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1m76 55 kg but still fat, should I stop cutting?


Nov 23, 2020
Title is a bit misleading because its been a little bit more than a month now since I stopped cutting and I gained a few kgs back since then, but yeah I once weighed 55 kg for 1m76 while still have love handles and a fat ass.
I came from 75 kg where I was fat thinking going in the 60 range would be enough, but I kept losing without seeing my love handles disappear. I've been practically cutting for a year, and this is my result after enduring this hell. While I do feel better than before (my face looks sharper, I'm lighter and with clothes people wouldn't notice I'm still fat) I'm really not satisfied with the end result and I know that one day I'll have to cut again. As of right now I wouldn't even dare to show up half naked to anyone and I still can't wear tight clothes which was what I was aiming for one year ago. Feeling a little hopeless, not gonna lie.

Also, I went to the doctor to get checked, I now weigh approximately 60 kg and apparently my bmi is a little low but nothing abnormal. Even did a blood test and my testosterone levels are more than okay. So I dont think I'm the skinny fat type, I think I mostly have fat on my lower stomach and ass but I guess this is the case for everyone. And I still have a layer of fat on my arms, and other parts of my body, even my face I can see could still lose some fat.

So, what do you think? Right now I'm bulking while trying to maintain my bodyfat as much the same as it is now, because putting up muscle is what people advised me to do and was my objective from the start once I was done cutting, but what do you think? Is it the right thing to do, or should I continue trying to cut, even going beneath the 50 kg?
I think your priority should be gaining muscle.
That will also help you with your metabolism, so you can maintain a decent body fat percentage.

If you go too hard on the cut without any muscle, you will look super skinny, plus your hormones will be in the gutter, which is not a good state to build muscle. Just eat clean and train hard(heavy like Andy said), or even better, get a personal trainer.

I had the same stats as you a year and a half ago, with less fat, and gain 4 kg of clean weight easily
You can do it
KillYourInnerLoser said:
Have you been lifting weights (heavy) while cutting? If not, why the hell not?

I did before for 6 months, then corona hit, gyms closed, I continued at home but it wasn't great.
I decided to cut in july. I didnt work out but I did cardio, tried as much as I could.
I was overobsessed with losing weight. I tried to lift, but I wasn't motivated with putting up muscles so I stopped, thinking that the time I had for lifting I could put in cardio.
Also I wasn't mentally great all the time I guess, had my ups and downs.
But yeah, I mean, it was a shitty decision, I guess I really wanted a fresh start before lifting and attempting to put up muscles, like some sort of reset. It was an irrational desire and irrational choice probably motivated by laziness.
HyperR said:
I think your priority should be gaining muscle.
That will also help you with your metabolism, so you can maintain a decent body fat percentage.

If you go too hard on the cut without any muscle, you will look super skinny, plus your hormones will be in the gutter, which is not a good state to build muscle. Just eat clean and train hard(heavy like Andy said), or even better, get a personal trainer.

I had the same stats as you a year and a half ago, with less fat, and gain 4 kg of clean weight easily
You can do it

Thanks man
Yeah, right now I'm really existing on lots naturel anabolic food like eggs and sardines.
I've decided to try to stop eating refined sugar food as much as I can. I'm also lifting everyday and it feels good and I'm once again wondering why I stopped with it because I feel amazing after lifting.
So yeah, I'm hoping that the energy my muscles consume will help me in regards to bodyfat, also getting larger in general and the bodyfat in proportion less visible would be great.
Still, sometimes I get so bummed out when I look at myself, I end up being uncertain about this choice, thats why I wanted to make this thread.
Thanks for your take on this, it makes me a little bit more confident about my choice
As everyone else said, yeah building muscle is the way to go right now, if you dropped 15kg without lifting, you can probably put on a shit ton right now since you're de-trained AND below your "setpoint" since you cut. You're (most likely) below "equilibrium" so your body will put much more resources towards building muscle right now, than it would any other time. Point of that being, you don't need to eat more calories to gain muscle.

If you just put in the work to cut out a ton of fat, that wasn't a waste of time and suffering as long as you keep it off. You should probably seek to not gain any weight for a while. Definitely train, but don't bulk.

You might put on muscle a tiny bit faster doing a "proper" bulk but it's going to mean a bunch MORE effort and another 6 months of dieting down the road.

Based on the numbers you gave, you're also pretty small so IMO it's unlikely you'll get to be impressive and hot by being big & muscular (like Chris and Andy), so being lean AF is probably the way to go. I'm in the same boat, and have had WAY more girls complement and/or throw themselves at me when I was super lean and tiny and weak than when I was way bigger and stronger, but fatter.

Upshot of all of that being, I would lift like your life depends on it BUT don't eat like it does, I'd keep calories around maintenance.

Also don't worry about "natural anabolic" foods - those doesn't really exist, or if they do it's a 0.01% difference. You only really have to worry about calories and protein content (more specifically the ratio of protein to calories) from a body composition perspective. Most of your food choices should come down to what you LIKE and what diet you can STICK TO. Greg doucette has a ton of good videos on food choice.
NotYourAverageNerd said:
As everyone else said, yeah building muscle is the way to go right now, if you dropped 15kg without lifting, you can probably put on a shit ton right now since you're de-trained AND below your "setpoint" since you cut. You're (most likely) below "equilibrium" so your body will put much more resources towards building muscle right now, than it would any other time. Point of that being, you don't need to eat more calories to gain muscle.

If you just put in the work to cut out a ton of fat, that wasn't a waste of time and suffering as long as you keep it off. You should probably seek to not gain any weight for a while. Definitely train, but don't bulk.

You might put on muscle a tiny bit faster doing a "proper" bulk but it's going to mean a bunch MORE effort and another 6 months of dieting down the road.

Based on the numbers you gave, you're also pretty small so IMO it's unlikely you'll get to be impressive and hot by being big & muscular (like Chris and Andy), so being lean AF is probably the way to go. I'm in the same boat, and have had WAY more girls complement and/or throw themselves at me when I was super lean and tiny and weak than when I was way bigger and stronger, but fatter.

Upshot of all of that being, I would lift like your life depends on it BUT don't eat like it does, I'd keep calories around maintenance.

Also don't worry about "natural anabolic" foods - those doesn't really exist, or if they do it's a 0.01% difference. You only really have to worry about calories and protein content (more specifically the ratio of protein to calories) from a body composition perspective. Most of your food choices should come down to what you LIKE and what diet you can STICK TO. Greg doucette has a ton of good videos on food choice.

Thanks for the great answer man, you're helping me a lot.
Yeah since i started lifting again I've found myself progressing pretty fast in weights. I'm almost at where I stopped one year ago after several months of lifting I did.
Best part is also that in contrary to last year I can see some muscles and veins, which was absolutely not the case one year ago. Feels pretty great.
As for my eating habit, I think I've found some good recipes which include lots of eggs, so I feel full pretty quickly while having my lipids and proteins.
Hope I'll make it for next summer, the lean muscular physique is something I've been dreaming of for such a long time, hopefully I'll get there one day :)
Thanks for your advice bro.