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Anyone Have Experience in Tech?


Jun 12, 2020
I've been thinking about going back to school for a degree in CIS for network infrastructure and maybe specializing in security. I can have the AS done in a year and a half, with a few certs which is likely to bump me up about 20k a year from where I'm at now.

From what I've seen, it looks like its definitely possible to get to low six figures after BS and more certification. Just don't want to invest all of this time/effort and then automation wipes out all of the jobs. Anyone here with any ideas/experience on this?
I’m a tech consultant, making in the mid-100s. There are two ways to make six figures in tech. Either be elite in a technology domain (security is good) or blend your tech knowledge with business knowledge and soft skills. I think the second path is the easiest and is what I followed. I started as a developer and am now a project manager.
Not sure what exactly my passion is, but security seems interesting to me. I'm new to all of this so it's kind of overwhelming... I dont want to develop software or anything like that though. Want something with longevity and able to make decent salary. Was thinking maybe even doing contract work in security for u.s. government or something down the line... but as of now I'm clueless. Figured getting degree in cis along with all the certs would be good starting point. Tuition is pretty affordable.
Engineering background here. I have decided to get into Software Engineering, IT, or Data Analyst jobs. Sent more than 40 resumes so far, as hiring slowed to a halt.

While I am unemployed, I am trying my hand on freelancing a specific digital marketing service for small businesses (still in the learning stages so far). You gotta do what pays the bills, even during the coronavirus :ugeek: