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Am I ugly?

Jun 27, 2021
I’ve noticed that with the exception of my new thread, no one’s responded to any of the new threads I’ve started. And I have my picture up.

When combined with the lack of success I have with girls, I’m worried. I want an honest answer:

Am I ugly?
Just post in other people threads and your own and eventually people will post. Being ugly as a guy is fine. It only sucks if you're a girl. But I think ugly girls still get a lot though just no guy dates them.

Its funny this just terrible terrible looking girl asked my buddy if he was gonna pump and dump her. I think the challenge for girls is getting guys to commit. The tricky part for guys is getting the initial lay and to keep girls coming back.

I would recommend bulking up. And believe me I hit on my neighbor one time (she had a mask on) I saw her Facebook and man I just couldn't. And then I saw her with a guy on a date and he was just as terrible looking as she was. So for your answer you look just fine I don't see any thing noticeably bad. Just play to your strengths that's all any of us can do.
Nah man you look fine, def lacking confidence and it shows in your profile picture.

I also posted for several months with minimal to no interactions, until I showed results. We all find our situation or story interesting, but others dgaf unless you show you can put in the work and change. Thats how it happened with me around here anyway. So keep working on yourself if no one is commenting and thanking you it doesnt matter, you are not doing it for validation right now, you are doing it for you, for a better sex/abundance life, validation will come later dont even worry about it.

Like jacob said, try interacting with other posts, especially noobies and they will most likely interact back.

Cheers man keep up the gring 👊💪
Nobody here wants to fuck you, so why should we care about your looks before replying?

I dont comment in a lot on newbies threads, until they prove they're actually taking action. It's sad, but 99% of guys will quit so I want to protect the one asset I can never get back (my time)
fledgling_seed said:
I’ve noticed that with the exception of my new thread, no one’s responded to any of the new threads I’ve started. And I have my picture up.

When combined with the lack of success I have with girls, I’m worried. I want an honest answer:

Am I ugly?

Your pic is really far but you look fine. And personally I think if you groomed yourself better you could be a solid 7.5-8/10.

I've had the same insecurity. To be honest, I'm gonna post the same question. I legit feel that's the reason I've always had so much trouble getting girls Over 2,000 cold approaches and I only have 25 lays. Those statistics are whack.