Another year halfway over - what did you accomplish?


Jul 25, 2020
Almost everyday that goes by I feel like I haven't done anything and I'm not making progess so here's a little review of the stuff i actually have done so far this year/

  • FINALLY got my first lay
  • started playing in a band again
  • playing live shows
  • going on tour
  • got my own place
  • regularly going to the gym 3 times a week again

Things I want to accomplish before the year is over

  • get one more lay
  • get to 160 lbs lean
  • record an EP with my current band
  • record a full length album with my current band
  • write/record at least 1 song for my 80s funk/pop project I've been wanting to start
  • make at least 1 room in my new apartment look sick
  • have 2 or 3 girls that i see regularly OR get a girlfriend
  • go on a 2nd date
  • get 8 hrs of sleep at 4 nights a week
  • hit on at least 20 girls during the day
  • finish building my 7 string
  • build a headless guitar
  • update dating profiles with new pics

what have yall done so far and what are you working on?
Well if you live the rock star life that your profile picture portrays you won't have a problem getting laid lol. Just try avoid the drugs for your own sake. That's an insane picture. WEll done on the success so far.
Great work so far on what you have accomplished. Kudos for doing some dope ass stuff and having goals you are still striving for.

For me what I have accomplished this year is:

- Completing the AA program
- Moving out of my parents house
- Pay raise at work
- Approximately 300-400 cold approaches
- 1 Cold Approach Lay
- 1 Cold approach BJ
- 4 Cold Approach dates (each a different girl)
- 2 Insta Dates from Cold approach
- PR of 80 Pushups in a row
- Weight loss down to 170lbs
- Progression through Sherriff Department Hiring

What I want to Achieve is:

- 10 cold Approach lays
- Rotation of 3 7/10 and higher women
- Fuck a Japanese chick
- Better job
- Pass JLPT (Japanese language Proficiency test) LVL N5 (Easiest Lvl)
- Travel to Australia
- Travel To Japan

My goals are very orientated towards sexual encounters lol. With some worldly things thrown in for fun haha
Toast said:
Great work so far on what you have accomplished. Kudos for doing some dope ass stuff and having goals you are still striving for.

For me what I have accomplished this year is:

- Completing the AA program
- Moving out of my parents house
- Pay raise at work
- Approximately 300-400 cold approaches
- 1 Cold Approach Lay
- 1 Cold approach BJ
- 4 Cold Approach dates (each a different girl)
- 2 Insta Dates from Cold approach
- PR of 80 Pushups in a row
- Weight loss down to 170lbs
- Progression through Sherriff Department Hiring

What I want to Achieve is:

- 10 cold Approach lays
- Rotation of 3 7/10 and higher women
- Fuck a Japanese chick
- Better job
- Pass JLPT (Japanese language Proficiency test) LVL N5 (Easiest Lvl)
- Travel to Australia
- Travel To Japan

My goals are very orientated towards sexual encounters lol. With some worldly things thrown in for fun haha

damn dude thats some progress, good work!
2020 was a year of reflection. 2021 has been a year of action.

I like this thread. id like to hear from others about what they have accomplished and want to accomplish. Too many people don't reflect on what they have accomplished. and get too hung up on what they could have done.
Like everyone said, this profile pic is fucking awesome! Congratz on all your accomplishments definitely more to come and with people like us to keep you accountable, you definitely will be going even further beyond!

As for myself, I started this journey in early march, so 3months and half ago and in that time I:
[*] Lost around 35-40lbs of fat.
- Went from 215(the fat fuck on the left of my profile picture) to currently hovering around 183.
[*] Getting back into my former powerlifting strength.
- Benched 305 this week!
[*] Completely changed my eating habits and am now more healthy than ever!
[*] Started nofap again and haven't fapped for 3 weeks now!
[*] Went from running my first 5km in 39min to now 24:15min. I'm now running 5km 6times a week!
[*] Almost completely stopped playing video games after abusing for 8-16hours a day for the past 10 years.
[*] Had 2 lay since joining dating sites 3weeks ago
[*] Got stretch piercing on both ears to add some edginess (3.5 stretch's).
[*] Hired a pro photographer and have my photoshoot scheduled for the 11th of July
[*] Going to get a second tattoo, already paid for it just waiting for the 15th of July when my appointment is.
[*] Started playing basketball again after a 10year break.

What I still have to accomplish:
[*] Get down to 175lbs.
[*] Get 5 lays by the end of 2021 (I can do more easily)
[*] Finish the AA program.
[*] Beat my all time high bench (335lbs)
[*] Have a insane tinder profile with sick ass photos (the photoshoot will def help)
[*] Play in a basketball league.
[*] 100 cold approaches.
[*] Have a threesome.
[*] Have a regular rotation of girls.
[*] Get more tattoos.
[*] Start looking into making more money (This is still far in my priorities for now but I'm considering it)
Bookmarked this thread like a week ago bc moving but finally got a minute now

Accomplished so far:
-Four new girls, including my first AND second hookups with girls I just met at bars (not through social groups or anything)
-smashed my "hello-to-dick-in-pussy" record, down from ~3 hours to less than one.
-one steady FWB
-started to break into the social scene in the area I'm in. At this point on any given night out, I'll usually run into someone I know and can hamg out with them
-Got my first tattoo
-got on real TRT, and feeling WAY better than I was on clomid.

Still to go this year:

-Get back to <= 10% BF. Mainly that requires figuring out how to maintain that while also going out and drinking 4~5 nights a week
-Decide on and get another tattoo
-10 more girls, (average of 2/mo, or one per 8~10 nights out)
-Finish setting up new apt (landlord canceled my lease at my old place to convert it to airbnb, had to move further from the bars & stuff :( )
-Get at least two girls above a 7. Only one or two girls total so far have been seven or above
-(I need a more concrete way to define this but...) Get to the point where a failed night out DOESN'T fuck with my head. Not sure if it's by success or just exposure to failure, but either way. Last Saturday I destroyed half the shit in my apartment because I saw a casual friend of mine who's like 8" taller than me (really, he's 6'6", I'm 5'10") go home with a solid 9 or 10 like it was nothing and I went home alone. I was fucking pissed after that, not at him, just kind of in general. I need to figure out how to not break all my shit after a night like that.
Lots of success in this thread. Love it.

What I have accmploshed so far:

-) BIG for fashion: upgraded my wardrobe based on Radical's guide. I match more & way better girls in Bumble.
-) one constant FWB (banged twice), one irregular schedule FWB (some Saturdays only), one fling (she don't wanna bang anymore)
-) Lost 1.1 kg: I have dropped my weight from 66.7 kg to 65.6 kg (there was a moment I was hitting 67.1 kg lmao)
-) Finished 6/ 10 books/ online courses on business, marketing, copywriting, web design, & business automation
-) Got a managerial role where I haven't been regularized yet. But my bank account is fatter than it's ever been. Earned in 3 mos. what it took to save 10 years in high school.
-) Started using Bathmate but not much results to report so far.
-) Closed 2 paid web design projects, not including 1 where the client refunded me.
-) Tried FB ads for my 1st paid web design project, only to just barely ROI lol

What I aim to achieve this year:

-) 3 more paid web design projects on top of my managerial job. Progress will be much slower here because of day job.
-) find a system in web design that will give me a predictable increase in sales for my client. So I can be ballsier in client outreach
-) hopefully 1 international web design client
-) Regularize in my job. Even with the shit I throw at it, it's teaching me valuable skills like leadership, delegation, & operational management by setting KPIs.
-) Bang a Chinese uni baddie. I don't know how because they have strict parents keeping them from going out.
-) Move out: pretty split here because I bang chicks so far in my current situation, and moving to a uni area isn't worth it because they're still closed. And my dad bought me a lifetime membership in a gym near our home haha

Edit: I was feeling down from my manager giving me a mouthful for a poor performance, but now looking at this, damn. I never realized I accomplished much more than I expected.