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A night in the bar scene with a wingman

Nov 18, 2021
Hey guys, the first log that I've started, I commit to upload all my progress as regular as possible (around 1-2 times a week). For those who don't know me I present myself, I joined the forums 2 days ago with the intention to improve my life in all aspects, particularly on fixing my sexual life.

Last week I meet a random guy waiting in line for entering a club, he had everything on point, looks, style, social freedom and overall cool guy, so I thought he could be a good wingman to go hit chicks together. We started talking and agree to meet up yesterday to go meet girls in an area with multiple bars in my city (Barcelona).

The night has a lot of fun, we went to 5 bars and started talking with various groups of girls that were there, even being my first time doing this type of drill and screening as Chris said in his article (https://www.goodlookingloser.com/laid/pickup-videos/a-night-of-screening-women-in-the-bar-scene) I think we did really good. My nervousness went down after the first approach and one drink, I can't recommend more going to do this type of stuff with someone on your same page, you constantly reassure yourself why you deserve to be hitting on this girl and even I get rejected the feeling of failing disappears once you have your eyes in the next target. At the end of the night, I got 3 numbers that I opened immediately after arriving and I'm waiting to know about them.

This is all for this weekend, hope hear from you guys and your opinions. Any questions just shoot a message and I will respond as soon as possible.

PD: Next time I will add some pictures to show you some prove guys, take care.
Not bad not bad. Chris recommends texting numbers from night time at 2 in the morning to see if they are interested in meeting up. I find most nighttime numbers are dead the next day. But I'm glad to see you had an eventful nighttime session as well yesterday.