All I Got

Inner Force

Oct 8, 2020
Starting a new progress log... let's see if I can be consistent here. This is really just about me keeping up the hard work I've already done and doing even more. A lot of what I need to do is inner work and getting more excited about life and not feeling so dull or falling into doubt or fear. Going to cover a lot in this intro post so it may be lengthy or maybe I break it up. I'll see how it goes.

The good news is I've had a really solid January for habits. I've identified a bunch of key habits for this year that I'd like to set a high standard on and I have gotten off to a good start. I've been strong like this in the past but I got a little lazy when I was living in Mexico for half a year. So I've started out this year strong and I want to be at my best.

What's Going Right: Key Habits Review for January

  • Alarm: 31/31 up at 6:00am or earlier
  • Stretch: 28/31
  • Pranayama: 29/31
  • Cold Shower: 31/31
  • Meditation: 31/31
  • Run: 28/30
  • Pull Ups: 16/30 started halfway through the month
  • Push Ups: 29/31
  • No Scroll: 31/31
  • Eat Clean: 31/31

The idea is that if I do these things every day I'm really going to perform at a higher level. With some of the exercise though I've been taking a day off purposefully to rest and feel fresh. All around it's a good start to the month. It's only a month but it was a solid month and to get a solid year I need a good start which I have.

What's Going Wrong

I've been feeling really dull lately and sensitive to anxiety and fear. I'm not as excited about life and I'm not as motivated. I've been working hard over a couple of years on a course and I'm not feeling as positive about the outcome. My confidence isn't really all that high. I just feel like I have to fix a bunch of inner things. So even with all of the meditation and good habits I haven't felt as connected or driven. I really want to get more excited about life and really go all in.

So I have a bunch of doubt. Right now my main priority is to just finish this course so I can start working again. I have 3 months left. Then a job hunt. I want the remote income I had but with greater earnings. That's what I'm really going for. The problem is that I've come across a lot of doubt lately that has really unplugged me. So I want to start doing more inner work and keep taking action and get even more serious about life and my goals and really do well. Right now it's just the uncertainty and just doing this course full time. I really miss working and I can't wait to start working again. So that is part of why I'm not feeling as connected.

A big thing is just enjoying life even when I have a lot going on and even when things aren't perfect. I'm in a big transition now. Things aren't where I want them to be. But I've already done a bunch of work for a handful of years so all of that will pay off.

I just want to believe in myself more and just be excited about life and the future and get rid of the negativity and doubt.

Andy has some good content about this. I've kind of gotten weak with really improving myself even though I've been working hard for awhile. I definitely have some limiting beliefs. And my default is that I feel things won't work out. I really want to see life as opportunity. I've been in that place before and it feels good.

I think this is the first belief I want to change. I want to stop seeing the future as a place where things go wrong and instead see it as a place where good things happen. So make a shift from fear to optimism. I can be fearful even when I'm doing a lot of good things. So I really want to change that. Especially since I've been working hard for awhile. I have to see the future as a place where all my hard work pays off. I'm just not all the way there yet, I still have a lot more work to do.

Quick summary on today: I did a lot of good habits and also decompressed a bit after a stressful week. Trying to get in a good space for next week. Today I'm grateful for some good audio and podcasts to keep me mentally thinking about things that improve me.

I've done a lot of work... but I have so much more to do. I focus a lot on work and taking action but I really have to do a bunch of inner work and just become more positive and excited.