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A "Rationing" Challenge to lose weight/fat


Jun 22, 2022
Improve NG Social Skill
My overarching goal here is to lose weight, and help myself focus by seeing it as not just a day-by-day thing. Instead, I want to literally having long-term consequences of overeating in the short term that I can see. So this is somewhat inspired by the fact that in wartime, food and supplies were limited, and partly inspired by my grocery bill being higher than it needs to be.

  • I sorted out all my food and designated everything into 1, 1/2, and 1/4 meals per serving (60-300 calories per half meal, most around 140-200). This designation was partially decided based on the amount of calories per serving as well as the amount that allows me to feel full
    -----> That means each meal is between 120 and 600 calories, or each 3-meal-day is between 360 and 1800.
  • I aim to eat 2-3.5 meals a day, with a minimum of 1000 and maximum of 2000 calories , depending on how much I feel like eating; I aim to eat until full or until I've eaten a full meal amount, whichever comes first
  • I set up a set of "rations" cards I can tear off and use for "meals". Weekly allotment of 3 meals per day for the week, I get to choose how I want to use them. The other weeks' cards are in my mailbox, I can't easily access it
  • I can take partial-servings allow for mixing and matching
  • I'll avoid being in my room (aka pantry), and also staying up late unnecessarily
  • In order to not hurt myself, I'll get vitamins and supplements "free". I will also be using my remaining cafeteria cash to buy meals and more fruits & vegetables to store in my fridge, because what I currently have will last around a week or two
  • I'll count 1 menu item (with optional salad) as 1 free meal at my workplace, BUT any extra I eat or take home will take meal ration cards according to the amount of calories (1 ration card is up to 600 calories, but I'm taking it from later in the week or whatever stockpile I build up)
  • Is this kind of insane? Yes, I think so; but I also know I've not ever tried to take my weight loss insanely seriously before. It may also be insanely stupid. Time will tell. I'll keep updating on occasion
    If things go awry or I'm noticing it difficult to eat enough calories in a day, I will adjust after the first week and a half. My first action if calories are too low is likely to add an extra meal's calories to each day. I will not adjust it until 10/30 unless something dire happens

How long can I go with just the food I have in my room, without having to go to the store? Quite a while, it seems; by my count, it's something like 85 days, assuming I'm eating a full 3 meals a day. That's discluding the food I'm going to get from my work and the food I get from campus cafeterias.
My initial goal here is to go at least a month in this challenge. Starting 10/19, ending not until after 11/18. People have to live on far less food elsewhere for extended periods of time. I can eat this much and be largely satisfied, I believe.
We'll see how it goes.

Feedback and/or attempts to persuade me of my insanity are welcome (though note again my acknowledgment of the stupidity of this challenge).