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Andy's Tinder Guide work wonders (First Date from Tinder ever!!!!)


Sep 18, 2021
Hi all

I have joined this forum a week ago and have recently started taking my Tinder seriously after reading Andy's Tinder Guide.

I never had any success with Tinder before and have always thought it only works for "OTHERS" and "NOT ME"

But today I am having my first date from Tinder with a cute Egyptian girl and even though she is not my perfect girl, she is better than me jerking off to porn. The message template is so good that some girls have called me "SMOOTH" when I just invite them out without any other BS.

If you also think that Tinder isn't for you then I have to tell you that you can get girls from Tinder too. They might not be very hot at the start but like one of my friends used to use "It's always better than using your hand".

My Tinder needs a lot of improvement and I don't know how long it will take but I plan on improving it over time and am thinking of investing in a DSLR like Andy suggests because I believe I can do better with pics.

Also, for context, I am at least 10kgs over and not much muscles so that's another thing I am working on. I have been lazy about the gym but I am going to start it once our lockdown goes down (I am in Auckland and we have lockdown here with only takeaways open)

Anyways, I just wanted to let you guys know about my experience with the guide and encourage others who think you have to look perfect from the start.

I will update this thread once I come back to let you know about my experience.

Nice! I also started out as meh, but I'm also getting there.

Alex019 said:
Also, for context, I am at least 10kgs over and not much muscles so that's another thing I am working on. I have been lazy about the gym but I am going to start it once our lockdown goes down (I am in Auckland and we have lockdown here with only takeaways open)

Please please please do not wait for lockdowns to lift. I am now assuming it's gonna stay like this for a year or more at this point. Start doing exercises at home to get in the habit. Like pushups, situps, & crunches. I do 35 reps at 5 sets for all these everyday, on top of eating a certain amount of calories a day, everyday. I suggest you do these, so when lockdowns lift, you come in the gym with a running start.
Bodyweight only training:

/r/bodyweightfitness recommended routine:

The Naked Warrior (minimalist, GTG):

Convict Conditioning:

Kettlebells (you only need a 16kg bell to start)

Enter the Kettlebell:

Simple and Sinister:

Coyote Point Kettlebell Club (free pdf):


DIY Suspension Trainer:

Door Frame Pull Up Bar:

“Hey fuck-up, instead of measuring those calories, instead of labeling your food bags and organizing all that gear, rather than planning and studying pictures—You Could Have Been Training.”
- Scott Backes
So the date went really well. I know Andy said not to go to the girl’s place but she said she will pick me up so I agreed to that in the end. She was a bit chubby but hot. She picked me up from my place and we got some drinks along the way to her place.

I was already very happy that my first date from Tinder was already happening so I was a bit chill. We were talking and drinking and in between she was throwing me some compliments which felt really good. I never had a girl on first date call me gorgeous ( Have to say it was a big ego boost). She was checking out my accessories and stuff and was saying how cool I was. After an hour of lots of touching, I finally kissed her and she followed me in it. After that it was mostly cuddling and then we had a good session of fucking. I had work in the morning so I told her that I should go home and left her place around 0930pm. She kept asking me to stay but I really wanted to sleep. She texted me in the morning today first that she had an awesome time. I think I will see her again soon.

Radical Thanks mate. Trying to implement the advice.

SIGMA_1234 Yeah bro I am going to start doing body exercises for now. I have recently lost 12kgs or so cuz I actually walk a-lot and have started counting my calories. Meanwhile I plan on buying some weights so that I can move to that one soon.

KillYourInnerLoser Yeah bro it’s totally retarded here now. Things were so good few weeks ago and then suddenly we have lockdown again. I have been a bitch around lifting but I am gonna buy some and do it now.

Svadhishthana Thanks for all these resources mate.