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On the path to a better self - Achieving small wins

Weigh-in: 83kg

Reached a new ceiling. Never been that "heavy", and the cool thing, is that I'm not even forcing myself to eat big portions, I've figured my nutrition so that I can put in a lot of calories without having to stuff myself.

Started to do some weighed dips as well, I'm getting stronger in the gym.

Looking forward to see where I'll be at the end of the year.
A chapter ends, a new one begins

"New year, new me", this statement could not be more correct for me.

It's been almost 2 years since I wrote anything in this journal. Of course, in 2 years, many things happened.

At the time of my last post, I was working as a developer, even started a new position in a company with a very good salary; I was working on my fitness goal to reach 85kg and was in a loving, albeit difficult sometimes, relationship.

The month after, I lost my job. I didn't pass the probation period. A mix of bad timing (the company trying to cut cost on employees without client project) and my own "inadequacies" (failed to enroll in the only project that I qualified with my skill level at the time). I got a lot of support from my girlfriend, but it was an incredibly stressing situation.

Countless rejections, a lot of sleepless nights and just an overall feeling of inadequacy and just "WTF is going on". Tried everything, networking, contacting people through linkedin, direct applications... But with the job market in tech in its worst state ever, it led to me being unemployed for a year, before deciding to just get a job because my savings were getting very low.

Found a job as a logistic planner in April 2024. The job itself was boring, but I had a great team and the work atmosphere was so great that I didn't care that the job was bad as I could have a bit of stability, hopefully for one year, to prepare for the next thing. Except that it didn't last a year as the company decided to relocate back to France, therefore closing the NL office and making me unemployed again as soon as my contract officially ends.

When that had been announced to us in July, luckily I already had time to settle in a more stable routine and got enough mental space to think about the aftermath. My deep goal professionally didn't change : I want to be able to work remotely, preferably for myself, so that I can live in a country like Spain with a French salary. That was the original plan with SWE before it ended like a spicy taco on a tuesday night : down in the toilet while you're questioning your life choices.

This lead me to decide to try a new adventure. Something that would help me to reach the aforementioned destination and that I have been looking from afar for a very long time : freelance copywriter.

I have now followed a course on it, where we 1st learn all the theory and put it into application by writing a sales copy, and right now I'm prospecting for clients. This is an exciting and scary adventure, where I have to work a lot of my self imposed limitations and negative beliefs. But I doing it, one baby step at a time, one email at a time. 2025 is therefore, a new professional me


The other big change that this new year will welcome is that of my relationship status.

After almost 3 years, we are parting ways with my girlfriend. One of the hardest choice that I had to make, but the way our relationship was, it was unsustainable in the long run. A true rollercoaster of emotions, too many highs for too many lows, getting worse as the relationship progressed. I've felt some of the most intense bout of uncontrollable rage during some of our worst moments.

We tried so hard to make it work, but it's like it was just not meant to be. I've never been a big believer in fate or any kind of that stuffs, but maybe sometimes, for some reason unbeknown to us, the dices never fall the way we want, no matter how many times we shuffle them and we just have to accept it.

I do have some regrets regarding this relationship, and a lot of "what ifs", but it is what it is. I feel that it's a short term pain necessary for a long term happiness. We managed to finish in good terms, with love and respect for one another, and in a way, in a world full of videos of entitled people spitting on their exes, it is a small win. I've learned a lot, we had so many laughs, so many good times that I'll cherish for a long time. A lot of tears were sheds, and a lot are coming, but we'll push through. 2025 is therefore, a new relationship me.


With that big change, comes another one: Without a stable job or a relationship, I have nothing that attach me to the Netherlands, so I'll be living, going back to Paris to live in a cockroach infested, 28m2 apartment that I'll share with my brother. I'm not excited by this idea but heh, when life gives you lemon, sometimes you need to squeeze the juice on your eyes before life slaps your hand and tells you that you need to make lemonade with it.

And the lemonade, if everything goes to plan, will be me living in Spain by the end of the year. This is something that I've been wanting ever since my 1st year in Amsterdam, so since 2020. It's time to realise that dream. It is often say that wherever you are, your problem will follow, and that thinking that going to a place will make your life magically better. Which you can argue that that's what I'm expecting. Well, to be honest, I prefer to cry on a beach in Spain than under the rainy Amsterdam. So cheers to bring all my issues with me under the sun. 2025 is therefore, a new crying under the sun me.


I have some other things to share, and more specifically in terms of objectives for 2025 with women and some inner changes. But that'll be for another post.

I'm back
It's time to realise that dream. It is often say that wherever you are, your problem will follow, and that thinking that going to a place will make your life magically better. Which you can argue that that's what I'm expecting. Well, to be honest, I prefer to cry on a beach in Spain than under the rainy Amsterdam. So cheers to bring all my issues with me under the sun. 2025 is therefore, a new crying under the sun me.
Moving to a new place actually did make my life magically better lol. But that's because I put myself in an environment that enabled me to work on my problems and my goals. People underestimate how significant the right environment is for one's wellbeing.

All in all, sounds like that relationship ending was for the better. Sorry to hear about your job/career troubles man. Hope things improve this year!
Moving to a new place actually did make my life magically better lol. But that's because I put myself in an environment that enabled me to work on my problems and my goals. People underestimate how significant the right environment is for one's wellbeing.

All in all, sounds like that relationship ending was for the better. Sorry to hear about your job/career troubles man. Hope things improve this year!
Haha thanks for sharing your experience.

Regarding the relationship, I think so too, and deep down, I think my ex knows it too, which is why she kind of accepted it.

For the job troubles, it sucks but it also lead me to the path I am now, the path I really want, so all in all it was a good thing in retrospect.


Today was ok, I packed most of my things for my depart on friday, making things even more real. Couldn't help myself from crying from hearing that tune

Funnily enough, we never had "our tune" during the relationship, but we kinda agreed that this was our breakup tune haha. Way to fuck up a song for myself


As I mentionned yesterday, I already have some plans regarding women in 2025. I'll take some time in january/february just to go through the ebb and flow of my mood from the breakup and to work more on business, to get my first clients, but after that I want to go back to the street and challenge myself to do daygame once again.

With this, I feel like I'm as stubborn as a donkey. I already tried so many times to do it, failing every time. But I have a feeling that this time, I can really do it. The past year, I've learned mental tools that make it easier to take action consistently without hating myself in the process.

Because it's fucking hard to do anything when every action is met with self loathing.

I made so much progress in self acceptance and in being able to "just do it and let life take its course". Which is how I manage to push myself (almost) every day to work on business, one baby step at a time.

And for this, I'll never be able to thank Andy enough, his content has been one of the driving force of this inner change.

So the plan in 2025, as I'll be mostly in Paris, the best city in terms of pure volume (not so much in terms of openness of girls, but that's another story), will be to find wings (I already have a friends that is doing it for 7years) and to go almost every day and finally desensitize myself to the anxiety and fear of rejection, which have ruled my life for far too long now.

I'm thankful for the dating apps because that's how I met my ex in the end, but I've always wanted to do it IRL. The end goal is to know in my core that I can create dating opportunities when I feel like it.

It'll take time, it'll be hard, but I'm also confident that I've never been in a better place to do it than today.

I've learned things about myself that make me understand why I've never been able to really do it before.

In the end, everything, women included, is about self mastery. And that's what I'm after. More inner peace, regarding of what is happening on the outside. I still have a long way to go, but I'm on the right path.

Let's get it in 2025
Almost one week since I left Amsterdam.

Friday morning was pretty tough. Lots of tears from both of us, "Love you"s exchanged and a "I still hope that you'll come back" from her end, very emotional.

In general, I feel fine. I am on a mission, so I'm being quite busy. Between cold emailing, administrative stuffs and meeting with friends, I didn't have time to get bored.

I'm being very active but I can tune with what is beneath. Sometime I hear a song that makes me think of her, sometimes it's just the view of the photo album she made and then a couple of tears fall off. Which is fine, I am grieving losing her and it's a process. As long as I'm not moping and doing nothing, it's ok.

My sleep is pretty bad, waking up during the night and not being able to fall back asleep for a couple of hours. Sometimes, like last night, even more. My mind just goes to 1000 thoughts. Knowing that I'm working toward freedom from being a salaried worker is exhilirating. Right now, it's the purpose of my actions.

I wake up, between 7 and 8 and just go to my laptop to work. The morning I tend to be the most efficient so I reserve it for this, and then in the afternoun I usually take care of administrative tasks : Appointments to the doctor, trying to set up my business, cleaning and organising the apartment etc...

And it makes me taste the freedom with being your own boss. No one to ask for permission to do anything, I can work in the morning, stop for a while, work a bit in the evening as I see fit. Don't want my life to be any other way. Looking forward to actually have client and do my best and deliver a good service.

I probably need to refine something prospection wise, as I didn't get any client call yet.

Dating wise, after saying that I will probably wait until february to do anything, I decided with a friend (daygamer with 7 years of grinding) to do a session this weekend. It's not like I'm going to hookup with anyone anyway, but I want to challenge myself to do it. I'm going to look for wings to be able to go out frequently.

@pancakemouse, you shared a game community website or something and I remember that there was a group in Paris in it. I can't find it, could you please share it ?

I'll come back with a write up of the session. It'll be nerve-wrecking but let's try to have fun in the process.

Baby step is the way forward
So, I came back from my first daygame session of 2025. The last time I went out to approach on the street was over three years ago. One of the big mistakes I used to make was not being humble enough to accept that I’d suck, that I’d be afraid, and that I might not approach much. This time, I used that learned experience to manage my expectations. My goal for this session was just one approach. As long as I did one approach per session, for now, I’d count it as a win. I’ll worry about increasing the volume later.

We decided to meet at 4:30 PM at a well-known pickup spot in Paris—a big mall in the city center where all the daygamers gather, especially during the cold weather, like now. Sure enough, we saw four or five groups of guys there on the same mission. It was funny to see, haha. On the bright side, I know that if I wantwings, I just have to start a conversation with one or two of them.

I was feeling fine throughout the day until I arrived at the meeting spot. Then, I started to feel my heart beating faster and the blood rushing to my head. A voice in my head kept asking, “Are we really doing this again? Why are you putting yourself through this?” I didn’t pay much attention to it. I was here on a mission.

As soon as we met, my friend did his first approach, which added even more pressure on me. Luckily, my friend is super chill—not the type to force you to approach—so I still felt comfortable with him. But it reminded me right away what I had to do. He got instantly rejected, and we started strolling around. Five, ten, fifteen minutes passed. I saw a few girls I found cute but didn’t approach, and I started feeling more anxious because I knew that the longer I waited, the harder it would be to act.

Then, we passed by a cute girl in an alley that wasn’t too crowded. “I have to go now,” I thought. I ran to catch up with her, tried to talk to her, but got instantly rejected. She didn’t even listen to what I was trying to say. I know exactly what went wrong, but that’s not the point. I had my win—the first of many to come—and I’m just happy about it.

We kept walking, seeing more and more daygamers around, but I couldn’t muster the desire to do a second approach. My friend did three approaches in total; it was an off day for him too. After two and a half hours of walking around, I decided to head home, eat dinner, and mentally celebrate that small win.

Tomorrow, I’ll take a day off from any activity. No cold emailing, no approaches—just a chill and relaxed day.

I’ll try to return to the mall on Monday, even without my friend, to do one approach again. I prefer taking it slow rather than rushing and burning myself out, like I used to before.

Baby steps are the way forward.
So, I have not been as regular with my daygame practice than I wanted to. I did go out a couple of time, failing to approach anyone, but it's been a couple of weeks now.

I have been quite consistent with my cold emailing practice though, but I still have barely any reply, and no client call in sight. That shit is hard. On top of that I am having some administrative hurddles that actually delays the opening of my company, so I wouldn't even be able to get paid for anything that I do at the moment. But I won't let that prevent me to find client. Worse case scenario, I'll just ask to be paid later.

I have been doing some deep innework this past week. I'm finally working on completely detaching myself from the lingering emotions I still felt toward my ex of 4 years ago. She's still a big part of my inner world, as a part of me is still longing for her, and I actually never properly did the deep inner work of letting go. I've been using ChatGPT to help with that and I have been stomped by the results. It feels like having an emotion processing coach on demand, very powerful.

I'm still in touch with my most recent ex. And friday night she sent me this huge text to ask me to try again. I was out with a group of guy looking to approach women. It made me feel very uncomfortable, as if I was doing something wrong to be there while I'm still in this limbo with her. This morning, I had a pretty telling dream about this. We're going to call today to discuss things.

I've also join an online group where I can find wings to go out with. They seem to be very active, but I feel like I need to sort things with my ex first before being able to go for anything new. So we'll see how the discussion goes.

Yesterday, had my first run of the year. I'm preparing again for a spartan race in april. I haven't run in months so I was struggling to run 5k. Will work on building that up.

So, all in all, if I were to give a rating on my action taking the past 3 weeks :

Work : 4/5
Dating : 1/5
Fitness : 0.5/5
Inner work : 4/5

I feel I am, overall, going on the right path.

Baby steps is the way forward
I have been quite consistent with my cold emailing practice though, but I still have barely any reply, and no client call in sight. That shit is hard. On top of that I am having some administrative hurddles that actually delays the opening of my company, so I wouldn't even be able to get paid for anything that I do at the moment. But I won't let that prevent me to find client. Worse case scenario, I'll just ask to be paid later.
Apologies if this is a stupid question/impossible in your field, but have you tried cold calling? It's harder to hang up on the phone on someone than it is to ignore an email. Maybe your emails are going into the spam folder anyway?
Apologies if this is a stupid question/impossible in your field, but have you tried cold calling? It's harder to hang up on the phone on someone than it is to ignore an email. Maybe your emails are going into the spam folder anyway?
Hey, thanks for your comment. No stupid question here.

To be honest, I think cold calling can work everywhere. Don't know how effective it would be on my field but it's something worth thinking about. I really hate the phone though. I'm fine with video call but just phone calls are dreadful to me, so not sure I'd put my best self out there. But like everything, it's a skill I can improve.

Regarding the emails going to the spam folder. For some it could be, but I do send a video in those emails so I can see if people are actually watching them. 1/3 of the videos are being watched, which is normal statistics apparently.

So the issue might be that I'm presenting wrong, what I say is not interesting enough or something else...
We had the final conversation with my ex. I told her that I can't pursue our relationship anymore. It was tough and very uncomfortable to do so, closing that door for good. She was very sad of course but at the same time was expecting it. The ending of the call was quite abrupt and cold, I kind of wish I did a better job holding the space for both of us, but I'm still working on that. The next day she did reach out to say that she didn't like the way things ended and just wished me the best. I did the same. Now, it's time to truly move on.

I've set 3 timeslots to daygame this week. Whatever happens, even if I don't manage to approach everytime, I'll go out and walk around and try to do it. No more running away.

Still nothing on the business front, except that I might have found a solution for my administrative issues, and will be able to open my legal entity soon and therefore, will be able to be paid normally. I also might join a community of entrepreneurs, but still hesitant regarding that.

Last week, I did procrastinate a lot, sometimes it feels like I'm slowing myself because I'm not sure that I'm doing the right thing, just trying to push through when I catch myself do that.

I've been running regularly, I'm up to 6.5k already, so getting back slowly to my level. At some point, want to add a session to build upper body strength, as some obstacles require this. Especially the monkey branches.

I'm on the right track, even though it doesn't alway feel like it. If I were to give a rating for last week :

Work : 3/5
Dating : 0/5
Fitness : 3.5/5
Inner work : 3/5

Baby steps is the way forward
The last couple of weeks have been quite good in terms of action taken. I'm making progress, pushing myself a bit more every week, at some point, I'll reap the rewards as long as I don't quit.

Business wise, I have finally been able to register my activity, so I'll be able to get paid whenever I find a project.

I have been reaching out to different people, tried different approaches but now, I still haven't got any call yet. I need to improve my system in order to do more volume, this is a sticky point. I'm trying to do a very personnalised approach, where I deliver real value, but I feel that often time, since it's a bit unwanted, I burn myself and spend too much for people that do not need my services anyway.

I realized that prospecting as a freelancer and cold approaching are very similar in the end. You try to reach out to random people, trying to bring value so that the other person gets interested in you and then you need to convert the prospect/girl into a sale/lay.

And in both area, I'm stuck at the initial stage.

Speaking of cold approaches. I have been going out 3 times per week for the past 2 weeks. I've joined a whatsapp group of very active players and went out twice with some of them. And I realise how much the people you go out with really matter.

Thursday, I was with 2 guys that are further away, and don't really fear approaching. Really laid back guys and had a good time with them. I managed to approach 2 girls myself. Both stopped and chatted.

The 1st one, I was really nervous and it was just a girl that my wing pointed out for me to approach. Try not to think too much and just went. We chatted a bit but I panicked at some point and ejected myself. Still a win for me.

The 2nd one, I went by myself and we must have chatted for 5min, the conversation was really flowing. It was an Italian tourist just there for the week end. I believe that because it was in english, it was easier for me (for some reason, I think I flow better in english than french, conversation wise). Asked her for her number at the end (even though it would have been better to go on an instant date) and we exchanged. Was happy about that interaction.

When I went home after the session, I pulled out my phone to send her a message on WhatsApp, but she was not showing. That's when I realised that she gave me a fake phone number. Still send a SMS, just in case, but never got a response. I didn't mind to be honest, it was still a victory in my book.

And, since I'm in control of the story, I prefer to go with the fact that she was too nervous and made a mistake when entering her number and probably was disappointed that I never reached out haha.

A mistake that I did during that session was that after that interaction, I felt content and therefore not pushed myself to approach more. Like I didn't want to ruin my victory. This is something that I'd need to be careful moving on, because I'm naturally lazy and want to do as little as possible. But I want to push myself a bit more.

Yesterday, went out with someone else and the vibe was completely different. He was not as comfortable than the other one so we basically pulled each other down instead of up. I ended up not approaching at all. It was too comfortable chatting with him. And that's a pity, because I saw a lot of women that I'd have like to approach. But it's ok, I'll do better in the future.

I'm still doing sport 3 times a week, preparing for the run in April. Which I might not be able to attend if I don't make any money, but that's another story.

I've been doing some inner work here and there, but not as much as I think I should do it. The result is that I feel that some patterns that I'm working through, that started to disappear, are coming back. So I need to be vigilant.

However, I've uncover a core memory at the root of my relationship with intimacy which explains my avoidance with it. I'll take some time to work through it and see how it goes.

I might get laid tomorrow. I reached out to an ukranian milf that I had sex with in between my last 2 relationships. She's living in Poland usually but she's doing a kizomba festival this week-end. She basically invited herself while being explicit what for. We'll see if that goes through.

In all honesty, I have mixed feeling about it as I don't remember having that great of a time sexually with her. But it's an easy lay up so not complaining. She also got a boobjob and I'm really curious about how that feels in real life. Also, my brother is going to come back soon, so it might be the only opportunity before a long time to get some action.

But I know that if it doesn't happen, I would not mind.

All in all, very happy about those past 2 weeks. I have quite a bit of stress because of work and wake up every night without being able to fall asleep for a couple hours, but I do feel happy with what I'm focusing on and the actions that I'm taking.

Work : 3/5
Dating : 3.5/5
Fitness : 3.5/5
Inner work : 2.5/5

Baby steps is the way forward
I have been reaching out to different people, tried different approaches but now, I still haven't got any call yet. I need to improve my system in order to do more volume, this is a sticky point. I'm trying to do a very personnalised approach, where I deliver real value, but I feel that often time, since it's a bit unwanted, I burn myself and spend too much for people that do not need my services anyway.
I created an AI workflow a while back that crawls YT for interviews the contact has done, transcribes it, spots interesting tidbits from their lives (things that if you mention them to the person, they'll be like 'damn they really did their research) and I used those to send personalized cold emails.

Just like you, crickets.

I then remembered that List > Offer > Copy. I'm not sure what you pitch in your cold emails but if the list you email isn't responsive, then offer and copy (personalization or value bombs) are kinda useless.

So my mindset shifted from "I'll personalize the emails" to "you have to earn the right to receive a personalized email from me." I got some replies this way but, again, still nothing. There's a chance the industry I email have been bombarded with cold outreach so they're just jaded.

The next few days I'll try a combo of content and ads to see if I can get some convos.

However, if you want to work with people in the country/city you're in (I don't) I'd highly recommend biz events. It's why business in the US is easy mode, lots of entrepreneurial people. This is a bit tougher in other countries but still possible, especially if you're in the capital or a big city. But still definitely worth a shot.
I'm following the advice not to pitch anything in the cold email at first. The idea is to deliver value to get the person interested in a call and then do the pitch later. Not very efficient for me.

Right now what I'm trying to do is to reach out to people on Linkedin or Instagram first, get a conversation going then deliver value. Only after, trying to set up a call.

Yeah I tried the biz events and need to do it more.

Last time I went, there was mostly other freelance trying to find client as well. But I'll try some more.


Ukrainian milf didn't come in the end. She overslept after a full week end of dancing.

As I said, not that great of a loss. I didn't invest too much into it and I actually saw it coming on sunday already, so I just lived my day as usual.

But I actually really liked how detached I was from the situation. Her coming was really just a bonus more than anything.

It came from a place of want and not need, and that's how it should feel most of the time.

And it didn't have anything to do with the fact that I have abundance of option (I have none), but coming just from a pure mindset/ just being ok and working on my own shit.

So when she told me that she would not come, I told her ok and wished her a good time.

The fact that I was on the fence anyway helped for sure, but I'm sure there is a way to cultivate this feeling, even if the woman has "higher value" in my eyes.

Some food for thoughts
This week started a bit rough mentally, a lot of stress about not getting any kind of result on the business front, I really had to push myself to do even just 1% each day. Even if it was just send one message, it had to be enough because I couldn't muster more. But I kept pushing, and started a new outbound stratedy by thursday, and I actually got one person that agreed to hop on a call tomorrow, and that's such a big win after 3 months of nothing. If it can turn into a client I'd be extatic, but I'll just give myself permission to suck and not hope that I'll do the best job. This is my first call in the end, I have a lot to learn here

On the dating front, I did go out 3 times, the weather was so great that it was very pleasurable. Tuesday I managed to approach 1 (instant rejection), Thursday didn't manage any, and yesterday managed to approach 2 (both instant rejection, and the 2nd one didn't even give me the time of the day). I am slowly building up my courage. I do progress in terms of number of approaches each week, so I'm happy about that. When I see all the women that I let go, I'm looking forward the time when I'll be able to approach with more competence. So many opportunities outside.

Barely did any inner work this week, I'm more focusing on action, and if I get to a sticking point or something is feeling stuck then I work on it. I did a session one time, and I did uncover some root cause that explains my relationship with intimacy and why I have been avoiding it most of my life. So good stuff in the end, now I have to work on releasing it.

Fitness wise, I'm staying on course. I like the routine I set up : 1 long run, 1 interval training, 1 strength training (can be calisthenic or weight lifting).

It's weird, I'm technically back to where I was 6 years ago : No job and no girlfriend, but I feel I'm the happiest I've been in a while. I feel proud of the steps that I'm taking every day, even when I don't feel like it. And even though I'm in a middle of a stressful transition, there's many things to be grateful for.

My ratings for this past week in terms of action :

Work : 3/5
Dating : 3.5/5
Fitness : 3.5/5
Inner work : 1/5

Just keep going.