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MCGoobins' log


May 11, 2024
Get Laid
Before starting, is it better to do the GLL AA program or to just approach girls? I've done about 60 approaches without much success (got a few numbers but that's about it.)

What do you think?
IMO, if you can do it, you're better off doing real approaches.
Cool, went out to a mall near me and approached 2 girls.
First one: blonde w big butt.. told me she was flattered but married and to keep going..
Second one: walked up to girl on phone, she looked up, I was trying to give her shit/be cheeky, I said in a commanding tone "you can't do that here", she got up and just walked away. Blimey.
Approached 3 chicks today at mall, keeping momentum going.
Approached one girl at park after my workout \, Got her Instagram. Ill be supplementing approaches with DOING THE ENTIRETY of the AA program because I'm bored with run of the mill approaches.
Starting tomorrow with day one of the AA program..
Approached one girl at park after my workout \, Got her Instagram. Ill be supplementing approaches with DOING THE ENTIRETY of the AA program because I'm bored with run of the mill approaches.
Starting tomorrow with day one of the AA program..
Cool man, im doing the AA program as well. Let's keep each other accountable! 💪
Fuck yea brotherman lets get it 💯
Approached a few girls, got 1 number. Will start AA program tomorrow.
Approached a few girls, got 1 number. Will start AA program tomorrow.
Just curious why you are doing the AA program if you're already doing real approaches and getting numbers?

One benefit is the extra social freedom boost it gives you. Otherwise, the way you get better at cold approach is by doing cold approach.
I've decided to focus on real approaches. I set a goal to do 30 a week exclusively on campus which does pose its own set of challenges.
Decided that after yesterday I will do one more approach than the preceding day. This should leave me with with lot of residual growth. Also I am in need of completing the go out to bars alone program of GLL because of magic erroneous beliefs about the evil powers of alcohol and booze. That's all.
Went out again during the day, after class, kind of said fuck it, and got loosened up. After receiving feedback that I should really try to just have fun rather than being outcome dependent and focusing on getting the number I’ve been trying to implement that so I tend to go in not as Stoic sounding or flat sounding, so I try to smile, and try not to be as overt about why I’m talking to the girl. Did like 6 approaches before finding a girl that was down to meet up later. ( a few were lesbian (so they said) and some had boyfriends. But I still pussied out of approaching the hot ones even though I did approach a pretty hot girl and got her #. Happy I’m taking action but I think I need a soul surgery to implant some fvcking new beliefs lol. But I def felt a lot better going out today than in the past so I’m going to recreate that flow tomorrow
Had the opportunity to chat up. chicks but I I didn't.. Naturally, I am quite frustrated with myself, but tomorrow will be a better day and I intend to double the amount of action I'm taking. So we shall see, but I will. envision good things.
I am recommitting to completing the AA program in its entirety. The reason is simple: I’ve noticed a regression in my social skills. Despite being capable of approaching people, I’ve lacked motivation and fallen into the trap of comfort. One area where this has been particularly evident is in setting up dates.

That said, there’s a silver lining. On the last day of class, I messaged the hottest girl in my class and asked her out. She responded positively and agreed to grab coffee.

I later found out she lives on campus, This explains why I think I saw her one day after class, sitting outside, just waiting.

I prefer to approach strangers—people who don’t know me or aren't in my classes. Looking back, it sounds like an excuse. No more of that.
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Yeah, reading this 6 months down the line hurts to know that I didn't take as much action as I thought I was going to and if I take a deep dive on it and really think to analyze myself, I'm learning now that I did have a problem with anxiety, I thought I squashed it, but I couldn't approach the girls that I wanted in 95% of situations

So. it means it's a problem that has to be handled.. On the topic of past experiences Now I do have much and many misses in my history. all the way back to 7th grade. This girl was telling me some very personal and sexual things. and I didn't say anything, but I realized then that I probably could have lost my V card that early. or at least try to do something.

Oh, this spans all the way to my most recent experience flirting with girls working
several jobs.

I also came across Good Looking Loser being made fun of from some pussy Youtuber. never thought that GLL was actually a fucking gold mine of a community and at the time I wasn't wary of pickup/developing social skills until after my fucking brain injury in 2020.

I didn't join this forum to look for reasons why I'm broken. I joined this forum to take action in getting this shit handled. The clock is ticking.

With love,

End of the year review:


A brief recap of my first year (barely) on Winner With.in:
My goals were to sleep with 100 different girls (in progress)
I was planning to utilize online, approaching irl, and social circle to accomplish it.
Current short-term goals
- Drop to 10% bodyfat (currently at 16-15%
- Move out of parent's crib
- Complete GLL's AA program.

Started the year off strong, with a ton of motivation and seemed to bounce back from the dogged days before finally participating on Winner Within.

Matched w a fat chick, hooked up, pretty good experience although I did get ghosted probably because I busted prematurely lol and did not reciprocate oral.

Did 70 approaches of either direct( commenting on attractiveness) or indirect (saying can I say one thing.. I think you look cool. etc.

26 numbers plus 6 Instagrams.

0 dates from cold approach.

I have trouble following up with girls and have shitty logistics right now.

Also missed out on the chance to go out with Scotty Gll when he was still in NYC and not in Miami. He moved literally a few days after he suggested we link up to wing.

I think not planning/sequencing which goals to prioritize phucked me up. Like I kept switching goals between beating AA, doing approaches and bulking/cutting.

Looking back, it seems quite idiotic, but I'll take it as a learning lesson.

In regard to dropping fat, I started off relatively questionable. losing a pound but gaining a percentage of body fat.

The last body fat scan analysis independent of the Inbody I got 18%.

Suggested actions:

Post online dating profile for critique
Complete AA program/ do more approaches.
Build up my social media because it possibly contributes to leads fizzling out.

Any input/ critiques would be much appreciated.

Your friend

End of the year review:


A brief recap of my first year (barely) on Winner With.in:
My goals were to sleep with 100 different girls (in progress)
I was planning to utilize online, approaching irl, and social circle to accomplish it.
Current short-term goals
- Drop to 10% bodyfat (currently at 16-15%
- Move out of parent's crib
- Complete GLL's AA program.

Started the year off strong, with a ton of motivation and seemed to bounce back from the dogged days before finally participating on Winner Within.

Matched w a fat chick, hooked up, pretty good experience although I did get ghosted probably because I busted prematurely lol and did not reciprocate oral.

Did 70 approaches of either direct( commenting on attractiveness) or indirect (saying can I say one thing.. I think you look cool. etc.

26 numbers plus 6 Instagrams.

0 dates from cold approach.

I have trouble following up with girls and have shitty logistics right now.

Also missed out on the chance to go out with Scotty Gll when he was still in NYC and not in Miami. He moved literally a few days after he suggested we link up to wing.

I think not planning/sequencing which goals to prioritize phucked me up. Like I kept switching goals between beating AA, doing approaches and bulking/cutting.

Looking back, it seems quite idiotic, but I'll take it as a learning lesson.

In regard to dropping fat, I started off relatively questionable. losing a pound but gaining a percentage of body fat.

The last body fat scan analysis independent of the Inbody I got 18%.

Suggested actions:

Post online dating profile for critique
Complete AA program/ do more approaches.
Build up my social media because it possibly contributes to leads fizzling out.

Any input/ critiques would be much appreciated.

Your friend


Pick one goal and neglect the others still you're done.

If you have a good track record with weight loss (e.g., you can lose weight without thinking too much, it's pretty much routine) you can do that one at the same time.

But the AA program a 3 month commitment minimum.

And then once you're done that you have another 3 months or so of going out everyday to figure out how to improve your approaches so they land dates.

So getting dates from cold approach will take you that long...

But once you're done it. You're pretty well set for life.

Online is good too. If your profile is good it can literally solve your sex life inatantly...

But the highest quality girls will always come from Cold Approach. You can meet some girls on the app's that are great, but they'll be less frequent.


All of this is to say...

You need to pick one. And be fucking patient.

Like everything important on life you have to show up everyday and put a dent in it.

It took me 6 month to get laid from cold approach. And I was going out 5-6 days a week.

Might sound tough. But those rejections laid the foundation for all the success I had later.

I got my first lay after 6 months.
Then waited another 3ish months to get the next one.

And then after that it was basically new chick in bed every 3-5 days. Until I got bored of it.

So slow start. But it speeds up.

And I did it all at
5'11 and 175 lbs. I didn't lift weight but my job was physical.

Commit to one goal that will seriously be worth it.
Don't take shortcuts.
Let the work transform you.
And then once you're done that you have another 3 months or so of going out everyday to figure out how to improve your approaches so they land dates.
How do you go about analyzing your approaches?

In my 130 approaches, I've got 30 numbers but most of them don't text me back (figured there's something wrong with my approaches). I used to audio record my for the first 50 of them I think but at some point I realized that it was more detrimental for me to analyze myself all the time like that so I stopped. Since then, I have kind of just been going out and haven't put much effort into figuring out where I am going wrong but instead just trying getting more volume in. Any insights would be great, thanks man
Any input/ critiques would be much appreciated.

Your friend

I second @Manganiello's suggestion above. Aside from focusing on one goal at a time, I think you're aware of your deficiencies/shortcomings (logistics, better pics) and what you need to work on. It's just a matter of executing and putting in the hours. Kudos on the lay (fat girls need love too; I've bagged 2 before) and kudos on the approaches. Keep the positive momentum going in the new year.