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Nov 26, 2020
For the longest time I didn't want to post this I didn't want to come off as overly narcissistic. But fuck it, I think it might provide value.

So yeah, ever heard about mewing?

The Mewing Hype Explained

A British orthodontist names Dr. Mike Mew invented a facial restructuring technique that involves tongue placement on the roof of the mouth which research says can help reshape the face and as well as other facial structural issues.

There is alot of questions about this technique, and if it can really make your face more attractive. We will try to answer everything you need to know about mewing in this article.

How does mewing work?

This exercise has received a lot of attention online especially having gone viral on YouTube. This new exercise is not actually something created recently. This type of exercise is recommended by some orthodontists as well as other medical professionals. While many people typically rest their tongues on the bottom of their mouths, people that practice mewing rest their tongues on the roof of their mouths. All of this can help relieve pain from jaw related problems.

Despite the attraction the technique has been gaining online, this does have a lot of limitations that may hinder what is seen on YouTube. Many people have posted videos giving their best tips on how to proceed with this exercise. But the most reliable channel is of Dr. Mew himself which has been running since 2012 and has many videos already posted that offer great advice. Not everything seen online Will work, it is recommended to see a doctor for diagnosis or treatment if there is persistent mouth and jaw medical concern.

Explained: How to Mew

To learn the main technique of mewing is how to accurately reposition the tongue into a new resting place. People that practice this believe that the tongues natural place should be on the roof of the mouth, with the lips together, and the teeth either touching or fairly close together. Over time this exercise should help change the overall facial features, this Will mostly be visible on the jawline.

Another Benefit that people hope this Will cure is potentially relieve some form of jaw pain as well as some relief from snoring. The art of how to mew is supposed to work by allowing the jawline to be much more defined. Practicing this can result in shaping the face to make the jaw larger, stronger, and more squared.

What are Mewing Results?

As mentioned earlier on, the original creator of this technique was said to be Dr. Mew. Although the exercises were not actually created by the orthodontist there are many videos online that show the different exercises that can be done to achieve results that are seen in many places. While there are videos that show a timeline of before and after pictures of positive results, there are also some videos that completely negate other peoples results and the popularity of the exercises having some sort of success.

Many people have come to believe that the exercise isn´t the sole factor that changes the dynamic of one’s face. Since there has been no credible or peer reviewed study it can also be believed that the lack of effort put into mewing can also make the jawline worse. There is also the possibility that it could provide some helpful techniques for children that suffer with tongue posture issues that have the potential to lead to irregular bites and speech issues later as they grow.

While mewing has been tried by many people with intentions to better their jawline. There are experts that fear that some people that currently need some sort of surgery or other medical treatment Will postpone that to try and fix any issue by themself. That is why it is strongly recommended to speak to a qualified doctor if you are suffering from any current issues. A trained medical specialist can address the structural and cosmetic issue that needs to be dealt with in order to efficiently fix any concern.

Alternatively, you can concentrate directly on training the jaw muscles, primarily the masseter muscle, to make your jawline more pronounced. By chewing the hardest chewing gum in the world, you simulate hard chewing in a completely natural and at the same time simple way that is not as medically dubious as mewing.

Source: the internets

Since this place is all about proof, and personal experience, I will show you pictures before and after (2019-2021) (the bulk of my progress was in my first year or two.

I may be dellusional, but I think there's a noticeable difference. My face looks "fuller", my jawline more squared. Also, my mouth used to be crooked, but now it's straight.

What did I do?

  • -Improved my tongue posture (basically, your tongue should be resting on the top and back of your mouth)

  • -Went to the gym (I believe it contributes to the general development of neck and facial muscles)

  • -Increased meat consumption (=hard to chew food)

  • -Slept with my mouth taped (to force mysef to breathe through my nose and not my mouth)

  • -Used a mouth appliance designed by an orthodontist to improve jaw misalignment/malocclusion

  • -Chewed mastic gum (it's almost like chewing shoe leather)

I'm still skeptical of all of this though. There's the possibility that my face simply aged and developed independently of all the shit I did above.

What do y'all think? Has anyone here tried mewing?
You'll want to talk to MakingAComeback

He's the biggest proponent of this i've ever met
i'm a mewwer.

I have done consults with Mike Mew himself, have done airway & breathwork for 7 years, am an advanced student of the Buteyko Method, and am in Mikes group.

I vlog my Mewwing journey and so far, with the ALF upper expander, Myofunctional therapy and mewwing, I've expanded by upper jaw by 3-4mm and improved my breathing. This was through 4 months of expansion with the device.


This work is about restoring function and nature's design, which is an aesthetic design.

The 'exercise' itself is but a small element.

When I had my call with Dr Mike, he insisted that most of the game is overall body posture, in addition to oral posture and tongue position.

When the upper palate is narrow, it's damn hard to get the tongue where it needs to be, and that's where I went for the expander device.

Equally, many people who've had improper tongue posture have weak tongues, which is where myofunctional therapy and things like the myobrace come in.

I started teaching my friend The Bastard Mewwing, he went off to do his offshore job, came back a month later and had a better developed face.

Mewwing, in short, does work, but is contingent on a LOT of other factors.

It requires proper breathing, which is nasal breathing, requires good body posture and function, and then requires a strong tongue and correct myofunctional habits.

I have improved my jaw overall, I think, and will let the people judge for themselves. I will shoot my update video.

Mewing is 100% legit. It's basically adopting the correct posture for your tongue, which then does wonder to your face in addition to tons of other benefits.
I had not enough room on my palate to rest my tongue, then I got jaw surgery and now I'm seeing a physiotherapist that specializes in jaws and tongue that taught me to position it well. My face looks better also, my jawline is more defined. I have daily tongue exercises to do to strengthen it.
I hope my face will look even better with time.

Sisyphus congrats on the results, your face looks wider
MakingAComeback also, top-tier jaw dude
Yeah good stuff. For a few years now I’ve generally watched a short 2-3 minute snippet about orthotropics on YouTube each morning before I roll out of bed.

Helps to keep it on the forefront of my mind as I go about my day. I also do a couple chin tucks against the wall each day for a minute apiece. But with daily life and working a lot on the computer lately keeping good posture has been a struggle

MakingAComeback have you any thoughts on what the best sleeping position is? I’ve defaulted to sleeping without a pillow at all to keep a more straight head/neck alignment. I also put a little piece of micropore tape over my lips at night to keep a lip seal
Thanks hush it gets better by the month.

Paid Renegade yeah, the worst is your back. That'll encourage deep breathing and possibly mouth breathing. Tape your mouth at night and sleep on your side. For severe mouth breathing, you may need to sleep on the floor. I did this for 2years. For sleep and breathing, the best source of learning is the Buteyko method.

MakingAComeback MattsCrib Yeah when I went digging into this I got a lot of mixed opinions... but MOST people seemed to suggest laying on your back. The downside to that is your tongue can drop back.

the main reason I steered away from using a pillow is that it pushes your head into a forward/extended position. Without the pillow you are keeping more of a “chin tuck”

Also, when I’m sleeping on my side I’ve noticed that my neck tends to extend forward in a similar way, and one side of my face will get squashed particularly if I’m using a pillow.

But in truth what I end up doing is rolling back and forth throughout the night and my face is usually pointing to the side rather than straight up to the ceiling, even if I’m laying on my back. This probably helps keep my tongue from dropping back.

I started doing this at 19 and within about a year I did feel like there was an improvement in my face/jaw, both in terms of my own perception and compliments from others. I’ve measured my palate and it’s pretty wide with enough room for my tongue even though I’ve had extractions, braces, and a deviated septum growing up.

*Also just realized I spent my whole lunch break typing this shit with terrible hunched forward posture staring down at my phone haha
"Most people suggested laying in your back"

Interesting. Source, please?

Who is the world's authority on Mewwing? Dr Mike Mew. What is Mew's stance on optimal breathing? People need to be practising Buteyko breathing.

I am an advanced student of Buteyko practices and know the worlds top practitioners personally. What you've outlined on sleep positions is entirely contra to the body of thought on optimal breathing, which is part and parcel of optimal cranio-facial development.

Not only will sleeping on the back encourage deeper breathing, which isn't conducive with nasal breathing, but it will also encourage mouth breathing and un-do all the work you're doing in the day time.

Mewwing is hard because you've got decades of conditioning. And sleep is a problem area because we can't control our breathing during sleep. This is where hacks like the myobrace and mouth taping come in. But nasal breathing has to be on point before that.

Mewwing is SO MUCH deeper than people think. Which is why many do not make it work. If you've not retrained your breathing AND oral posture, you've missed the boat. This is about restoring function back to our primitive ways. I am coaching a member on this right now (Thebastard ) and we're building him up systematically. We're first retraining his oral posture, getting his tongue where we need it, switching him to nose breathing, and trying to expand the upper palate. We'll be doing this for a while. Fortunately for him, he doesn't have to re-invent the wheel and go through the 8 years of bullshit I did to learn mewwing. He has me and via me, access to the best info.

Happy to explain further, but I'd need sources to understand how you reached this conclusion. It is very confusing how you could research and report back this conclusion. Mike has mentioned sleeping on the back may be fine if the person can do so on the floor, and insodoing, lengthen out their vertebrea. Otherwise, you've thrown me for a loop here.

MakingAComeback Don’t have a specific source for you right now, that opinion was formed through watching a variety of YouTube vids (especially ones from physical therapist types because that’s mostly what I could find) and scrolling through some subreddits mostly. This was several months ago. The general impression I got was that back sleeping done properly puts your head/neck into an ideal alignment.

And that’s also why I never really got on with side sleeping when experimenting for myself, because when on my side I can’t support myself without:

Extending my head/neck forward into a kyphotic position

Compressing one side of my face

Severely rounding my shoulders forward (100% unavoidable when side sleeping as far as I’m aware)

Like I said though there were also plenty of people suggesting side sleeping, and I do remember seeing Mike Mew’s video suggesting to sleep on the side with a tennis ball stitched onto your back. I discarded that idea for me personally as impractical. There was a also a guy on YouTube suggesting to wear a backpack to bed and practice side sleeping lol. The idea is that you won’t be able to roll over on your back.

When I sleep on my back without a pillow it is pretty similar to floor sleeping as my mattress is firm.

(But again I spend a lot of the night on my sides too as I am tossing and turning- but still almost never use a pillow)

You’ve got me curious though as to exactly what you’ve found is best. I have heard of buteyko breathing but haven’t researched that area specifically.

So when you’re sleeping on your side, do you use a pillow, and if so, what kind? A conventional pillow has the unfortunate effect of squashing one side of the face which might contribute to asymmetry and also wrinkles/lines on the face. I haven’t tried the contoured ones though.

I know I don’t mouth breathe due to the tape. Without the tape though my mouth would def drop open. I have to wear a night guard to prevent grinding, but I opted for a thin, flexible one that goes on my lower teeth so that my tongue can still fit on the roof of my mouth and work to expand my palate.

Would love to hear exactly how you approach sleeping and I’ll do some research into the buteyko stuff too

(I’m open to learning a better way, just haven’t really been able to make pure side sleeping work for me thus far)
Ok, I see. I was confused because I thought you'd researched the thought of mewwers - physical therapists are obviously knowledgeable and useful, but what we are trying to achieve here may be a bit specialised.

I'd encourage people to draw their own conclusions, but when we're restoring breathing to optimal, with a view towards achieving forward facial growth, we should consider how to transition over to nasal breathing and overcome mouth breathing. In particular, at night.

Something that is fricken hard with a narrow palate. 7 years of breathwork and I still needed an ALF expansion device as my upper palate was narrow, and my tongue weak.

We do this work to be the best version of ourselves.

I'll shoot an update for you all bros.

MakingAComeback does wearing an ALF expansion device fucks up your teeth alignement at all?
I'd love to extend my palate but I've been wearing braces for the last 2 years + got jaw surgery, I'd hate to fuck everything up trying to get a wider palate

At what age did you start mewing? Is there hope for adults? Last time I read about it it seemed like it wouldn't do much for an adult in terms of aesthetic / widening palate
hush said:
@MakingAComeback does wearing an ALF expansion device fucks up your teeth alignement at all?
I'd love to extend my palate but I've been wearing braces for the last 2 years + got jaw surgery, I'd hate to fuck everything up trying to get a wider palate

At what age did you start mewing? Is there hope for adults? Last time I read about it it seemed like it wouldn't do much for an adult in terms of aesthetic / widening palate

It can do, yeah. It can also cause tipping of the teeth. You'd be at risk and you'd need an expert practitioner.

I had never had any braces, dental work, surgeries. Nada. I was a great case.

Started buteyko breathing at 25/26. Started rebuilding my core and posture the same sort of time. I'd been mouth taping and nasal breathing for 7 years before formal mewwing. Mewwing formally started at 30, with the ALF, Myobrace, and Myofunctonal Therapy.

It absolutely can do a lot for adult aesthetics and creating beautiful faces, and it can be noticeable, but not as radical as it would be for children for instance. Nonetheless, many adults DO achieve forward growth and improved aesthetics. I'll post an update my end....

BTW, looking at your pic, you have a totally under-developed upper jaw. No cheekbones.. The same way I was when I started the ALF. I've expanded by about 3/4mm in the upper, and grown some cheekbones.

For anyone who wants to learn, study the work of Dr Tom below:


Anything you're unsure of, ask me

MakingAComeback said:
BTW, looking at your pic, you have a totally under-developed upper jaw. No cheekbones.. The same way I was when I started the ALF. I've expanded by about 3/4mm in the upper, and grown some cheekbones.

I got jaw surgery to move both my upper and lower jaw forward, I'd love to have your opinion a few months from now. For the moment my face is still swollen, the whole thing is fucked up

How did you fix your posture and core?

From what I understand I don't need myobrace as my teeth are close to perfectly aligned due to the braces. I'm researching buteyko breathing and myofunctional therapy, I'm already doing tongue exercises.

Thanks for all the resources :)
hush said:
MakingAComeback said:
BTW, looking at your pic, you have a totally under-developed upper jaw. No cheekbones.. The same way I was when I started the ALF. I've expanded by about 3/4mm in the upper, and grown some cheekbones.

I got jaw surgery to move both my upper and lower jaw forward, I'd love to have your opinion a few months from now. For the moment my face is still swollen, the whole thing is fucked up

How did you fix your posture and core?

From what I understand I don't need myobrace as my teeth are close to perfectly aligned due to the braces. I'm researching buteyko breathing and myofunctional therapy, I'm already doing tongue exercises.

Thanks for all the resources :)

Yep. Many do need surgery so their structure is in a good position to start developing properly.




-Learn the McKenzie Extension. Perform this for 15m a day, morning and night when in pain. Reduce to 15m once a day after a few months.
-Watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-qA0p...
-Watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k_rbN...
-Watch: Overall theory behind spine rehab (long) https://youtu.be/zZTdAwQxqwY


-Learn the McGill Big 3
-Perform Big 3 Daily
-Add 10 min walks 3 x a day when in pain
-WATCH: Big 3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P8YiZ...
-WATCH: Stu McGill coaching Big 3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=syKKv...


-Find an approach to stretching, alignment, and movement that works for you
-My reccomendation: Ben Patrick Kneesovertoesguy
-I have experimented with the following: Yoga, Foundation Training, GMB Fitness. Overall, the best results I ever saw came from Kneesovertoesguy (ATG).

-Build up an iron back. Exercises to progress through – back extentions, seated goodmornings
-Watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w0TO_...
-Watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BCwM-...


Potential process for rebuilding the core

-McKenzie Ext Daily
-McGill Big 3 Daily
-Stretching in some capacity every day
-When safe: incorporating some form of back building progression into your gym workouts. I started with back extentions at the end of workouts.


Without addressing posture, you will get nowhere with mewwing. Your body has to be aligned and functioning as nature intended, for it to grow as nature intended. I have to do this shit DAILY. I've done it for years. It's a habit now.

Myobrace: this is not so much for teeth, but for the tongue.

Myofunctional therapy: In your case, this is priority. This should be done morning and night. Hammer this for a year and develop your core/posture to be absolutely on point, and you'll get further ahead.

Thereafter, if you need expansion, you can explore that. The myobrace and myofunctional therapy alone can be enough to get expansion BTW, and it's what I am doing with Thebastard

MakingAComeback Dude you're a legend, thank you so much, I owe you quite a few drinks

Some of the videos don't seem to work unfortunately.
I'm gonna watch everything that works and I'll tell you about my progress.

I've done the Kneesovertoes ATG programs for a year and a half! My favorite workout programs by far, I only wish it had more upper body work. I only stopped because after my surgery I had to stop working out. I got much more athletic and flexible thanks to it.
Holy fucking shit you handsome fucker MakingAComeback

You got to make a separate thread about what you've been doing over the years, some common questions people have asked so you don't have to go over them.

Bruh your whole side profile changed, wtf. Is there any bf% difference, and during the 2 years you had a hair transplant right?
Hydro said:
Holy fucking shit you handsome fucker @MakingAComeback

You got to make a separate thread about what you've been doing over the years, some common questions people have asked so you don't have to go over them.

Bruh your whole side profile changed, wtf. Is there any bf% difference, and during the 2 years you had a hair transplant right?

The 2 year progress shot was the OPs. I just lumped mine in his thread - I have done this for 10 months only.

Happy to start a mewwing thread for sure. And yes, the changes have been great.

BF difference here - virtually little difference tbh bro. Lot of work needs doing on my body still.

I had a hair transplant in August 2022, yes.

Thanks for the post man

I don't if i see a difference man, for pr something as delicate and controversial as this the bare minimum would be to take very clear close up pictures in same lighting and conditions.

I would do it but I'm skeptical, never saw 100% proof