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AI generated images for Tinder


May 21, 2022
Hey guys,

The last days I got the idea of creating images for Tinder using AI. I am really deeply into training images, models, etc.

I saw also some online tools which creates images from yourself. But to be honest: the quality of their examples aren't convincing.

So I am thinking about creating really good ones myself.

Before I spend too much time on it I want to ask you guys what do you think about this idea (when the images are 100% perfect)? Or does someone have experiences with it?

I think it would be cool to generate almost any possible image. The only important thing is to keep it authentic and don't show things which aren't real.
Thing is bro, we actually have a few guys who have invested tonnes of time and energy into this biz idea, and as some of them are my personal friends, they've ran their software for me and a few others, and we're not completely sold on the outputs

There are a bunch of businesses who are doing this, and the outputs are getting better and better

But I'm not convinced this is being rewarded by the market

Seems like, for me at least, online dating is changing and the super high quality images that used to crush, just aren't quite cutting it anymore.

Seems almost like the candid, iPhone pics, are winning right now

My 2C
Thing is bro, we actually have a few guys who have invested tonnes of time and energy into this biz idea, and as some of them are my personal friends, they've ran their software for me and a few others, and we're not completely sold on the outputs

There are a bunch of businesses who are doing this, and the outputs are getting better and better

But I'm not convinced this is being rewarded by the market

Seems like, for me at least, online dating is changing and the super high quality images that used to crush, just aren't quite cutting it anymore.

Seems almost like the candid, iPhone pics, are winning right now

My 2C
Very true, Heisenberg or whatever his name is already tried this. Not sure if it was successful.

Just wanted to chime in with my own personal experience regarding AI enhanced pictures.

I've used faceapp on some of my pictures. I do it fairly minimally, I'd say most people can't tell. But I've had more than a few girls open me on Hinge with, "are your photos AI?"

And this is with a very slight AI adjustment, let alone a fully AI generated picture.

I don't think AI is good enough (yet) to replace a real picture. It just looks too fake.

And as you said, it seems like DSLR shots are falling out of favor, although I'll say I still get matches and dates with what I currently have.

Girls have makeup and filters, so the way I see it, I'm just evening the playing field.
I've created AI images before and tested them on my dating app profiles, my overall take was that its not worth it.

Although i initially thought some of the photos were amazing, i still got called out a few times as some girls noticed they looked AI generated. i also didn't get more matches than with my regular photos (which are pretty good btw).

in my opinion Its better to just get real high quality photos and do some edits to make them look even better, rather than going down the whole fake image route.
Seems like the bros who've done the work agree....We're not seeing results from AI photos at all.

Pancake would be happy, RIP ;-)

One thing I am going to test, and put real money into, is iPhone photos vs DSLR

We've got a cadid-iPhone shoot with a top photographer next weekend, and if it uncucks my app results, I will let you all know.

Time for me to enter the chat lol.

Firstly, I think using AI to make dating pics is so stupid, because it's the genre of photography that needs the most candid and realistic look. You already don't want girls to think that the pics you put on a dating app are retouched, so imagine putting pics that are totally fake... No wonder guys who do that are called out instantly.

Then, about the professional pics vs smartphone pics, I just believe that a quality pic is a quality pic. You can shoot a good dating pic with a smartphone as well as with a full frame camera. The two main differences between the two systems is that the full frame camera gives more room for editing without the image falling apart, and can produce a natural background blur that phones can't properly imitate (software generated bokeh is trash, really). Obviously, with a modern full frame camera you will get other perks, like faster shutter speed to properly freeze the action, better low light performance, more dynamic range, etc.

I would add that when we talk about professional pics, we have to differentiate pics that look too posed because taken in a fucking studio and/or by a photographer who has no clue about online dating, and pics taken by a dating profile photographer who knows what kind of shots we need for dating apps.

Edit: I would also add that putting a couple of short video clips in a profile also gives an edge. I use drone videos as "social proof" shots. The only problem with video is that the quality displayed on apps is really trash-tier...
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