Many things I could write about, but just popping in for a short update to say dating with status is still hands down my favorite way to date.
Had a couple dates this week, and since I'm busy, I just planned them around stuff I needed to get done anyways. Needed to get regular STD testing done, so had the girl meet me at the coffee shop a couple blocks down. When we met she said she contemplated asking if she could go with me to testing center so she could get done too, but didn't know if that was too weird. Lol I think it would have just been fun and different. Anyways, we're going to shoot content together later this month.
The real fun one was this evening. She was from Feeld, new to the scene, and she had mentioned she wanted to go to some munches, but she wasn't sure if she was ready yet. Well I had pitched some days, Friday being one of them, and then once she said Friday would work, totally remembered I had to lead a munch that night. So said fuck it, told her I lead a bunch, and needed to lead one that night, if she had the courage, she could join me.
She got out of work late, so she was going to show up 30 mins after the start time. When I'm in leader mode, I often move around and mingle, make sure everyone is having a good time and being friendly. Except today I knew my date was coming, so I just sat on top of one of the tables and let people come to me. 10 minutes before my date shows up, I'm in conversation with a group of 3 women standing around me, and then eventually just one on one with the most attractive of the 3 in salsa/ dancing type sundress, good looking, just not as attractive as my date. Anyways, the woman is talking about something to do with consent & touching with my co-leader, and basically does this demo of like walking towards me and hugging me, which I reciprocate, and right on cue as this woman is hanging onto my body, my date walks in with direct view. I finish holding this woman, then turn to my date as she walks up and immediately go to hug her. The timing could not have been more perfect.
My co-leader was the spokesperson for the night, so I could just sit and connect with my date. Pretty easy for me to be fully present with someone even when lots is going on around. So I didn't really notice much of other people, but every once in a while would have someone touch my arm, and say hello. Then halfway through the munch we do a discussion circle, and we often tell the owner to turn the music down. Instead, the owner came up to me while I was chatting with my date, asked me if I wanted him to turn the music down. I said yes. Then I motioned my co-leader over to me, told her to get the discussion circle going (which means rallying like 35-50 people in a big circle) and then took my date to the one side of the circle. Then of course my co-leader starts, calls me out as one of the other leaders, and we do our thing. Afterwards my date and I vibe till the munch ends, and I walk out with her while others are still mingling. Which everyone seen me vibing with this woman the whole night and then walking out with her when she barley spoke with anyone else.
She was all but blatantly inviting herself, but I told she had to wait, because I can. I can get good sleep and invite over on my time. I'm getting up tomorrow to go to the Ren Faire (never been so new experience) with one of my girls and her friends tomorrow. This new girl is not going anywhere. We made out before leaving and she is such a wonderful kisser. Good times.
Curious if I'll get some residuals from the little pre-selection. Seriously, go find your niche in some social scene and put in the work to be someone in that scene. You'll thank yourself later.