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Approaching for a numbere


Mar 1, 2022
So I'm not new to this and have no problem asking a girl for her number.

But latelybits been like im.making up reasons to fail. Oh dont shit where you eat, youre ugly, etc

Ive been hookups sites and they dont bite there either.

I know im handsome, i shouldnt have reason to not approach and ask for a date.

So why arent I?
KillYourInnerLoser said:
This whole post is you avoiding doing it.
Less mental masturbating, more action. Go outside now, and do it. You are not allowed to post again until you've done 5 approaches.

If you post again without having done 5 approaches - @Crisis_Overcomer, @Manganiello, @Radical - feel free to ban him.

Now @Pollop, go do 5 approaches. You've already done a bunch, you already know how to do it, your post here is just to bullshitting yourself. Go take action.


That or start the AA program.


I'm adding that as an option Radical.

Doing 5 approaches especially when you havent done them for awhile can be a bit much.
Start small as I did. One approach per day, that's all. You'll naturally feel like doing more if you are consistent. And reward / be kind to yourself, especially in days where you received a hard rejection or smth
I failed. Its been this whole time and the only thing ive done is have casual conversation but havent asked for a nunber yet. I dont know how many but at least 5 hellos or small conversations. I took approach to mean asking and getting a number.

I dont have a problem in my head about getting a number. Its just being embarrassed.

At least i said hi.
Im gonna keep going down this path. But its taking alot longer than I wanted it to.
It'll be weird if you think it's weird. I used to believe the opposite: That having small conversation instead of asking for the number directly was weird. So everything is in your head.

Actually, if the girl keeps a small conversation for some minutes, the chance that she'll be mean when you ask for the number is almost zero. Yeah, she might reject you, but it'll be in a kind way. Nothing to really worry about.

Good luck man and keep approaching.
One thing that has helped me from Andy's site or was to break things down into smaller steps. Don't worry about dates and sex yet, just focus on each interaction you have moving one step closer to asking for the number, once you can ask for the number than you can worry about the next step. Maybe start with the next five you give them your number, and then once that is more comfortable you can ask for theirs.

When I first started going on dates I was thinking of what I had to do to get the girl into bed, but I was afraid to hug her even after multiple hours of hanging out. Focusing on moving one step further each time with each interaction, and next thing you know you'll be moving toward your goals.
This sounds like im a loser but i made progress today, I asked abgirl obviously into me how she was doin tonight. It easnt her number yet, but I made. Progress.