I think this guy's got the answer to my women conundrum.
It has been fun getting laid basically using my body but there was a feeling of emptiness when I moved back home. These lust based interactions made me feel like a long term relationship might be quite difficult and I used the 'western women are cooked' men as a cope.
I will continue self improve for my own benefit but I think mastery over myself, my vices, morality and connection to God is what is missing from my interactions with people in general.
This is the first time these concepts have clicked for me, the man/woman dynamic. The similarity between religious teachings and game.
One significant moment was talking to me friend at work. Something stuck out to me when he told me he said to his wife 'im going to give you a baby,' I think game guys would call this frame. He would describe it as the dictates of Allah, what could give a man stronger 'frame' than a powerful conception of God?
Talking to a girl I was seeing was interesting too. She described an ex boyfriend of hers as 'trained' jokingly. But it's not a joke, there's a whole generation of men simping paying for only fans because their lack of self control. Vices have dominated the west for decades and now population collapse and unhappiness are the results.
Dogs are trained, and they are trained because they have less mortality than man. This means they live by their impulses as I have been doing on the dating apps and with porn.
A man can only lead if he has a stronger morality than a woman, not slavering over her body becoming a pet - endless looksmaxxing will just make you the best vibrator on the shelf. Even a jacked, handsome, rich big dick man is still a pet if he cannot control his vices and lusts for her body.
A man has a soul and a simp does not.
The only way to self mastery is to follow God first. The man follows God, the woman follows the man. The man does not break course and become complicit in sin like Adam, thus he can actually lead.
This is why I feel more dominant but also compassionate when I have my shit together, because I am more worthy of leadership.
A strong conception of God, right and wrong allows us to lead ultimately and move towards the best possible outcomes for ourselves, those around us and broader society.
Putting dating and thus women front and centre was incredibly useful short term, but God should be front and centre if we want to be able to reach the highest good in our lives.
In this sense God is a compass.
This failure to conceptualise the spiritual realm is where the red pillers falls short, assuming that more and more status will eventually be enough to secure a woman's interest. But the nature of Eve is to militate, even the garden of Eden was not 'enough' for her. Fucking Tom Brady got divorced, it's not a math question of more=more.
I will have an abundance of material wealth but more importantly I will be grounded in my spirituality and raised up from my vices and able to forge something meaningful with a clear head.