Artur's road to change


New member
Jan 21, 2022
Hi guys,
I've been a longtime lurker on this forum and mostly just used it for help with my tinder pics. Realistically I am not where I want to be with my sex life and as a result my whole life is suffering. I seem to base my whole life off what women think of me and after getting ghosted by this girl I went on 2 dates have spent the last week moping around the house. I would like to have girls see me a more of a sexual option and expand my social circle since my friends all pretty much all virgins.
Where I'm at:
- Bodycount 3
- A few good friends, mostly asian/boring
- Have a girl I'm currently seeing but no sex as of yet
- Current pics I think look ok:
Comments welcome
Current tinder profile
Update. First day in gold coast ended up getting laid with this chick from bumble. She was ok looking, but I think I can do a bit better. Rest of my tinder matches tended to peter outm probably got around 20 matches with boosts etc
Had a date with an asian girl yesterday from tinder. Ended up getting cockblocked by her friends. Not sure if I'll see her again since it was real awkward.
Very inconsistent in posting. Ended up fucking this cute indian girl from tinder. Still gaming a bit, not as aggressively as I am looking to save money for my end of yr america trip