Wed 18/09/2024
(1) Business:
-Block 1: Coaching
-Block 2: Content
-Block 3: Biz Dev
-Block 4: Selfless Service
-Admin: Project
(2) Body:
-Gym: Legs & KoT
(3) Mindset:
-Possible date tomorrow: An online date, maybe.
(1) Business:
-Block 1: Coaching [Done]
-Block 2: Content [Done - YouTube Video, posted across all socials]
-Block 3: Biz Dev [Fail]
-Block 4: Selfless Service [Done, did work on the partnership project instead]
-Admin: Project [Done]
(2) Body:
-Gym: Legs & KoT [Done, but went to the gym at 4, and it was so busy I couldn't lift - just did KoT. Will try again tomorrow, and go earlier)
(3) Mindset:
-Possible date tomorrow: An online date, maybe [Done, nice date, made out, agreed to 2nd date, let's see what happens]
Date Report:
28. Lived in NYC for 4 years. Goes on a lot of dates, experiments. Very confident, SMD chick. But, Brooklyn girl. Fun, slightly vibey, but has a hardness to her. Not chill, driven professional. Career woman. Not my archetype, despite being a Brooklyn chick. 5ft8, perfect height for me.
She actually had a mild facial deformity. But, I looked past it, on the basis of her text game (lol) and I still found her attractive, due to her being tall, having a nice body, and a nice style. The deformity, is noticeable, but you stop noticing it fairly fast once you're over it.
She was far. Would take an hour to commute to Carl's place. We agreed to meet closer, so in Brooklyn. Which is 2 stops for me on the subway.
We meet in Brooklyn, at a bar she knew. Which was quite a vibe.
I was a bit concerned about my frame, with her deciding the logistics, but it was alright.
She was confident and naturally tried to lead. After the tune-up date yesterday, no way was I going to get cucked to fuck again.
After spending 30 bucks on drinks for a lame date yesterday, I decided not to drink at all today.
She told me, go pick a drink for me. I said, I'm just going to drink water today. Yesterday was my first alcoholic drink for over a year, and it sucked. Won't bother again.
She said, fine, I'll go get myself a drink. She returned with a cocktail, and a water for me, and said I'd be welcome to try some.
She was a far better communicator than the gal was yesterday, and I enjoyed it.
The convo, is getting into interviewer mode slightly. She is smashing me with questions, but she seems genuinely curious.
She wants to know what I do, and I always find it hard to explain IronWill to women I'm dating, as I don't like to enter logical work conversation mode. It also often kills my frame as my company, with is an Accountability & Performance company, isn't often sexy to chicks - ask me how I know, lol. It's cucked many a data for me....
She tried slapping me by telling me it sounded like a load of bullshit, and she has no idea what I do, and then I just slapped her back, firmly, by telling her I didn't realise I was in a job interview. She said if I can't pitch to her, I can't pitch to anyone, and I told her, I don't need to pitch, I find the right people who I'd love to work with, and they align with me.
I then told her, let's not do the job interview right now, and deep dive into my business operations, let's talk about something else. She was testing me and being an annoying, pain in the ass NYC SMD, and needed a good slap. I am prepared to walk away from women when they're being rude and disrespectul, which is crucial....
She felt some strength, and couldn't get me to fold. She asked me what I'd prefer to talk about, and I said, about her. I want to know more about her as a person.
I kept probing deep, into her life, growing up, and connecting with her more.
I then told her about my past, with being an anxious wreck, and then she began to open up a lot more and be interested in me as a person.
She was totally enjoying physical touch, and we sat right close to each other. I had my arm around her, pulling her in, stroking her arm, running my fingers through her hair, that kinda thing.
We connected a lot more about music. She had an interesting taste in music, and we shared interests in many different artists. She also liked Elliott Smith, who is one of my favourites - a dude so sad and depressed, and who wanted to die so badly, he stabbed himself twice in the heart. Or so they say. The jury is out on whether it was a murder or a suicide. For me, something doesn't quite add up. RIP Elliott.
She did have some characteristics I liked. I like this kind of woman - alternative, Brooklyn kind of hipster chick. My crowd in University was mostly hipster type London people and we'd go see Tame Impala and go to raves to take MDMA and listen to Underworld - Born Slippy at pre-parties at absurd volumes, as Erasmas students on foreign exchange would flood our apartment in their dozens, and I was too mentalcel incel to ever get laid.
My God how far I've come sat writing this report as a business owner staying in Manhattan.
So, the date.
We connect more over music, and I tell her she should listen to some music together sometime. She agrees. We kiss a bit.
Vibe is getting quite sexual.
Give her a palm reading, and enjoy feeling her feminine hands. She has long, elegant pianist fingers, and I take some time to admire them, and we interlink fingers for a bit which was quite bonding.
One of my core litmus tests for testing how sexual a girl would be with me - I ask her if she's ever had a tantric massage. If she says no, I say I'll give you one sometime. If she's apprehensive or dismissive, she needs either way more comfort, or doesn't like me. This girl, was open, and she said I'd have to give her one sometime. These are very sensual and intimate massages which I enjoy and I used to give to girls when I lived in London.
I take her close, and start whispering in her ear, about my dominant side, and how I'd like to explore every inch of her.
She has opened up a lot now, I began to connect and get past her barriers, she went from tough, career woman, to becoming a way sweeter, more chill, pleasant girl.
She began to probe my location, and where I stay. I told her I'm 2 stops way, and I'll show her my place. She was giggly and said she couldn't come tonight as she has work the next day. But I kept whispering in her ear, telling she is so mean to me, and that we'd have fun.
She said, we'll see each other again, and she'll be free, so I need to text her.
Date ends shortly after that, but she expresses she would be open to see me again.
Maybe, maybe not. It's New York. You never know. Most, just ghost.........
Anyway, we head out, we hug and make out briefly, and then I leave.
I texted her at the end saying get home safe, I had fun, which she hearted.
Back to the streets, hustling tomorrow.
Today, was a good day.
Work, was very productive. Sat down and focused for many hours. The NAD+ supplement Uncle Kai has me and Carl on, has been hitting.