End of the year review:
A brief recap of my first year (barely) on Winner With.in:
My goals were to sleep with 100 different girls (in progress)
I was planning to utilize online, approaching irl, and social circle to accomplish it.
Current short-term goals
- Drop to 10% bodyfat (currently at 16-15%
- Move out of parent's crib
- Complete GLL's AA program.
Started the year off strong, with a ton of motivation and seemed to bounce back from the dogged days before finally participating on Winner Within.
Matched w a fat chick, hooked up, pretty good experience although I did get ghosted probably because I busted prematurely lol and did not reciprocate oral.
Did 70 approaches of either direct( commenting on attractiveness) or indirect (saying can I say one thing.. I think you look cool. etc.
26 numbers plus 6 Instagrams.
0 dates from cold approach.
I have trouble following up with girls and have shitty logistics right now.
Also missed out on the chance to go out with Scotty Gll when he was still in NYC and not in Miami. He moved literally a few days after he suggested we link up to wing.
I think not planning/sequencing which goals to prioritize phucked me up. Like I kept switching goals between beating AA, doing approaches and bulking/cutting.
Looking back, it seems quite idiotic, but I'll take it as a learning lesson.
In regard to dropping fat, I started off relatively questionable. losing a pound but gaining a percentage of body fat.
The last body fat scan analysis independent of the Inbody I got 18%.
Suggested actions:
Post online dating profile for critique
Complete AA program/ do more approaches.
Build up my social media because it possibly contributes to leads fizzling out.
Any input/ critiques would be much appreciated.
Your friend
Pick one goal and neglect the others still you're done.
If you have a good track record with weight loss (e.g., you can lose weight without thinking too much, it's pretty much routine) you can do that one at the same time.
But the AA program a 3 month commitment minimum.
And then once you're done that you have another 3 months or so of going out everyday to figure out how to improve your approaches so they land dates.
So getting dates from cold approach will take you that long...
But once you're done it. You're pretty well set for life.
Online is good too. If your profile is good it can literally solve your sex life inatantly...
But the highest quality girls will always come from Cold Approach. You can meet some girls on the app's that are great, but they'll be less frequent.
All of this is to say...
You need to pick one. And be fucking patient.
Like everything important on life you have to show up everyday and put a dent in it.
It took me 6 month to get laid from cold approach. And I was going out 5-6 days a week.
Might sound tough. But those rejections laid the foundation for all the success I had later.
I got my first lay after 6 months.
Then waited another 3ish months to get the next one.
And then after that it was basically new chick in bed every 3-5 days. Until I got bored of it.
So slow start. But it speeds up.
And I did it all at
5'11 and 175 lbs. I didn't lift weight but my job was physical.
Commit to one goal that will seriously be worth it.
Don't take shortcuts.
Let the work transform you.