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Andy is right about getting rejected

Jan 23, 2022
So 15 cold approaches in and here are my stats

3 numbers
1 date

The 12 rejections have been really done in a kind way. Either the girls will politely say "This was very sweet but I am not interested" or "I'm sorry I have a bf / I am engaged etc". Even if they are lying they are not being a dick about it.

The worst response I had so far was "I'm sorry I can't talk with you my husband and son are 30 feet away."

And this is with my cold approach game being trash right now.

One girl even surprisingly commented by saying. "This is really sweet and I totally would go on a date with you because I loved your direct approach and confidence (I said she was cute and wanted to meet her) but I am engaged. However I want you to know you should keep doing this since it's 100% going to work a lot of the time on girls who are available."

I had another attractive girl tell me she had never been cold approached directly before and she loved it (she gave me her number and I am scheduling a date).

Also just want to note, the 3 girls that have given me their numbers are far hotter then the 99% of girls I match with online so the people that say you can get better looking girls through cold approach are 100% correct.

Anyways, if you had any reservations from cold approach. Please just listen to Andy, he is right when he tells you....

- You won't die because you cold approach and get rejected
- the world won't end
- AA is all mental and can be contained / overcome (I still deal with it and chicken out sometimes too but I remind myself of these reactions now)
- You will be able to get hotter girls then you expected.

I got a 21 year old girls number today and I am 36. I even asked her age because I knew she was younger but didn't know how young. Whenshe told me her age, she asked me back how old I was and I said 36 really casual like it didn't matter to to me and she just shrugged and said "that's fine with me, it doesn't matter."

anyways guys just try give it like 20-30 times and I promise you will make it through the otherside (most likely with some numbers too ;)
HELL YEAH!!!!!!!

Welcome to the group of KYIL Cold Approachers

You are very very welcome and we cannot wait to see you KILL IT

Thank you for sharing bro and let's go to the moon,
Dude I'm 36 and I cannot explain how grateful I am to hear about the 21 yo. I recently got into a heated debate w a few people on a FB post Abt age gap and I got called out as "a predator" and EVEN a "pedo" for liking girls under 25.

Guess it truly don't matter if it's legal and consenting. I was starting to feel like "well maybe 36 is too old for 19-20-21+.

But fuck all that. I am not into women my age. They can say "you can't handle stronger women" and "you are manipulating " etc all they want.

Your post really solidified things for me. Thanks
MFbag said:
7FigureBrian said:
Dude I'm 36 and I cannot explain how grateful I am to hear about the 21 yo. I recently got into a heated debate w a few people on a FB post Abt age gap and I got called out as "a predator" and EVEN a "pedo" for liking girls under 25.

Guess it truly don't matter if it's legal and consenting. I was starting to feel like "well maybe 36 is too old for 19-20-21+.

But fuck all that. I am not into women my age. They can say "you can't handle stronger women" and "you are manipulating " etc all they want.

Your post really solidified things for me. Thanks
Those people can cry me a river lol. Im 26 and my future wife hasnt even been born yet

Exactly. They were all women, Probably angry feminists. I didn't bother to look cause they were all so miserable.
Then my 19 year old cutie I met on this app made me feel all better ;)