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My progress log


Mar 12, 2023
Build a career
I introduced myself here at the start of the year but didn't fully commit to improving myself. However, now I am ready to take my goals seriously and crush them. I will share my full story later but here are some goals I plan on working towards over the next 21 days (going in monk mode)

Lose 2kg ( Will Post Starting Pics)
Get a 3.3 GPA this semester, Complete 1 udemy course, make $100 online
Attend 6 social events
Read 6 Books

Update: I initially planned for a 75 days monk mode, but that seems a bit unrealistic at this time. So I will slowly build up from 21 days. Updated goals for next 21 days
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Actions I took today

Jogged for 20 minutes, 70 pushups/situps/squats. Stuck with diet
7 Study sessions of 45 minute each. 1 hour of Office Hours with instructor
2 hour of Content Creation for Instagram
Practiced Spanish for 20 minutes
Read The Slight Edge for 40 minutes
Weekly Recap:

Things that went well:
Stuck with diet. Down 1lb
Jogged for 20 minutes everyday and did 70 Pushups/Situps/Squats everday
Aced Econ and Acturial Quiz. Kind of messed up a group project.
1 New post a day on instagram. I am growing by 10-15 followers a day.
Reached out to 100 local fitness coaches through instagram. Got a lot of replies. Tried and tweaked outreach techniques. I have a fairly decent idea of how to outreach. Have 4 interested clients right now.
Finished Atomic Habits and Millionaire Next Door this week
Also Started keeping a journal. Really helps me with getting my thoughts out and practicing gratitude
Meditated 20 minutes everyday

Things I can improve:
Have to be more consistent with Spanish
Have to make an effort to be more social
So, here’s my full story

I was born to a conservative Muslim family (this gives context to my situation later). I was a really shy kid (probably had undiagnosed social anxiety disorder), was always good academically. Was bullied a bit from primary to middle school but nothing eventful happened during this period.

So, my problem started when I became a teenager and puberty, it was at this point I realized I am no longer religious. Started resenting my parents as I realized they’d never accept me as an atheist. It was also during this time, I discovered self improvement through reddits getdisciplined. I also befriended a really good-looking popular guy during this time (this also affected me a lot).

After hanging out with above mentioned popular guy I saw how girls interacted with him. He could be the biggest asshole and girls would still hookup with him and basically worship him.This really disheartened me as it was at this point I realized I was not attractive facially (based on the words and actions of girls). I remember at this point my friends were encouraging me to talk to this girl and even kind of introduced me to her but she was like: ‘I’m out of his league”. Ouch, that really hurt. It was at this point I went to my first ever parties but due to my social anxiety and strict parents couldn’t really make the most out of this. But, I realized the kind of life I missed out on.

It was also at this point, that I started to get bullied a lot by the above mentioned “friend” and basically the entire school. I guess people realized I had some sort of mental health issue and didn’t really have a lot of friends which made me an easy target. Got beaten up physically everyday. Couldn’t really tell anyone about this.

I just decided to focus on school and transfer to this other school (which I eventually did). So, the summer before starting my A’Levels (at another school), I started lifting .Was Skinny Fat when I started, Decided to bulk and followed a PPL program. Did this for 2 months, made some newbie gains, some of my past T-shirts got tighter. I entered this new school with a little more confidence (which would eventually crumble).

So, basically during first week of new school, I approach this girl but she got weirded out and said “This is getting creepy”. At that point, due to me being entirely insecure about my looks I treated this as a “If I was better looking she wouldn’t have said that”. This was also backed by when I saw a really good looking friend of mine talk to her and she was really receptive.

It was at this point I genuinely became depressed, I realized I couldn’t do anything about my face and no amount of lifting would make me attractive. It was also at this point I discovered The Red Pill and sluthate.com. Sluthate was really toxic, According to them I was a 2/10 facially and was basically destined to be an incel forever. The Red Pill also heavily influenced my stance on Women

One beacon of hope came when I stumbled upon GoodookingLoser.com Forums and discovered the post “How Losing Fat can make your face attractive”


After reading this post I decided to start cutting. Followed GLL diet (can’t find link for it anymore). In 3-4 months I got down to 130 lbs (10-12% bodyfat) . Had abs and face leaned down. Had a jawline. Also I don’t know if it was me just finishing puberty or just the increased testosterone from lifting but my face got slightly more masculine and better looking. It was during my fat loss journey that I experimented with Ritalin (for studying and appetite suppression), which in hindsight was a really stupid move as soon I needed to really up the dose and was taking it daily.

After I stopped Ritalin, I had a withdrawal phase, came out to my parents regarding my mental health issues(GLL actually convinced me to get help). Went to see a doctor and thereafter a psychiatrist. Got on an anti-depressant initially which completely cured my depression and anxiety (it probably made me manic). So i started my 2nd year of A Levels. I started Posting shirtless pics on Instagram. I finally had girls talking about me (I would often hear from female friends or on social media that xyz girls was talking about my abs and if i was single). This cured my validation and insecurity issues completely. However, I was new to this stuff and due to my socially awkward nature managed to screw up some chances.

Though my mental health was better, I still had some concentration problems (thought it was ADHD but infact was schizophrenia). I had to stay in a psychiatric unit for about a week. Got on antipsychotics and took a gap year and decided to rejoin school next year. Due to a combination of getting on antipsychoitcs (increased my appetite a lot) and deciding to bulk and powerlfit I gained around 30kg in around 6 months (a really dumb mistake to dirty bulk this much), I thought was getting muscular since my lifts were going up, but I was just getting fat

Come next year, I decided to give my exams privately. Basically became a shut-in for 2 years. Let my appearance go completely. Got upto 110kg (~35% + bodyfat). Stopped caring about my style, hairstyl skincare and basically everything. All I did was study all day long. It was also at this point that I developed an unhealthy attitude toward food. I would lose 17kg in 7 weeks and regain it back in 4. Did this multiple times

After 2 years I started university, but I had basically zero confidence starting this as I was obese, had a fat face. Upon entering university, I basically developed a habit of overthinking stuff. The academic experience was so challenging that I basically had zero time for anything else. This alogn with my strict parents, I became depressed again seeing all these people enjoy their lives and party their ass off. I actually developed a complex (GLL also talks about this a lot), that all these people were wasting their lives and I will come out successful in the end (but this was not true).

Currently, in my second last year of university, my goal is to finally have a social life. I have not planned a hangout with anyone for the last 6 years. So, my goal is to remedy this. For this, I need some form of income (so I can move out of my parents house, they pay for my college but anything else I have to cover).
Fucking awesome job making progress with your mental health
Though my mental health was better, I still had some concentration problems (thought it was ADHD but infact was schizophrenia). I had to stay in a psychiatric unit for about a week. Got on antipsychotics and took a gap year and decided to rejoin school next year.​
Man that sounds like you got dealt a rough hand. I've seen schizophrenic patients, some of them young males, and social isolation is really common with them. I hope you're doing ok in that front! Are your symptoms in remission?

It's respectable as fuck that you've started to form a vision for yourself and your life. You'll get there in time, I'm sure of it.​
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Man that sounds like you got dealt a rough hand. I've seen schizophrenic patients, some of them young males, and social isolation is really common with them. I hope you're doing ok in that front! Are your symptoms in remission?

It's respectable as fuck that you've started to form a vision for yourself and your life. You'll get there in time, I'm sure of it.​
Yes my symptoms are in remission. I've been on medication for a few years. Have actually been tapering down from a few months (by psychiatrist guidance).
Will comment more.

Start researching how these people treat schizophrenia:

Start researching Dr Chris Palmer, Harvard trained phsyciatirst, who exposes the scam of the 'medical' industry's 'treatment' of mental health (MOST patients, over the course of 10 years, in meta analysis, didn't improve, and yet our culture keeps sending people to these quacks)

You have a complex case, which is interesting to me

(1) Physiological recovery: Ketosis, habits, wellness
(2) SMV + Social skills & mental models: You'll have to rewire yourself and maxxx yourself out
(3) Social skills, Game: This will be the deep part of the journey

Stay at it, we'll see what we can do.

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Actions I took today:

Stuck with diet.
Jogged for 20 minutes. 50 pushups/situps/squats
5 study sessions of 45 minute each. For accounting and acturial quiz
Worked on a portfolio website for 1 hour
Practiced Spanish for 20 minutes
Read Choose Yourself for 45 minutes. (ALSO took notes on actionable stuff I can implement)
Also listend to GLL success principles for 15 minutes (https://youtube.com/@lifestyleget-a-lifebygoodl5775?si=Xxw6Z6at5qDuL4J1)

Classes this week were online due to smog condition here, so didn't really get a chance to socialise much

Also, thanks for all the responses. Will make it a habit to post daily here. Will check out metabolic mind youtube channel.
Firstly, good work getting help with your mental health. I'm not an expert and wont comment beyond the encouragement to get professional help with things like that.

A few things I will point out: -
I was born to a conservative Muslim family (this gives context to my situation later). I was a really shy kid (probably had undiagnosed social anxiety disorder), was always good academically. Was bullied a bit from primary to middle school but nothing eventful happened during this period.
You later go on to say you're not religious and that you will be resented for it. If you can't win either way, your parents' strictness shouldnt have any bearing over how you choose your life. If you are able to look after yourself, moving out of your parents house and stop using them as an excuse to not have fun is the first big step. their job was to look after you until you were old enough to do that for yourself (18). Their job is done now, it's up to you to build the life you want.

Come next year, I decided to give my exams privately. Basically became a shut-in for 2 years. Let my appearance go completely. Got upto 110kg (~35% + bodyfat). Stopped caring about my style, hairstyl skincare and basically everything. All I did was study all day long. It was also at this point that I developed an unhealthy attitude toward food. I would lose 17kg in 7 weeks and regain it back in 4. Did this multiple times

These are really huge swings. 17kg loss is equal to 130,900 cal deficit over 49 days which means you were in a 2,671 calorie deficit every single day (7,700 calories = 1kg). This would mean likely that you were not eating anything at all and working out a lot during this time (2000 usual burn of an adult +671 burn from a workout, 2 hours of weights and a half a mile run would be around 500). The flip side from that, to gain that in 4 months (assuming 120 days) would be eating a surplus of 1,090 calories a day. These ranges are actually insane. To be overeating by 1000 a day would be costing you a small fortune in junk food (assuming you don't drink) or your parents cooking you a ton of crap. You need to start cooking for yourself and meal prepping. Both of these habits (crash dieting and then the rubber band of over eating) will kill you. I find it hard to believe you were in really good shirtless IG shape, then fell into these habits. After your mental health, your relationship to food is the number one thing you need to change. Fuck dating for now, you need to become your own personal chief and litterally save your life. You need to get the Myfitnesspal app and start tracking all of your calories. Even before I discuss a single work out, you need to be able to make better decisions. I'm not here to fat shame, but you have 2 immediate goals you should focus on. 1 is taking ownership of the food you eat, 2 is being self sufficient enough to move out. Start with a studio apartment and try to make it through your first year. Girls in your age bracket will appreciate you having your own space, even if it's just a studio. The main point of getting somewhere, even if it's quite small, is to just prove to yourself that you can be a functioning adult (remember to stay on your meds and do your Drs appointments for your mental health).

Keep working out, there are lots of guides posted on the forum and plenty of info. For the love of god do not take shortcuts like stop eating entirely or jump onto ozempic . I would advise a 500 deficit each day, this will cause you to lose 2kg every month. The reason to do it slowly, is so that your body doesn't flip and want to binge on junk food causing you to put it all back on. In a year, that would be a 24 kg loss which would put you at the same weight as me right now (I need to lose some, but I'm confident you would swap bodies with me and I have 13 years on you). You want a sustainable loss that your body adapts to over time and not a sudden drop. I overdid it when I first started training and cut way too hard. I also have a food addiction. If I start making poor choices I will fuck up a buffet like a broke college kid. You have to not have processed or junk food in your house (again, advantage to living alone, and yes that means without roommates). Reduce the chances to make poor decisions and you will start fixing that part of life. If you keep posting add your stats as follows: -

Weekly Calories in =
Weekly Calories out =
Deficit =
Average deficit (deficit/7) =

We want you to be in a 500 deficit a day. If you make a commitment to work on that and do one post a week with the above stats, I will follow your log and will help you fix your dating and sex life later. The first thing I'd like to see is you commiting to fixing your diet for 1 month. Before that any other advice is going to be ignoring the elephant in the room.
Sorry for not posting in this log. I just got done with my final exams for this semester. Am free from school for about 40 days. Will take massive action during this period. Will also start tracking my calories
It’s been a while since I posted here. I’d like to say it was because i was busy taking action but that would not be true. I’ve made laughable progress towards my goals. I feel like I’ve hit rock bottom:

I’m fat, this leads me to have zero confidence with girls
I’m broke, and with my current GPA I’m probably not going to get a decent job
I don’t have a group of people I can truly call “friends”
I still have a lot of unresolved mental health issues
Porn has fucked up my brain, I can only get aroused to some really extreme scenarios (normal sex doesnt turn me on anymore)
I have no High Value Skills

Nothing I do seems to work out. I feel like I’m letting life pass me by. I know what steps I need to take to achieve my goals but I still dont take them when I know i should ( i take action for 2-3 weeks then fall back to my bad habits.) I think this is due to a lack of self-discipline and just living a too comfortable life where I don’t need to work hard. I have big dreams and yet I can't even take simple actions

I see people around me who seem to be blessed in all aspects of life, they’re in shape, get good grades, are in relationships and somehow also manage a social life along with extracurriculars and I can’t even get one area of my life dialed down. I see people like Iman Gadzhi (who is even younger than me) achieve such great success at a young age.

It’s do or die for me from now on (no more excuses from now on) . I’m going to schedule a meeting with a counsellor ( this really helped me a couple of years ago, don’t know why I stopped). I will also track all my habits on a habit tracking app along with posting in this log daily. Am also looking for an accountability buddy (we can discuss our progress over a call every week).

Essentially, I’m starting over in working towards my goals.

Bad Habits I need to work on:
Oversleeping, overeating as a form of “Comfort”, watching too much porn, too much screen time
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Action steps I took Yesterday:

Followed diet plan. Consumed 1700 calories
Worked out in the gym (Legs/Shoulders) along with Bodyweight exercises at home (Pushups/Situps/Squats). Also did Cardio after gym session for 20 minutes
Took a cold shower in the morning after waking up at 5
3-4 hrs of taking udemy course on video editing and working on portfolio
Wrote in my journal
Meditation for 30 minutes
Read The Compound Effect for 40 minutes
Spanish Practice for 20 minutes
Self-study for 3 hours for my university courses
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I think this is due to a lack of self-discipline and just living a too comfortable life where I don’t need to work hard.

I think its worth asking yourself if you'd rather be comfortable or succeed. Most people can answer than pretty easily.

The real question is if you'd rather be uncomfortable and failing, or comfortable and failing.

It is possible to prefer being uncomfortable and failing, but that requires massive re-alignment of fundamental values. I'd really recommend deep diving on the value of Hedonism in general. We are a massively hedonistic society and we place a far too great emphasis on it as the highest form of 'good'. Its hard for most guys here to justify the efforts they are taking in ANYWAY other than saying they will get to experience more sex and pleasure later.

I don't think getting laid frequently or having a lot of money are so valuable that they self-justify all the work required to achieve either. What I mean by that is the work required to get frequently is not fucking worth it if all you use it for is to get laid frequently. Even if you're getting laid 4 times a week for an hour each time, is that 4 hours of fun worth spending every other waking hour of misery in to achieve? No fucking way.

I'm not saying hedonism has no value, but if you can't identify other forms of value, or you can't identify which values outrank hedonism, then how the fuck are you going to wake up at 6am to go for a run in the winter cold? How could that misery be worth it if the only pay off is sex?
Stuck with diet. 1700 calories
Worked out in gym (Chest/Back) along with Post Workout Cardio. Also did Bodyweight Pushups/Situps/squats in morning
Cold Shower in Morning after waking up
Approached 3 new people
3 hours of video editing course along with portfolio work
Meditation for 30 minutes
Read Elastic Habits for 45 minutes
School-work for 3 hours

Stuck with diet. 1700 calories
Worked out in gym (Legs/SHoulders) along with Post Workout Cardio. Also did Bodyweight Pushups/Situps/squats in morning
Cold Shower in Morning after waking up
1 hours of video editing course
Meditation for 30 minutes
Read Elastic Habits for 45 minutes
School-work for 3 hours
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I think its worth asking yourself if you'd rather be comfortable or succeed. Most people can answer than pretty easily.

The real question is if you'd rather be uncomfortable and failing, or comfortable and failing.

It is possible to prefer being uncomfortable and failing, but that requires massive re-alignment of fundamental values. I'd really recommend deep diving on the value of Hedonism in general. We are a massively hedonistic society and we place a far too great emphasis on it as the highest form of 'good'. Its hard for most guys here to justify the efforts they are taking in ANYWAY other than saying they will get to experience more sex and pleasure later.

I don't think getting laid frequently or having a lot of money are so valuable that they self-justify all the work required to achieve either. What I mean by that is the work required to get frequently is not fucking worth it if all you use it for is to get laid frequently. Even if you're getting laid 4 times a week for an hour each time, is that 4 hours of fun worth spending every other waking hour of misery in to achieve? No fucking way.

I'm not saying hedonism has no value, but if you can't identify other forms of value, or you can't identify which values outrank hedonism, then how the fuck are you going to wake up at 6am to go for a run in the winter cold? How could that misery be worth it if the only pay off is sex?
I’ve pondered over my motivation and have come to the conclusion that I wanted to be successful for 3 things:

  1. Seeking validation. I want other people to acknowledge and respect me. As absurd as it sounds, there’s still a part of me that wants praise and respect from the people in high school that considered me a loser 7-8 years ago.
  2. Proving other people wrong.
  3. Disdain for a normal life - i see people around me who have accepted mediocrity in their lives, they’re overworked, underpaid, undersexed, overweight, dont have any fun

There was a point where I believed that I don’t want a sex life but now I feel like that was just a form of coping.
Disdain for a normal life - i see people around me who have accepted mediocrity in their lives, they’re overworked, underpaid, undersexed, overweight, dont have any fun

Then you need to reject the comforts of a normal life. You can't have it both ways. The people ok with this are ok with it for the comfort it offers, not because it is amazing. If you're eating fast food, playing video games, watching porn, watching netflix, etc, most of your time, then you're in the group you hate. Don't hate the group, hate the actions that lead you to be in it.
Weekly Recap:

Down to 99.5 kg ( finally seeing a double digit bodyweight ).
Gym workout 6 days a week along with post workout cardio (20m) daily
Spent about 2-3 hours daily on udemy course and portfolio work
Meditation 30m a day daily
Finished Elastic Habits, Atomic Habits and Rich Dad Poor Dad
Self-study 3-4 hours daily consistently along with attending all lectures
Talked to 9 new people (2 girls)