts make me remember how brutal women can be when they don't consider you attractive.

I stop caring and being self conscious when I remember how they used to treat me and how they're treating you just because they're socially conditioned to see certain ethnicities low-value.

Gamed with Pancake yesterday, he said I improved, said my Game has the fundamentals down, the conversations I am having in set are good, I just need more presence, and to create sparks and stimulate way more. This, is a sticking point, and nailing it, will help me.

You see how much shit I have to do to get basic levels of attraction? LMAO

This is liberation bro because you stop being naive, stop "just being yourself", stop thinking in terms of flaws notions that never work for low SMV, and start learning how to change yourself to win.

I can tell you more now I'm back dating and approaching. For most women, my own product is basically invisible and they can't see value in it unfortunately. You can feel it once you've done this a while, you approach and you know when it's a hard, hard no and the girl is way outside your market. That happened a lot to me in my journey to where I am just more careful about who I approach, and consider their vibe, energy, overall look. There's some women who give me a chance, and just that few seconds where she is genuinely curious, is enough for me to get in and make something work.

Through unconscious pattern recognition, you know your market, and who will give you a shot. For me, the pool is so small, it's insane. I don't have a market, or type of girl who goes for me at all, but there are a small subset of women who, if I approach with strength and confidence, are curious enough to listen....which is enough to make it work.

Truth telling is important to me. The blind spots of the people I learned from, frustrated me a tonne. That is what happens when you listen to higher SMV dudes. They don't know half of this shit, unfortunately, but they know a lot of other good stuff we do need tbh.

As for you, your looks, are actually a DHV, you've got a Chad face, so your physical looks are adding tonnes of value and giving your ass frame, receptivity, and mean you only need basic basic ass levels of Game and social skills/calibrations.

As you have seen for me, my looks are a DLV and they actually kill attraction, but I can use other tools to create some small level of attraction and get her to pause for a moment and think, wait a minute....yeah he's an Indian dude and I'm not into that, but this fucker is confident, cool, and he is kinda turning me on right now.

Best for us all to just accept how it works so we don't put too much importance on women. It's just one small part of life, they come and go. Key for us at WW IMO is to get guys out of pain in dating and into building a real, successful life.

SMV is always gonna be king, some guys unfortunately have a look that is beyond the f*king pale for the sexual market place. However, it can be overcome if you are able to use Game to stimulate, spark emotions, and really slap the shit out of her with your vibe and presence, so she can look past your looks temporarily and see substance in you. Your case is interesting because you have now seen both sides.

End of the day, the truth of how it all works. It's possible to win but it's this level of consistent grinding that has to be done for years just improving your Game, personality, and ability to seduce.
Today decided to go to bed and rest, will go to the club tomorrow. I would like to be able to say that i took this choice just because I'm tired but the truth is that every friday there's the usual group of girls who made a group about me as a stalker and as much as I didn't are till now today i feel a bit of shame and psychological pressure

I truly don't give a fuck about them i approached some of them and gave hints about the fact that i know that group exist and i don't give a fuck

I also approached and got the number of one them, i approached and she run at first so i told her to fuck off. We met later when the club was closing smoke a joint together and exchanged watsap

I also approached another one and she was very into me

Giga chad type of shit. Imagine if i fuck one of them, at least two of them are into me even if they think I'm a creep, it shows how much looks matter. This bitches gave me their number even if are part of a group about me

I will use them to find out who's the first girl who find out who i am and created the group. If i fuck one of them I'm sure they will tell me. If you fuck them good they will do everything for you

I'm still human though and i want to rest tonight because having 20 girls that give you mean looks creates some uneasyness.

The question is... How were they treating me when i was fat? They were treating me like shit for no reason, just because i exist. Now I'm the creep that gets laid.

Don't be smooth chris said, be a creep and get laid. I might be taking this fucking article too far though

Fuck it, i will rest tonight and embrace the pain, embrace beign uncomfortable, embrace everything, embrace my past.

This was 10 years in the making, yes i stalked girls with fake profiles as an incel. I will literally tell her this if one of them ask and I'm sure if they are into my looks they will still fuck

I was so stupid for creating a fake profile with no pictures but with my real facebook name but again. Fuck them. I was beign treated like shit just because i was unattractive.

The 50 yo teacher wants to try anal. Will see. I need to make more money if i want things to work.
I need to get a fullsleeve, new pictures, car, furniture. I've had some interested girls and didn't know what to do with them because i don't have anything, i don't have a life.

But it's fine, i just started building, I'm 36 and my peers are married with kids and mortgage + unattractive old post wall wife.

I'm having fun doing what i like and this is a gift. When i feel too much pressure i try to remeber that I'm very different. Took a different path. So embrace what comes with it. Hopefully the good will be more than the bad
There will be a time when you no longer hold into the old incel identity, and you let go of the shame.

Logically, you know you've won.

What else is there to prove?

You looksmaxxed, became a Chad, and now are in Just Exist mode.

And they give you frame, receptivity, and forgive all sins.

By all metrics, you proved your ideas correct.

Surely, this part of your journey is about peace, and properly confronting the past. Getting deep inside of yourself and dealing with it. Breaking it down. Until you are able to move on
