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Approaching at the gym


Feb 15, 2021
Hello guys!

i've for a long time been confilicted about the topic of approching at the gym. I'm at the gym to better my self and nothing more. I get noticed allot by high quality girls who keep starting at me, and who come over next to me at everyfucking excrice rack. But i can never bring my self to approch due to me in the moment thinking she is just there to workout and not be botherd, also it's a place i visit often. It's not like i'm there once a year and i'm not seeing them again. I think there would be a bad reputation build around me since i'm there everyday and i would be marked as the creep guy.

indirict approch is an option i like, but what would i even say?

sorry if this post is stupid but i'm seeing allot of missed of opportunities with high qualilty girls.

Also i've no social value in that place since i avoid people since i'm there to workout.
KillYourInnerLoser said:
Xyz said:
indirict approch is an option i like, but what would i even say?

Just make smalltalk man. I've hit on a couple girls at the gym (for full disclosure, I've only ever done it 3 times). Quite a few other dudes on here talk to chicks at the gym though, and one of my mates used to do it about once a month (he was always super direct - "You're really cute, are you single?")

If you wanna be indirect (which is reasonable if you like your gym and don't want to be "the guy who hits on a tonne of girls at the gym"), just make smalltalk. It literally doesn't fucking matter what you say, especially if you're saying they're giving you eye-contact, working out next to you, etc. Just say ANY OLD SHIT - ANYTHING.
"Yo, your shoes are cool".
"Yo, do you think I'm attractive? It's hard to tell as a guy if you're actually attractive" (Kinda flex a bit for her when you ask this - if she says yes, EASY MODE, introduce yourself, ask if she's single, grab her number).
"What music you listening to?"
"Can you spot me?" (Especially if she's a tiny girl and you're doing a big-ass bench press or something, lol).
"Yo, how come nobody in here really talks to each other? Isn't it weird we're all in our own little world? It's weird to me. Gyms should be more social."
"Hey do you think I'm asymmetrical? I think my left tricep sucks."

After you say any of these, just keep making a bit of smalltalk - Introduce yourself with "I'm Xyz by the way" *shake her hand*.

You can either go back to your set and let her go back to her set, then talk to her a bit more after you've both done your sets. Or just keep talking to her. Doesn't really matter so don't overthink it too much.

"Got any plans for the weekend?"
"So do you work, or study, or are you homeless?"
"What do you like to do for fun? Other than the gym, obviously"
"What are you working on? Like, your gym goals"
"What did you do last weekend?"

Then either ask if she's single/ask for her number, or just talk to her the next time you see her and make a little more smalltalk and ask for her number then (it's up to you, depending on how aggressive/forward you wanna be in your gym).

As for how you ask for her number: "Yo you seem super fucking cool, we should grab a drink sometime. Lemme get your number"

Or you can be direct - this is what I did when I hit on the 3 chicks. "Yo real quick, I know you're working out but you're super cute. I'm Andy. *shake hands*. Are you single?" If she says no, "Cool, well nice meeting you - enjoy your workout". If she's single, grab her number and grab a drink with her.

Again, IT DOES NOT MATTER WHAT YOU SAY. Just say SOMETHING, get the ball rolling.

Glad I wrote all this out; I'm gonna turn this into a podcast episode now.

Hell yeah dude, advice from the man himself!
I'm overthinking the fuck out of it. I'll get myself to do it over the weekend, will most likely take the indirect approach. Will defintly post an update for you guys on how it went and what i did, no matter if it goes to hell or if it goes well.
Love KillYourInnerLoser's advice on this - haven't approached at the gym myself but a friend in college got so many numbers and lays from it. There's a "stigma" against it but like cold approaching anywhere it's really just a bad excuse for people to give themselves to not approach. I'm not the right guy for advice on this but Andy's seems solid to me.

Best story I saw in person was my friend approach a girl on ash wednesday (where people go to church and get an cross on their forehead in the morning) - we called her the "black hole" because she was this columbian girl with the fattest ass and when she walked by everyone's eyes just got drawn to her ass like a black hole pulls things in....my friend takes a piece of chalk and makes a chalk cross on his forehead...he goes and asks her what that cross on HER forehead is for (asking questions you know the answer to was his go to)..eventually she tells him he's being disrespectful...he tells her the gym is his "temple" so it's ok (she was into lifting saw her bang out like 12 squats or something with 175lbs/ 80kg she was like barely 5 feet tall). Long story short she was at his place that weekend....