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The girl tomorrow, I hope I like better as a person.

And hold on - one more thing.

You barely found out shit about this girl.

You have no right to judge her likeability when you didn't actually find anything out about her.

Here's something I know about her based on your writing:

She's scared and insecure and wants to be with a guy who can protect her and her feelings. That requires a mentally strong guy. She filters for mentally strong guys by refusing to open up until the guy calls her out and guides her through the process. She donated you an entire hour of her time in the hopes that you were that guy. You were not, so she didn't open up, and didn't show you who she ACTUALLY is as a person.

All you know is surface level shit about her, and that her preferred defense mechanism against being with a weak guy is the "adhd" strat of slipping out of substantive conversation until she gets directly confronted about it. That's barely anything. You have no idea if she's actually a good person or what her deep values are deep down.

Stop assuming you don't like a girl just because you're too weak to crack her.


Predicted objection: she'd open up way easier for a more good looking probably white guy.

Yep! That's totally correct.

In her world, guys have more power if they're better looking, or more white. Society gives them that power. She can only feel safe to expose her true self around a powerful guy. You aren't good looking or white, so she went on a date with you because maybe you have what the good looking white oofy doofs don't have - mental strength. You failed to demonstrate it so she passed. But don't think that she's she's a bad person for not opening up her true self around you, when she hasn't seen you demonstrate the mental strength necessary to make her feel protected.
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And hold on - one more thing.

You barely found out shit about this girl.

You have no right to judge her likeability when you didn't actually find anything out about her.

Here's something I know about her based on your writing:

She's scared and insecure and wants to be with a guy who can protect her and her feelings. That requires a mentally strong guy. She filters for mentally strong guys by refusing to open up until the guy calls her out and guides her through the process. She donated you an entire hour of her time in the hopes that you were that guy. You were not, so she didn't open up, and didn't show you who she ACTUALLY is as a person.

All you know is surface level shit about her, and that her preferred defense mechanism against being with a weak guy is the "adhd" strat of slipping out of substantive conversation until she gets directly confronted about it. That's barely anything. You have no idea if she's actually a good person or what her deep values are deep down.

Stop assuming you don't like a girl just because you're too weak to crack her.


Predicted objection: she'd open up way easier for a more good looking probably white guy.

Yep! That's totally correct.

In her world, guys have more power if they're better looking, or more white. Society gives them that power. She can only feel safe to expose her true self around a powerful guy. You aren't good looking or white, so she went on a date with you because maybe you have what the good looking white oofy doofs don't have - mental strength. You failed to demonstrate it so she passed. But don't think that she's she's a bad person for not opening up her true self around you, when she hasn't seen you demonstrate the mental strength necessary to make her feel protected.
I find this mentality quite repellent

Dating is also about compatability

Not everyone wants to ‘crack’ people they do not like

It wasn’t a good fitment. I found out plenty about her. And it was a dull evening.

It was exhausting just sitting with her, let alone trying to pry into her being

Your thoughts on mental strength are you projecting massively imo.

Seeing the guys these girls date, they’re hardly the paragon of mental strength…..

I’m not particularly bothered about a boring date, and think the correct action was the one taken….leave and try someone else.
Game is about being authentic and assertive.

When a girl does something you don't like, and you keep it in your head instead of communicating it to her, you are on the passive side of passive-aggressive. The more you passively build up resentment, the more it later comes out as the uncalibrated aggressive side of passive-aggression, usually long after the fact and emanating in a million subtle ways, like:

- holding tension in your body around women
- complaining about women when they're not around
- being overly paranoid and distrustful when you do start to get closer to women
- directing this pain into yourself through self sabotage

The nice thing about field reports is you can read the complaints you make about the girl, and simply actually directly say those complaints to the next girl that does the same shit.

After all, if you're walking away anyway, why not state your ultimatum of all the behaviour you don't like in her, before walking away?

(And if you're ready to state ultimatums before walking away, why not bring up those objections even sooner in the process? And so on until you're properly balanced in being assertive at the right time and in the right context and in a gentle, firm, light heated manner.)

But for now let's start with the whole, be honest with the girl right before you walk away stuff.

So let's take this report as an example:

Did you tell her that you felt like the conversation was going nowhere and you were failing to build a connection and intimacy because she kept distracting you and shutting her off?

Did you tell her that she was sending mixed signals by being open to physical touch but not opening up as a person?

Did you call her out on being weirdly asexual in her energy?

Did you call her out on not really paying attention to you and going along with good vibes?

Did you call her out on being slippery and evasive?


Obviously none of this is an immediate "I win" cheat code. Your results are barely going to improve, if at all, when you start the process of ACTUALLY being assertive by ACTUALLY communicating your needs and how the girl is failing to meet them. But it's the obvious and natural first step to being more assertive and opens up a lot more space in the conversation to figure out her blockers and get her to bring up objections for you to work around. It's the path you HAVE to take.

All of this game stuff really just tries to point you into looking at your own needs and most effectively communicating them to the girl.

That's an INTERNAL process.

That's not a "listen to someone else's instructions and execute them" process where for example you hear that you have to "make the conversation sexual" so you execute "making the conversation sexual" in a detached way.

That's a process where YOU YOURSELF DIRECTLY KNOW AND FEEL this stuff, that for example you want to open the girl's sexual energy up, that this is who you ARE as a person, and that this is a gift to women, and that if they're rejecting this gift, it's a win for both of you to be firm in calling her out and exploring why she's rejecting it.


Going deeper though, I'm pretty sure some part of you is repulsed by these suggestions, especially since I remember you tried working on this stuff a year ago and went nowhere. You've done a bajillion approaches and gone on a zillion dates of which like 90% you yourself claim go nowhere.

Why after all this time is it so difficult for you to be assertive to women who you claim are obviously not interested in you?

I'm saying this to point at something meaningful inside yourself. You're denying yourself permission to actually state YOUR OWN needs, based on what YOU want, instead of submitting to other peoples' rules of politeness and "not hurting girls feelings" (which is ironic because we do it way more when we're passive aggressive than when we show them who we really are), and following other peoples' game instructions so that you can blame failing to assert yourself on failing to pick the right system, rather than failing to actually show your true core.

(sorry if this is fragmented repeating myself I edited this post a bunch)

The lack of giving yourself permission to go for what you want goes really deep into your triggers, which is why more than anything I'm so supportive of you taking time off to explore these triggers and personality flaws, because as I'm going through this process myself I'm seeing it be so much more rewarding than anything else I did in game in the last 3 years.
This was an interesting post however and one I think I’ve taken some helpful advice from
Game is about being authentic and assertive.

Yes, in part.

But here's the deal.

I can accept this position in day game, where you're approaching women you find desirable, and want to feel chemistry with.

I find it a lot less palatable for app dates, with women who are often considerably less attractive than those I'd approach. As you know well, my app quality, is & was, always quite low. The chick yesterday, was 1.5 points worse looking than her pics, and her vibe and energy, was exhausting to be around.

For an app date, with someone I'm barely interested in upon arrival, due to not feeling attraction or desire for them at my core, my feeling is to work on skills and practice.

Asserting my will and directing the interaction towards a specific outcome, becomes quite difficult, when there is an internal conflict about even wanting the person.

I don't actually want 99.999% of the women I meet on dating apps. And you know this, as well as others.

When a girl does something you don't like, and you keep it in your head instead of communicating it to her, you are on the passive side of passive-aggressive.
This is one perspective.

But isn't mine.


I want to communicate with this person, to see if I like them, and if we're compatible. If we're not, I begin to progressively lose more and more attraction to her internally, until I just want to walk away.

That we can call a screening mindset, and is one I am falling into progressively more after a few years of this.

We all get more seasoned and a bit more jaded, and girls like this one, who are painfully dull, make it very easy to want to split.

I felt it from her, too.

In my opinion, there has to be some attraction. Otherwise, it's like speaking to a brick wall. We don't need that.

After all, if you're walking away anyway, why not state your ultimatum of all the behaviour you don't like in her, before walking away?
Again, many different takes on this.

I recall walking away from a date in Mexico, and people being up in arms about it.

(And if you're ready to state ultimatums before walking away, why not bring up those objections even sooner in the process? And so on until you're properly balanced in being assertive at the right time and in the right context and in a gentle, firm, light heated manner.)

But for now let's start with the whole, be honest with the girl right before you walk away stuff.

So let's take this report as an example:

Did you tell her that you felt like the conversation was going nowhere and you were failing to build a connection and intimacy because she kept distracting you and shutting her off?

I don't think this is how conversations for women work....

These are not yes girls, and they are not going on dates oftentimes because they're looking for someone or something.

The gal yesterday, told me openly she was not looking for anything.

Common with lots of women. She was quite jaded and distrustful of dating and was complaining about her experiences. She seemed cynical.

In her world, I don't think she goes on dates for them to go anywhere. As such, on the date, she is just going to chat aimlessly, and in the case yesterday, be on a date with someone she's not even attracted to (I wish they wouldn't do this), and we're both going to have to chalk it down to a lack of fitment.

You speak to people to see if there is a spark and some commonalities. And if there's not, you walk.

Your suggestion feels like you're going into dates. trying to contort them to your will, and slowly bash them into submission.

How isn't this as passive aggressive as your take on screening?

Did you tell her that she was sending mixed signals by being open to physical touch but not opening up as a person?

She was telling me more about herself and opening up. It's not like the picture you have in your head, dude.

But her energy was so ADHD, I felt nothing, and no tension was dissipating throughout the date.

I felt nothing from her, and she didn't express any interest in myself. Didn't ask any questions, and just spouted off a bunch of hot air to be quite honest. Her intent and attraction, wasn't there.

I call these "brick wall" sets.

They happen, when people are not at all compatible.

Welcome to human life.

Did you call her out on being weirdly asexual in her energy?

Example of what this would look like?

"I feel like you're not being open in your sexual energy?"

I'd imagine, from her perspective, her response would be:

"Well I don't know you"

Given how averse she was to discussing sexual topics, I expect she would have become very uncomfortable with being called out on this.

I think this would have been very uncalibrated.............And not a good experience for her....

Did you call her out on not really paying attention to you and going along with good vibes?

Again, this isn't how you're picturing in your mind.

She was trying.

She was just socially inept and had a horrendous vibe.

Some people, are like this, I'm afraid.

Did you call her out on being slippery and evasive?
No, because she wasn't.

Feels like you're projecting a lot and interpreting a tonne that wasn't there.

Social dynamics are not as rigid and black and white as you seem to think.

There is nuance and shades of grey.


Obviously none of this is an immediate "I win" cheat code. Your results are barely going to improve, if at all, when you start the process of ACTUALLY being assertive by ACTUALLY communicating your needs and how the girl is failing to meet them. But it's the obvious and natural first step to being more assertive and opens up a lot more space in the conversation to figure out her blockers and get her to bring up objections for you to work around. It's the path you HAVE to take.

I do like this.

All of this game stuff really just tries to point you into looking at your own needs and most effectively communicating them to the girl.

Is it really?

Because my needs are to find someone who is interested in me and treats me well.

Which sounds a lot more like screening, than game.

Brick wall sets, if I am to look at my own needs, just have no place in my life. They need to go.

That's an INTERNAL process.

That's not a "listen to someone else's instructions and execute them" process where for example you hear that you have to "make the conversation sexual" so you execute "making the conversation sexual" in a detached way.

That's a process where YOU YOURSELF DIRECTLY KNOW AND FEEL this stuff, that for example you want to open the girl's sexual energy up, that this is who you ARE as a person, and that this is a gift to women, and that if they're rejecting this gift, it's a win for both of you to be firm in calling her out and exploring why she's rejecting it.

No one disagrees - stating the obvious.


Going deeper though, I'm pretty sure some part of you is repulsed by these suggestions, especially since I remember you tried working on this stuff a year ago and went nowhere. You've done a bajillion approaches and gone on a zillion dates of which like 90% you yourself claim go nowhere.

It's not that


It's quite difficult to make someone who isn't compatible or attracted to you, interested.

It's a numbers game.

Why after all this time is it so difficult for you to be assertive to women who you claim are obviously not interested in you?

Who said it is?

You're projecting your own bullshit.

I walk away from plenty of dates, ghost women I don't like, and so on.

You are poor at understanding context and are very selective in your take.

I'm saying this to point at something meaningful inside yourself. You're denying yourself permission to actually state YOUR OWN needs, based on what YOU want, instead of submitting to other peoples' rules of politeness and "not hurting girls feelings" (which is ironic because we do it way more when we're passive aggressive than when we show them who we really are), and following other peoples' game instructions so that you can blame failing to assert yourself on failing to pick the right system, rather than failing to actually show your true core.

Feels like you're just off on a tangent and doing what many of my commentators do (@Crisis_Overcomer recently pissed me off with a post so stupid I couldn't fathom how an otherwise intelligent man could write such slop) - sorting through sparse historic examples of behaviour scattered here and there, and failing to parse the progressive improvements we make in this arena.

I'm not an example of someone who has passively followed game instructions.

I've been kind of doing my own thing for about a year

(sorry if this is fragmented repeating myself I edited this post a bunch)

The lack of giving yourself permission to go for what you want goes really deep into your triggers, which is why more than anything I'm so supportive of you taking time off to explore these triggers and personality flaws, because as I'm going through this process myself I'm seeing it be so much more rewarding than anything else I did in game in the last 3 years.

Again, not sure this applies.

My thoughts on the date, are a bit more succint:

-Not all people are compatible.
-It is OK to want to date women who like you, and find you attractive/desirable, and it is OK to walk away from those who don't

Superb post @loki, one of the best I've seen anywhere!

All of this game stuff really just tries to point you into looking at your own needs and most effectively communicating them to the girl.
Well said!

Figuring out what you need romantically and sexually and getting comfortable communicating those needs to women, while also encouraging them to do the same, so you can both see if and where your needs match up, is a dating super power

I suppose one of my biggest worries about an over-reliance on game is that it puts you completely in the frame of "what does she want? what does she need? what turns her on?", without giving any attention to discovering and expressing you own needs

Might also explain why many women respond so enthusiastically to Andy's "hey, I'm looking for something very specific on here" line...

It's a way of communicating that you are a man who knows what he wants and is comfortable communicating it, which is honestly quite rare and attractive
And hold on - one more thing.

You barely found out shit about this girl.

Again, how would you even know this?

Were you on the date, did you listen to a live stream?

Your take seriously disturbs me, quite often to be honest.

And I think there are many who read your take who have a similar response.

Sometimes you come across as borderline psychopathic.

Not everyone wants to live this way, and your take is not helpful.

"You were too weak to crack her"

Do you realise how you sound like an absolute psychopath when you make this statement?

I'm not here to crack women, that's not what we do.

I am here to find someone compatible with me for a healthy adult relationship.

Which means, I am allowed to have my own standards

If someone would sit on a date with someone they don't want to sleep with, don't find attractive, don't like as a person, and don't want to continue talking to, to see if they can "crack" them- they are a sick motherfucker imo.

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Tuesday 17/09/2024


-Block 1: Coaching Delivery
-Block 2: Biz Dev
-Block3: Content
-Planning: 2hrs – Networking / Public Talk/ Gathering

(2) Body:

(3) Mindset:

-Possible date @ 7, she's not confirmed. She seems a lot more vibey, and I'veenjoyed chatting with her. Will see if she comes out, and if I am interested in her. If I'm not, I'll thank her and leave at the hour mark.
Tuesday 17/09/2024


-Block 1: Coaching Delivery
-Block 2: Biz Dev
-Block3: Content
-Planning: 2hrs – Networking / Public Talk/ Gathering

(2) Body:

(3) Mindset:
-Possible date @ 7, she's not confirmed. She seems a lot more vibey, and I'veenjoyed chatting with her. Will see if she comes out, and if I am interested in her. If I'm not, I'll thank her and leave at the hour mark.
(1) Business:
-Block 1: Done
-Block 2: Done
-Block 3: Done partially - just uploaded a testimonial from a great former client who is now running his own biz, location independent. Fuck yeah!
-Admin: Done
-Planning: Done - Public talk, Networking events, Gathering

(3) Mindset:
-Date, cancelled. She is not in a head space where she wants to date, and I respect that fully. Thanked her and wished her well.

It's 7pm now, so about to unwind and shut down for the day.


Locked this log from public replies.

Reason being – I wish to operate in a manner that is aligned with me.

Dating wise, I am not wanting to “convert” women who are not a good fitment for me, as just one example of many instances where my own perspective, and to be frank, what I actually want, can differ from that of my commentators, and can create unnecessary noise in my log that is both unhelpful to me, as well as the forum, where we should be allowing men to do non-judgemental work on themselves, to be the man they seek to be.

I do not want perspectives pushed on me, which are not what I want. I'm looking to build a meaningful adult relationship, through working on myself, and my own areas for development.

Feedback in general, is useful, when it is appreciative of the bigger picture, and what it is that we actually seek. I value certain principles, and will continueto develop them as I navigate my own way. This, requires space for me to do my own work, without being buffeted in different directions.

Building better relationships, going deeper with both men and women in general, and creating something real, lasting, and enriching, is really my own focus.

The personal breakthroughs I seek, are just that –deeply personal. And they have to be. It's what I want. This, has to be on my own terms, and through means which work for me.

You'll be able to read here, but not comment.

Thank you for reading.

Wed 18/09/2024


(1) Business:
-Block 1: Coaching
-Block 2: Content
-Block 3: Biz Dev
-Block 4: Selfless Service
-Admin: Project

(2) Body:
-Gym: Legs & KoT

(3) Mindset:
-Possible date tomorrow: An online date, maybe.
Wed 18/09/2024


(1) Business:
-Block 1: Coaching
-Block 2: Content
-Block 3: Biz Dev
-Block 4: Selfless Service
-Admin: Project

(2) Body:
-Gym: Legs & KoT

(3) Mindset:
-Possible date tomorrow: An online date, maybe.
(1) Business:
-Block 1: Coaching [Done]
-Block 2: Content [Done - YouTube Video, posted across all socials]
-Block 3: Biz Dev [Fail]
-Block 4: Selfless Service [Done, did work on the partnership project instead]
-Admin: Project [Done]

(2) Body:
-Gym: Legs & KoT [Done, but went to the gym at 4, and it was so busy I couldn't lift - just did KoT. Will try again tomorrow, and go earlier)

(3) Mindset:
-Possible date tomorrow: An online date, maybe [Done, nice date, made out, agreed to 2nd date, let's see what happens]

Date Report:

28. Lived in NYC for 4 years. Goes on a lot of dates, experiments. Very confident, SMD chick. But, Brooklyn girl. Fun, slightly vibey, but has a hardness to her. Not chill, driven professional. Career woman. Not my archetype, despite being a Brooklyn chick. 5ft8, perfect height for me.

She actually had a mild facial deformity. But, I looked past it, on the basis of her text game (lol) and I still found her attractive, due to her being tall, having a nice body, and a nice style. The deformity, is noticeable, but you stop noticing it fairly fast once you're over it.

She was far. Would take an hour to commute to Carl's place. We agreed to meet closer, so in Brooklyn. Which is 2 stops for me on the subway.

We meet in Brooklyn, at a bar she knew. Which was quite a vibe.

I was a bit concerned about my frame, with her deciding the logistics, but it was alright.

She was confident and naturally tried to lead. After the tune-up date yesterday, no way was I going to get cucked to fuck again.

After spending 30 bucks on drinks for a lame date yesterday, I decided not to drink at all today.

She told me, go pick a drink for me. I said, I'm just going to drink water today. Yesterday was my first alcoholic drink for over a year, and it sucked. Won't bother again.

She said, fine, I'll go get myself a drink. She returned with a cocktail, and a water for me, and said I'd be welcome to try some.

She was a far better communicator than the gal was yesterday, and I enjoyed it.

The convo, is getting into interviewer mode slightly. She is smashing me with questions, but she seems genuinely curious.

She wants to know what I do, and I always find it hard to explain IronWill to women I'm dating, as I don't like to enter logical work conversation mode. It also often kills my frame as my company, with is an Accountability & Performance company, isn't often sexy to chicks - ask me how I know, lol. It's cucked many a data for me....

She tried slapping me by telling me it sounded like a load of bullshit, and she has no idea what I do, and then I just slapped her back, firmly, by telling her I didn't realise I was in a job interview. She said if I can't pitch to her, I can't pitch to anyone, and I told her, I don't need to pitch, I find the right people who I'd love to work with, and they align with me.

I then told her, let's not do the job interview right now, and deep dive into my business operations, let's talk about something else. She was testing me and being an annoying, pain in the ass NYC SMD, and needed a good slap. I am prepared to walk away from women when they're being rude and disrespectul, which is crucial....

She felt some strength, and couldn't get me to fold. She asked me what I'd prefer to talk about, and I said, about her. I want to know more about her as a person.

I kept probing deep, into her life, growing up, and connecting with her more.

I then told her about my past, with being an anxious wreck, and then she began to open up a lot more and be interested in me as a person.

She was totally enjoying physical touch, and we sat right close to each other. I had my arm around her, pulling her in, stroking her arm, running my fingers through her hair, that kinda thing.

We connected a lot more about music. She had an interesting taste in music, and we shared interests in many different artists. She also liked Elliott Smith, who is one of my favourites - a dude so sad and depressed, and who wanted to die so badly, he stabbed himself twice in the heart. Or so they say. The jury is out on whether it was a murder or a suicide. For me, something doesn't quite add up. RIP Elliott.

She did have some characteristics I liked. I like this kind of woman - alternative, Brooklyn kind of hipster chick. My crowd in University was mostly hipster type London people and we'd go see Tame Impala and go to raves to take MDMA and listen to Underworld - Born Slippy at pre-parties at absurd volumes, as Erasmas students on foreign exchange would flood our apartment in their dozens, and I was too mentalcel incel to ever get laid.

My God how far I've come sat writing this report as a business owner staying in Manhattan.

So, the date.

We connect more over music, and I tell her she should listen to some music together sometime. She agrees. We kiss a bit.

Vibe is getting quite sexual.

Give her a palm reading, and enjoy feeling her feminine hands. She has long, elegant pianist fingers, and I take some time to admire them, and we interlink fingers for a bit which was quite bonding.

One of my core litmus tests for testing how sexual a girl would be with me - I ask her if she's ever had a tantric massage. If she says no, I say I'll give you one sometime. If she's apprehensive or dismissive, she needs either way more comfort, or doesn't like me. This girl, was open, and she said I'd have to give her one sometime. These are very sensual and intimate massages which I enjoy and I used to give to girls when I lived in London.

I take her close, and start whispering in her ear, about my dominant side, and how I'd like to explore every inch of her.

She has opened up a lot now, I began to connect and get past her barriers, she went from tough, career woman, to becoming a way sweeter, more chill, pleasant girl.

She began to probe my location, and where I stay. I told her I'm 2 stops way, and I'll show her my place. She was giggly and said she couldn't come tonight as she has work the next day. But I kept whispering in her ear, telling she is so mean to me, and that we'd have fun.

She said, we'll see each other again, and she'll be free, so I need to text her.

Date ends shortly after that, but she expresses she would be open to see me again.

Maybe, maybe not. It's New York. You never know. Most, just ghost.........

Anyway, we head out, we hug and make out briefly, and then I leave.

I texted her at the end saying get home safe, I had fun, which she hearted.

Back to the streets, hustling tomorrow.

Today, was a good day.

Work, was very productive. Sat down and focused for many hours. The NAD+ supplement Uncle Kai has me and Carl on, has been hitting.

Tomorrow's plan:

Thursday 18/09/2024


-Block 1: Coaching
-Block 2: Biz Dev
-Client Call

(2) Body:
-Gym: Legs

(3) Mindset:
-Day Game
-Inner Work

-Admin: Call post office
Day Game was f**king insane.....

Dante bootcamp for 5 hours!

Major, major breakthroughs, the best day game session I ever had honestly in 3 years

Inner & Outer Game breakthroughs, like nothing you can imagine

The things that clicked today, took my sets from boring bullshit, which was where I regressed to with 6 months off the Game in Mex...to absolutely wild levels of attraction.

Dante said he very rarely sees women get that level of sexual stimulation during set, which is what happens when you are able to run Game at a solid level, and also be 6ft5 and find your most insane confidence

Exchanged with a bunch of HOT women, 2 actual models, who were just coming back from photoshoots, they did follow back on IG and messaging me back and fourth

One woman, I got just as she was on her way to a dance class, and the set was so powerful, she took my phone, entered her number, and texted me "hi". When she hot home from her class, she replied to herself "hey", and then she asked me out....!

This shit was happening in Budapest after my first Dante BootCamp, I had women asking me out and then I got with Suzanne

Then I took 6 months off the Game in Mexico just fucking Yes Girls off the apps and my shit regressed like fuck

Today was the first day where my performance was solid. Took many sessions and also getting Dante mentoring.

The stuff he helped me figure out today, truly, I wouldn't have figured out and it's the few moments of debrief where he explains some stuff, and when it hits, it hits

I will write a full report tomorrow. One of the most mind blowing experiences of my life.

Went from struggling in DG

To getting levels of attraction that are off the charts today

It finally felt like I am actually a 6ft5 guy (lol), first time I actually felt like a tall ass chad

I did this one set, she loved it, and I found her hot, cannot believe she asked me out. See if I keep working under Dante, eventually I will get so good. Gotta stay in a good inner game head space and keep working on this.

Today, I saw what is possible for me in DG. Top tier attraction with models.


Back tomorrow. Today I did my best at work and then day gamed 2pm until 930pm.

dancer girl.png
Friday 20/09/2024

(1) Business:
-Block 1: Coaching Delivery
-Block 2: Business Development
-Block 3: Partnership Project
-Client Call: 1 on 1

(2) Body:

(3) Mindset:
-Online Hustle
-Writing Report: Dante Bootcamp 2024

Let's go!

The girl on WhatsApp asked me if she can meet for drinks near me at around 1030pm tonight

Logistics wise that will be tricky to do with Carl's place

Gonna think and see if there's a solution
Friday 20/09/2024

(1) Business:
-Block 1: Coaching Delivery
-Block 2: Business Development
-Block 3: Partnership Project
-Client Call: 1 on 1

(2) Body:

(3) Mindset:
-Online Hustle
-Writing Report: Dante Bootcamp 2024

Let's go!


Friday 20th
-Block 1: Coaching Delivery [Done]
-Block 2: Business Development [Done]
-Block 3: Partnership Project [Done]
-Client Call: 1 on 1 [Done]
-Gym [Done]
-Nutrition [Done]
-DG [Done - 1/6: Turkish chick, super cuck, didn't bother even adding her IG]
-Online Hustle [Done - 500 swipes per day Hinge, Tinder, Bumble, 1 match this week. No leads/responses]
-Writing Report: Dante Bootcamp 2024 [Fail]


Got up Friday, after 2hrs of sleep. Felt tired as hell, but got to work.

Focused and knocked many hours of work out.

Went to the gym, pushed myself and did a solid leg workout.

Went to day game. Volume, wasn't great. Fridays, 7 onwards, tend to be cuck. Women are heading out in the evening, so the crowd you're catching DG on Friday, isn't ideal.

Hustled all day on 2hrs sleep.

Had to dig deep and really push!

Get's to 10, and the girl who agreed to a date at 1030, texts telling me she is going to be late. Train is delayed. I am on time, and then just sit around waiting for 10mins. She doesn't reply, so at 1045, I go home. When I arrive home, she says she's gotten her train, and will be 15 mins.

I call her, to get clear on what's going on.

No answer.

Just chill at home.

She then texts saying she arrived, and will be at the bar in 5m. I call again, and she seems nice and vibey on the phone.

It's now 1130pm. An hour later than expected. I head up to see her, making her wait about 5m.

In typical NYC fashion, she is incredibly intense, domineering, and the energy is totally different from the approach. We're chatting, but she is the driven professional sort of woman, and is battling me and challenging every other word I say, right off the bat.

I gear up for an evening that is going to be a battle of minds....

We sit down, and talk for a bit. She then says let's go get drinks, I say let's just chill for a bit first. She refuses, gets up and heads to the bar. She tells me, she is just going to get water.

I leave her to it.

She comes back, very quickly, and we chat more.

Here, it went straight to being super cerebral, and investigative journalist mode, like each gal I've met in this city. Their guards, are WAY, WAY, WAY up. Dissecting every word you say - what do you mean by X, Y, Z?

We're going back and fourth, and then it gets to the point where my dates tend to get quite annoying for me. She asks me what I do, and instead of accepting it, she tells me what I do sounds like vague nonsense to her, and from there, it's an intense frame battle. She's making loaded statements suggesting I am narcissistic and deluded. And I shut them down, and have to slap her a bunch.

I am seriously not enjoying the date about 30mins in, as it is a grilling session. I tell her, I am not here for a job interview or to pitch, and she relents a bit, but I am puzzled at this point. She was nice on the approach, and her texting made it seem like she liked me - but she is treating me quite poorly and doesn't seem to like me very much at all. Odd.

The venue is loud, and we switch.

Outside, where we can talk, things get a lot better.

I immediately take her by the hand, and start leading her, and things get better. She is only 5ft3, the element of being able to use my sheer physical size, changes the dynamic and makes her respect me more. I am pulling her in, getting very physical, hugging her, at one point on the walk, push her against a wall and she is enjoying it all, we're hand in hand, and it feels good - slightly vibey, though not that much. I would say this chick just has a steely personality.

We are diving far deeper, into our childhood, family life, upbringing.

Go to another venue, where we can sit outdoors.

Our conversation here, is way deeper, and it feels like we're bonding. We make out, she's sat right up on me, I soft pitched the pull a few times earlier, and now, she seems to be down.

We're in the venue until 130am, where it's closing.

We agree to go back to mine and chill, listen to music, etc.

She goes to the bar to pay for her drink and return her glass, and I go to the bathroom.

When I get back, there is no sign of her.

I wait a few mins, but nothing. Head outside, nada.

Text her. Call her twice. Nothing.

She blocked me, and left.

What was disturbing about it, is we began to really connect, and feel chemistry for the final hour and a half I'd say. I was enjoying it, after a long, protracted battle with this girl. She began opening up a lot, and it felt good.

But, at the very last moment, after a steamy makeout and agreeing to the pull, after all that work - gone!

I leave and head home, 2am-ish, feeling dejected.

Many tough days running day game, an awful experience on the apps, and 3 dates to nowhere/ghosts, in a city where I am seriously not enjoying the women here, was getting to me.

Sleepless night ensued.

Saturday morning now. Time to shake it off, and get back to the hustle.

Nothing will stop me in my pursuit of success in life, apart from death or physical incapacitation.

I don't care how many more thousands of approaches it will take.

I don't care how many countless hours working on my business.

I don't care how many gym sessions I don't want to be here.

I don't care how many hundreds of dates with women who aren't interested

I don't care how many more times I am betrayed in my personal life, back stabbed, have my trust broken again and again

I simply do not care what it takes



Sat 21/09/2024


(1) Day Game: 15 Sets
(2) Block 1: Biz Dev
(3) Block 2: Biz Dev
(4) Report Writing: Dante Bootcamp / Inner Game
-Online Hustle


Slow start to the day. Got up, went for a walk, to de-stress. Heart was racing from 2 days of little sleep and also working very hard.

Breakfast. Laid down. After 2-ish hours, stress levels dropped.

Ready to get to work now and make some progress.

I never work weekends. Right now, is an exception. Got too much going on. Have to pull it out the bag, but will make sure I am in bed by 10pm.

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