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17 Reasons to Date Younger Women


Jul 12, 2020
Andy this vid was greeeeat man, you were concise and well-structured, I was engaged the whole time. You made jokes, you went on small tangents (but not rambling), you were empathetic towards your audience and gave context to your video..... I dunno man I have no tips to give. Do the same again next time.

Actually after watching this video I feel more able to say to myself "I want to date younger women" which is something I've been feeling more recently. I realise that inside of me, there is a strange feeling that I should be dating women closer to my own age... But I do keep ending up with women about my age and it damn well pisses me off because I'm only with them as I've struggled to get younger women. The times I've been with younger girls it has been hot as hell and awesome for all the reasons you give... My profile just isn't giving off the vibe I want it to just now. I'll keep working on it.

I guess my only tip is to not cram 17 reasons in 1 video/ blog. You could have split it to 2 and saved some time in writing more articles. Not to mention, you could've split the video in 2, because it's damn 41 minutes! You could've had 2 videos/ posts for the same work you did.

But for content, I loved it. No complaints there.
It is important for men to feel their sexuality, and choosing a woman younger than themselves, they begin to believe in their irresistibility and ability to interest a young creature. Next to a girl younger than themselves, men feel like males capable of satisfying any girl. In addition, sex with a young girl, whom you can prove that you are not losing ground yet, you can do a lot in bed, are able to surprise her and teach her something new, only gives confidence in your sexuality. By the way, you can read interesting articles on similar topics here. I visit https://signscheating.com/leo-woman-cheating-signs/ often