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Ayahuasca and Bufo Retreats for Mental Health and Self-Actualization.


Dec 10, 2021
I attended Ayahuasca for the first time in my life in late 2019.

Then attended Bufo for the first time a month or two later.

To clarify, I believe Ayahuasca and Bufo are both legal, I know Ayahuasca is for sure.

For those who don't know, there's a substance called DMT that people use recreationally. But can be used for self-improvement.
DMT comes in 3 versions / formulations.
1. Liquid. (Ayahuasca, legal only at selective places)
2. Smoked. (this word is easier than typing the actual scientific nomenclature)
3. Regular solid DMT you smoke. This one is illegal everywhere.

Ayahuasca is the liquid version of DMT and lasts 3 to 9 hours.

Bufo is a toad venom you smoke and lasts about 20 minutes.

Both are intense experiences, but cathartic as hell.

I'm signed up to attend Ayahuasca again in February.

Hope this isn't against the rules Andy. Just noting experiences and some background info.
The third (unlisted) formulation of DMT I am sure is illegal everywhere.

Ayahuasca was like 6-12 months of intensive therapy.
- Everyone's experience on Ayahuasca is different, I can't explain this scientifically, even though I studied this in school. Some of my friends felt pure ecstasy and euphoria the whole time.
- I personally was abused and traumatized very badly as a child, so I believe that changed what I experienced, as it brings up what you most need to work on, I experienced pure fear, literally, for the entire duration it was active in my system. Never experienced a scarier thing, and I've been held at gun point.
Bufo was 20 minutes and felt like clearing deep ass residual trauma.
- It felt like my consciousness was fading and dissolved into the universe and all boundaries between self and "not self" vanished.

Peyote is legal in one place in the USA as far as I know, in Arizona, will do that sometime next summer.

I don't use any substances or drugs for "fun" or "recreation", it's all for improving my mental health or self-improvement.

Starting Ketamine clinic treatment in 3-5 months as well. There's a few clinics nearby that do this. It's very expensive but I've tried about everything already.

If anyone's interested I can provide the info or give info on how you can find your own retreats. I'm not posting it now because that's advertising, and don't want to risk breaking forum rules.

If you'd like to do Peyote, Ayahuasca, or Bufo with me, reply here or shoot a PM. All 3 are legal (if you do them at a licensed retreat). I would NEVER recommend you do them alone or without professional supervision. I doubt you can get a hold of these anyways, but if you can, DO NOT TRY TO DO IT WITHOUT PROFESSIONAL SUPERVISION.

Everything I'm listing that I've done or will do is legal.
I read so much stories about people that had tremendous help from this but I personally have been disappointed by ayahuasca. Didn't really do anything for me.

What permanent changes did you notice in your comportement afterward ? (passed the week of "honeymoon phase" of the drug)
No permanent changes, Ayahuasca isn't supposed to cause permanent changes until you've done it, I believe it was 6 times I was told by multiple unrelated people.

When / where did you do it and what did you notice? Maybe you should've drank more. I tried to drink the maximum each session, that they would allow me to consume.

I plan on doing it once or twice a year until I notice permanent changes, which several experienced friends have noted is what is approximately required.

One note: Several people recommended not doing it in the USA. But I don't know if I want to or can afford to do it elsewhere like Ecuador or Peru, but that may be my next stop.

There's 2 places in North America where Ayahuasca is legal, I think.

The changes I did notice though, were right after wards:

1. I knew exactly what I needed to do and how to do it.

2. Realized all the lies I was telling myself.

3. Felt a deep catharsis after wards, like I was deeply healed.

4. It was my first ever usage of a hallucinogen of any type, I felt more Courageous and proud, since I experienced literal pure fear the entire duration I was on it.

5. Made deep personal commitments and promises to myself and others (not verbally to them).

6, Saw past a lot of facades I put up, like the tough guy act or the "player act" persona I have in my mind that I use to guard my ego.

7. Realized what actions of mine are for compensating or attention / validation-seeking.

8. Realized most of my life and almost everything I did at the time was for the approval or validation of others. I turned off ALL my social medias since that realization.

Maybe try Bufo? That's like 100x stronger than Ayahuasca, its a stronger chemical constituent of DMT.

I'm doing Ayahuasca again in the USA in February.

Peyote ideally March or April.

Ketamine ideally March or April.

Bufo again but don't know when. I keep in contact with the group / organization that I did bufo with last time.

Will be looking into Ayahuasca retreats outside of the USA. Perhaps Shamans directly from the country of origin of Ayahuasca will help more, who knows.

Completely random note: You look like one of my best friends since middle school lol. Like I think you guys could play twins.
If you'd like, I could let you know when I'm going again and you could come with. I go with a group and personally know the people who run these events, except for the Ketamine, which I want to clarify is legal in the state I'm in, and pretty sure legal in all 50 states.

I know the head therapist at the ayahuasca place, pure accident we met then we spoke for an hour and a half. That was really lucky of me. I'm going to try to message you now. I messaged Spongebob, not sure if you're interested Sprezza.

Also, these are legal. Not in every state, but where I do it, it's legal. I'm only aware of 2 states it is legal in.

Peyote is only legal in ... What's the name of the state......... Starts with an A.... Arizona. I plan to do that after my applications to college.


I definitely want to go to peru in a year or so for a vacation... do an ayahuasca retreat, then explore cusco, machu picchu, amazon rain forest.
Sorry for the late reply, hopefully this will be helpful to you still or to other readers. Note I am not a medical professional and everything I write is of my own personal opinion and not a reflection of this forum. Nor does what I say count as professional or medical advice.

Shrooms and such are too different from bufo and ayahuasca. Maybe at high doses where you lose yourself, it could be helpful, MAYBE.

Throwing up and shitting yourself are probably not that common. I did my bufo in a huge crowd, and my ayahuasca with like 200 other attendees.

I did not throw up any of the 3-4 nights I did ayahuasca. And I was taking a large amount for a first timer. Never heard of someone shitting from it, well other than the rare mention like in your post. The chances are very low and you’re supposed to fast before doing it.

Same with bufo, except less throwing up. Ayahuasca literally everyone around me was throwing up and I could hear it, I was the only person who didn’t throw up out of the entire group.

Quick note: What you experience will be determined by what your mind and body most need to work on. For me it was traumas. So the entire duration I was on ayahuasca I was experiencing pure terror. When I closed my eyes I saw the scariest things. I’m not an easily scared person (i know every guy says this).

My close friend experienced pure bliss and pleasure. We went to the same place and consumed the same ayahuasca at about the same amounts.

Bufo experience was same for basically everyone. You lose consciousness quickly. I can’t explain the sensation. Everyone was unconscious and yelled or talked out loud or laughed or cried.

Most people threw up on bufo but only a small amount.

I plan to do both again soon.

There’s a peyote church where it’s legal to do that in Arizona.

Be sure you do it somewhere legit. Your headspace as you begin your journey matters a lot.
Mav said:
I definitely want to go to peru in a year or so for a vacation... do an ayahuasca retreat, then explore cusco, machu picchu, amazon rain forest.
Doing those things are in the top 10-20 experiences of my life. The rain forest I went to was in Ecuador.

Cusco is so nice.
Machu Picchu as well.
Went sandboarding in Peru.
Note: Ketamine I've done maybe 10-20 times, medical grade, in an IV inejcted with a machine that is pumping a consistent amount over 45-60 minutes. It is incredibly helpful, and not to mention very enjoyable. The best way I could describe it is knocking on God's door. Literally, at some point during every trip I ended up in this unusual location and immediately knew (or thought) that was God's door. (I'm not you can probably guess how I can say that's a fact, but I don't want to spell it out explicitly.
Ayahuasca, it's better there, and also the place I went to doesn't want me back, so.. fuck them. I was returning to that state for the first time in 5-6 years and made it seem urgent and they got worried and got "addict" vibes from me. Soulquest Ayahuasca in Florida.

The experience is okay, but the price is insane, and you don't get what you pay for. There's tons of volunteers that are supposed to help you walk to the restroom and stuff since you can't walk by yourself on it. I remember raising my hand and trying to get their attention and they ignored me, I will powered myself to walk to the restroom and almost fell a ton.

Also, several deaths have occurred there. Should be visible on google. So, kinda a good thing they won't let me back. The volunteers are like 18-25 year ollds, if you volunteer for 1-2 months you get to do one ayahuasca retreat. These weren't self-improvement type of people, they just wanted to get high.

Bufo I plan to do, and there's another ayahuasca place in US I may do. Peyote place never returns calls or emails, how do they stay in business?

I'm going to continue ketamine every other week.

I need to do ayahuasca 5-10 more times. Or was it a total of 20? One of my friends gave me a number of times he did it before he felt it made the deepest change possible and he was healed deeply. Once isn't enough.

Bufo I plan to do a few more times but don't know the benefit / how many times you should do it.

Also, personal experience and seen others with worse situations, try your best not to ever have a pyschiatrist and be dependent on them for medications, o rbecome addicted, or become dependent (not addicted, but can't function well without it, if tha tmakes sense). Once you're addicted, the process of stopping is hell. Especially if its something like xanax, where the withdrawals can LITERALLY kill you.

"My friend" stopped 90% of the medications "his" psychiatrist prescribes "him". "My friend" only takes a handful and is trying to stop them altogether.
Thebastard said:
Hello @Limitless and any other authorities on the matter. The matter being ayahuasca (and I guess bufo).

So I do have a contact who has done several trips with the Mighty plant in Mexico and it isn't a matter of if but a matter of when I do this.

However, I don't really want to vomit my guts out or shit myself which my friend has told me is a risk. That aside I don't think I am mentally ready besides. In fact I really should start out with shroomies or something first.

Anyway. Do you guys have any solid tips for preparation for this journey? How long is it recommended to fast? My buddy says either you can do a week long water fast or just fast for a few days but after several weeks of eating a super clean vegan type diet.

Any tips would be much obliged along with the usual 1000 bastard fist pumps.
Don't know why I missedules some of your post. Everyone is different. I literally ate a full meal less than an hour before I took my ayahausca one of the nighs.
WI don't follow rules muYou're not supposed to eat after your ayahuasca wears off becaues it could trigger the ayahausca in your system to re-activate. I snuck food in and ate and drank stuff right when it wore off, no side effects.

I suggest you do what the place recommends, the specific place you're going to. You rfriend seems overly cautious or paranoid. Don't do a level of prepararation like not eating for a week because your friend said so then arrive at the ayahuasca place and they say you only have to fast 6 hours before the session.

Be prepared to throw up. And be prepared for anything. The ayahuasca will know what you need to experience to heal and improve yourself. It takes your mind to places that you need to go. I didn't even feel the slightest urge to throw up, even though every other person of the approx. 200 other attendees threw up every night there (3-4 nights), I didn't even feel slightly nauseous. I have not met anyone who's done it and not thrown up so I assume that's rare and don't expect it. They usually give you a bucket.

You can't prepare for it. Acid and shrooms and other drugs are nothing like it. Just be in a positive headspace, don't expect soemthing negative or have fear on your mind when you take it, your mental and emotional state when you take it matters A LOT.

Who cares if you throw up? Common bodily function, I'm sure you've done it before, it's not the worst experience. Don't go in afraid, you have to be open to anything because it will take you to weird places, but also if you take it while you're thinking about negative things, it will feed off your negativity and take you there.

Also, the chances you'll shit yourself are less than 0.1%. That's not even worth worrying about. If you absolutely are afraid of that happening, but adult diapers and wear it there. (obviously hide them and don't let anyone know you're wearing them)

But it seriously is like next to impossible that would happen.

Since this post is years old, did you ever go to ayahuasca?

"My friend" has tried 5-10 new hallucinogenic drugs since you made this post. It was interesting.