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100 Girls a Day Challenge


Jul 22, 2021
Hi guys,

So ever since I stumbled upon this article on GLL https://www.goodlookingloser.com/forums/how-to-pick-up-girls/143635-rogerroger-hits-on-124-girls-in-a-day , I've wanted to do the same thing and hit 100 girls in a day. I'm not looking to break rogerroger record necessarily, but I am looking to ace cold approach by CoolGuy standards. So I will go for 100 girls in a day. This is the log for that.

I went out Saturday in my local area and was able to approach 50 girls in about 4 hours. I took voice recordings of my thoughts after every single interaction, I'm not sure how I can pull those from WhatsApp into here, but I can figure that out if you guys are interested. I used an girl I slept with as accountability partner (she moved away so I don't actively see her now). Regardless here's the results:

4/5 numbers received:
- 1 insta (talked for 20 minutes in person, no response to DM, message left unread, thoughts below)
- 1 number (went on a date today, rejected any sexual advances (kiss or take home), nothing besides hand holding happened)
- 1 she took my number (messaged me right after we met, rejected my insta date offer, haven't her from her since)
- 1 she took my number (pretty sure she was mocking me to my face, I'm pretty thick, haven't heard from her)
- 1 WhatsApp (no response, left unseen I believe)

- I pushed "up" my standards and can approach hotter girls now.
- I can approach back-to-back girls within 5 seconds of eachother. Not sure I can maintain this for daily approaches though.
- I still don't think I can approach black/asians, but I have physically done them now. Girl I went on date with was half latino half asian.
- Physically chased some girls down. Don't think I can do it consistently for daily apporaches though.
- Can't do groups.
- Can't stand around in one spot and approach.
- Physical exhaustion is real big.

Thoughts Longer Form
- Non responses but left unread: Not sure what to do about non responses, for text messages I usually just move on but given these apps have read receipts and I haven't been deleted/unfollowed, I wonder if I should try it again regardless. I know I miss instagram DMs personally but I never miss text messages. Am I giving them too much credit?
- Back-to-back approaches. Definitely I was pushed out of my comfort zone. A few times, I've approached girls one after another, within 5 seconds of each other, to get the "number" in if you will. I actually agree with RogerRoger on KYIL podcast where you want to make the girl "feel special", and the one girl that made fun of me to my face was probably because she saw the other approach (though to be fair this happens every once and a while).
- Breath of girl type: I approach some asians & blacks, which I usually don't go for. I'm into white girls normally, but to get it done, I had to go for more out of scope girls.
- Lowered Standards: I didn't have to drop my standards much, if at all. There were a lot of people out despite the hot weather and I picked some half decent locations.
- Highered Standards: I did have to jump up my standard though, so approach younger girls (normally I have AA to those because I really want to get with them) and ultra hotties. This is a good take away, I want to approach the ultra hot chicks.
- Chasing girls: Usually I skip girls crossing the street (like we're either side of a stop light and then it turns green, we'll meet in the middle of the road). This time I was able to get them. I crossed the street to talk to one girl. I still could chase down girls more (if they passed me by and I didn't see them, I didn't run back to catch up).
- Blabbering: Besides a few insta dates in the street ranging from 5 minutes to 20-ish minutes, I don't blabber. I use the "are you single/available/etc" thing right off the bat. I might try mixing back in the more physical shake hands and chat a bit type thing, but I personally really like knowing where she stands right off the bat and I don't like shaking every person I meet hand. I hate wasted time.
- Skipping girls: I was pretty good about this, I think I approached about 50%+ of the girls I wanted to.
- Groups: I exclusively avoided groups. I don't know how to do them and I have a lot of AA doing them. I don't know if I should work on this or not (is the ROI worth it, GLL seemed a bit skeptical).
- Physical Exhaustion: I was dead fucking tired. I took a few breaks here and there to regain energy, made a few stops to Tims and ice cream. But I was mentally checked out the last 5 approaches and completely uninterested in approaching after that. I drank at least a few litres of water since it was 31 degrees, packed it in my bag. That really helped. Skipped the gym the past few days to recover.
- Mental Exhaustion: I was pretty decently sharp and rejections didn't affect me much. I've been down in the depths of rejection affecting me hard but so far since I moved downtown and approach more frequently (almost daily), how it affects me is much lower.
- Standing around: I was planning on standing around but that gives me AA (being seen doing approaches), so I walked the whole time.
So small follow up, one of the girls who I approached, the day after I had apparently talked to her friend and I was recognized between the two & called out. Don't think that would have turned out to be anything anyway but ngl that feels like shit.