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AA program Log

May 11, 2022
Hi everyone,

Logging this here because to put another obstacle in the way of quitting.

I tried this program last summer, I was in a small city - 80000, I quit, I said to myself I will be seen often by the same people etc

Now I’m solo backpacking around Europe, and doing AA program is the main goal during this time

That excuse is now forfeit 😂

My one thought was the language barrier but I don’t think it will actually be an issue

Day 1/4 - in Paris

Did 7 approaches, asking for the time in French, can’t actually speak it or understand their response but it worked, I decided to do more than the 5 as I remembered Chris on GLL saying that’s better if that’s how you do it

So did chunks of 5 and probably got 20 ish over the day

1st was hard and I pussied out of a few because the situation had more potential awkwardness I would say, but I got it done, onto day two and hopefully try to double the numbers and with the speed, au’revoire
Day 2- of actual approaches

Went well, got only a few more overall numbers but managed to get the 5 in around 2 minutes, pussied out of ones I could do, when it’s crowded in my mind it seems weird to single the person out and ask them, that’s the story I tell myself
Day 3

Walked along a canal and did the time + location + have you been there.

I went well, could have gone better, I took awhile to get rolling, had that period before you’ve started where you’re nervous, and I had done this somewhat spontaneously earlier in the day, but of course then I actually wanted to know where such and such was

Tried to do more than the 15 and probably ended up doing about 23-27

Highlight was asking two girls where I could get food in an area surrounded by restaurants and they’re response was sort of sarcastic and I got that feeling of shame, but there were lots of nice friendly girls and by the end of doing the drills I felt myself walking taller and feeling so much more confident

Leaving Paris tomorrow, want to get the next days drills done before I leave for another city, and then do them there again.

Want to do more in general because the 15 make it easier sure, but that feeling of discomfort still exists, obviously if I did 150 it would probably be gone entirely, I’ll just try to do more tomorrow and shoot for 30-40

Day 4

V sleep deprived so details are foggy

Spontaneously was asking a few people for time, and places to eat stuff like this,

When I got onto the drill I recall doing it quite quick, a lot quicker than yesterday

Got the train to a new city of 300000, lots of young people but less English spoken, approached many asking for info on places to go, drinks, food, not the drill, but in a similar vein, felt momentum building quite thicc

So I had wanted to do the drill again in the evening, but it was a Sunday evening, and few were about comparatively

Onto tomorrow
Didn’t log yesterday

It was, time + where is + have you been there + did you like it

I only got up to 14 reps, excluding many walks ups but the girls English wasn’t good enough to do the interaction

The issue was I went out to late, and there were more people sitting outside eating, drinking etc

Add to this my own lingering on the edges of the busy areas rather than the busy areas themselves and I didn’t get the W

I went out today with an intention to do three blocks of it

I put it off a lot, and felt a little hopeless, but eventually I began and got the full sixteen, and then did the full routine eg. Up until did you like it, with maybe 3 or four more people, could have done more, I need to get the ball rolling a lot quicker , about 8 hrs of travelling tomorrow so we’ll see if I can do the next day, wouldn’t mind just doing the full set with 10-20 girls just to fully get over it

Felt a real boost following this, more than any day so far, I’ve got to keep going
Didn’t get to go the next day because of travelling, the day after I pussied out and trained weights and grappling instead

Today I knew I had to go out, I often leave it till later in the day, and although I’m visiting places, I can’t really enjoy it because I know I should be doing it. So in short, the days are hard to enjoy until I’ve done it, but then after I had a great time, the social freedom granted by it

So did maybe 21 reps day 8 - time, have you eaten at, did you like it, started off quite timidly on the outside the centre, built up while walking in, and then by the medium to end of the drills total, was doing it amongst reasonably large evening crowds in an 800000+ Population city,

in retrospect this is important, because amongst the exercise, the words are the same but there are small increments that you can make with each rep, so that by the end I saw a small group of three attractive women and did the exercise, so recognising that small possibility with each rep is awesome, and adds challenge and extra growing room

You literally don’t feel that tension or discomfort after many reps, in anything, it’s so clear how much of a better person you could be by doing this

There’s honestly probably no better feeling, so I can’t give up
Did day 10 , time, is there a cinema round here, have you seen any good movies

Did 18 reps total, too slowely, I’m going to do it again tomorrow, took maybe 1.5 hrs, quite a few girls just immediately blew me off ignored me completely when asking for the time, this city’s inhabitants are colder in general though so it doesn’t really matter

All I want for tomorrow is either the 15 done in half the time, or double down in the same , the latter is a better option obviously, more reps more gainz,

In this drill, in seemed upon the third question

Three reactions

Girl walks away immediately

Girl gets a little embarrassed

Girl is eager

Onto a better performance tomorrow
Had a day off due to travel, although I could have done it, that is the shit I know is fucking me up, having to have a time for it, start now, finish then.

Wanted to repeat the last drill, I’m going to have to say my energy was poor today, because at least 6 girls, walked straight away from me when I asked for their number,

I got up to the 8th rep, it was late, I left it too damn late, poor day

My plan is to do it throughout the day tomorrow, as I go around the city, no, now we start, always hitting reps, the failure or shortcoming I feel today is worse than the feeling of going up, I need a big day tomorrow, I need to get fully serious about this thing, every moment as I’m walking around tomorrow
Got it done today, much better than yesterday, like 20 girls I approached and was responded too, probably like 3 or 4 just completely blanked me and walked past

Not as many as yesterday, it’s pathetic body language and voice tonality that makes this occurrence more likely

The successes of today made me not feel like refuse, which is what happens when you let yourself down, moving onto the next challenge, the phone shop which phone one, this is where I quit last time, but now I’m and anonymous figure in populous cities so let’s fucking go
Fairly chaotic since I last posted

Got a half session of the time, phone shop, which phone have you? Do you like, then 3 quarters complete another day, was travelling so much and up for over 48 hours because of bullshit, I should have actually done some today, I’m in a small city of 100000, but it was Sunday and phone shops aren’t open, that’s my excuse

So tomorrow I plan to do lots, I’ll be doing lots of travelling and will pass through two cities before ending up in a populous capital city, so I want to do the drills in each one over the day, and onto the candles drill by the second or last city, I didn’t find it all that easy to do the phone one, so I want to bury it early tomorrow and then move on