Aztec warrior resurrection log

Jun 2, 2020
I posted in the introduction site a couple of months back but unfortunately i wasn't working towards my goals as i wasn't committed enough and in a really bad state mentally. I am still not in the best place either but better to work on my goals now little by little than not do anything at all. even though I said I was committed to my goals,
my heart truly wasn't in it and i felt i was just stating those goals so i could focus on something other than my problems. Little by little i put my goals off to the next days, then they turned into months and here i am.

I am coming off a pretty bad breakup (3 year relationship ) and although i tried not to make it into a big deal by telling myself they happen to everyone and that i am no different, everyday it ate at me and led me towards a negative path involving drugs and mild depression, i can certainly say i hit rock bottom in terms of how unhappy and bitter i felt.

I am still currently unemployed (though thankful the state is helping me out and i have no bills and  still haven't moved out of my parents house which were my two main goals at the beginning of the year as they pretty much went hand in hand. As for the dating thing, it's not something i am looking for at the moment as i want to heal myself first, though i am open to quality girls. I am looking to focus more on my career and simply mature more and become a more independent version of myself.  I am posting this to hold myself accountable to my two major goals in life . 

As I stated earlier, me and my partner were together for close to 3 years but we had to end it due to the distance and not being able to travel. I don't know if it is healthy or not but part of me wants to believe that perhaps one day in the future our paths will cross again, however I'm not holding onto that(haven't spoken to her in 5+ months ) and regardless if one day we meet again, i need to better myself as a man.Right now one of my most important priorities is to heal from the inside out and i'd like to do that by working on myself and accomplishing two things that have held me back fo awhile.

1.Find a long term job in my field ideally, if i can't find something full time i will have to find something part time.
  -How will I accomplish this? By  applying to at least 5-8 different jobs monday - saturday ( 30-40) and tweaking my resume at least once every week, i will also try and keep myself accountable to that by updating it here once a week.

2.Move out by early February 2022, How will I accomplish this? By looking at different neighborhoods , trying to find roommates and saving at least 10k ( have about 7k saved up) I live in the New York area so everything is more expensive than most. Off course i have other minor goals but right now these are my main two focuses in life. There's a good chance that i wont accomplish this by this year and that's okay.

Minor goals ( again i'm okay if i don't accomplish it this year: get to 160lb ( currently at 147ish lb ), get at least one tattoo, learn the basics of a third language , take martial arts or BJJ classes and growing out facial hair.

I hit rock bottom this year due to several different circumstances but I'm certainly going to make the best of the months left in 2021.I am trying to be as detailed as possible because I want this to be like my rough draft and give me the kick in the ass that I needed. If you guys have any suggestions or questions, feel free to ask :) Thank you if you took the time to read this! All the best ,J.
Hello all, I haven’t had the chance to update this, mostly because I wanted to make sure it was completed and I am happy to say I have finally accomplished one of my goals I’ve been trying to do since 2016 on and off. For most of 2021, I did not have the best year. I had a hard time finding a job so I was on unemployment for part of the year due to covid which was great because I saved much as much as I can. In 2021, I also finished school which I was incredibly proud of because it took me longer than most as I as going on and off. Lastly, my partner broke up with me after almost three years due to distance and that was soul crushing as I thought they would be my partner for life. Anyways, I was able to find a short-term contract job around November involving a semi new field in crypto, wasn’t the greatest pay but it gave me experience and in the long term it worked wonderful for me.

For 2022, my primary goals was to finally move out and save as much money as I could. In fact, this goal was so important to me that I haven’t gotten laid since October of 2021 as my goal has just been work, work, work. After my short term job ended I was able to land a full time gig with an annual salary of $70,000 a year which was surprising because I did not ask for lol. I was planning on saving about $15k but things at home aren’t the greatest so once I got to about 11k I had to stop and looking immediately. I will be honest though; I am scared shitless that I’ll be fired and wont be able to pay for my apartment even if I do have a rainy fund but I know it’s something I must go through if I want to continue to grow. I was lucky enough that I found an amazing 1 BR apartment with a ton of space in NYC. I’ve been thinking about what some of my goals are going to be now and I’m going to spend the last of days thinking about that . I know however I want to save up to $15k in rainy funds and I want to go back to getting laid, primarily kinky sex but those shouldn’t be so hard for me as I am right there. Anyways, I want to stop here and I would like to thank Andy for all of the help, I’ve been watching a ton of his YouTube videos and it made me realize there is no perfect moment to do what you want. I remember Andy helping me with some coaching around 2019 in regard to this and at the time I was simply not mature enough or had a well though out plan yet. Cheers guys and I hope you are all well. Hope I can update y’all soon 
@Radical thank you ! i remember following some of your older posts, hope you're doing well yourself :) I'll def. have to try and post more often.
nyaztecwarrior said:
For 2022, my primary goals was to finally move out and save as much money as I could. In fact, this goal was so important to me that I haven’t gotten laid since October of 2021 as my goal has just been work, work, work. After my short term job ended I was able to land a full time gig with an annual salary of $70,000 a year which was surprising because I did not ask for lol. I was planning on saving about $15k but things at home aren’t the greatest so once I got to about 11k I had to stop and looking immediately. I will be honest though; I am scared shitless that I’ll be fired and wont be able to pay for my apartment even if I do have a rainy fund but I know it’s something I must go through if I want to continue to grow.

I'm in a similar boat to you. I've been strictly focusing on career for the past 1.5 years.

Is your full time job at the same place as the short term contract?

On fearing that you'll get fired; I was there. Just plow through, eventually you'll start to familiarize yourself with the workflow, where things are, how to find things and you'll be the go to guy at work for whatever it is you're responsible for.

In my case, I'm in my jr year in my first corporate job. What got me is that I work from home and I have no way of comparing myself to others with similar experience level as myself(e.g. am I underperforming, overperforming, average?). And I get barely any feedback.. I think it's a trick that companies do to make you work harder.
Hello 1v1mekid I appreciate the response and your advice :) definitely made me feel a bit better . It’s a full time job but at a different company , this company is much more relaxed which I really like . Maybe I was just putting unnecessary pressure on myself for no reason , it is just my first full time position right out of school and I’m making very good money for how little of actual experience I have . The reason why I always have the feeling that I will get fired is because we haven’t done much at all since April , due to the stagnation of the field Im in I have literally just been watching training videos . I’ve talked to a few coworkers and they feel the same way since there really isn’t much to compare the progress we’ve made to anything . Regardless , I’ll try not to worry and just save as much money as I can should there be any issue . I have about 9k saved up and would like to get to 15k for a Rainy fund . I agree btw , that’s certainly a trick companies pull to make you work harder , it happened in my last job lol.
Hey guys it's been almost a year since i've posted. I'm going to be honest, while i've done incredibly well career wise, i have done sh*t with lays. I have over 100 lays but i've barely met any girls recently. I'm looking to go more in depth this week. Just wanted to put this out there so i can force myself to go on more often
Hello all,

Hope all is well. Thought i'd start writing more to Hold Myself Accountable. I turned 28 this week and it's been an incredibly eye opening experience for me. IN 2-3 years i will most likely become a U.S citizen and i am thinking of working in a specific career. I won't get to into it but i want to accomplish as much as i can over the next 2 years should something happen to me.

Over the last year it's been incredibly rough for me. I was able to accomplish my long term goal of moving out, not only that but i have a very nice apartment in NY on my own making close to 6 figures. However i have been nothing but stressed and have developed a drinking issue due to stress. I've also gained around 20Lbs of bodyfat due to unhealth eating and Drinking everyday. About two weeks agos i got incredibly drunks and decided to look at my Ex's Instagram ( I still love her very much ) and i realized that she is dating someone new. I was incredibly heartbroken and only spiraled down to even more alcohol consumption and stress. I'm going to be honest this is exactly what i needed, While i do hope that i do meet my ex one day, i realized that its never going to happen, she's moved on and so should I. I become complacent over the last year due to my comfy job. I want to list some of the things i want to work on, while i haven't thought of a specific goal ( I will later this week ), i want to list a couple of things:

Get back to having 5 pack abs. I'm around 180 LB, i'd like to get down to 160 around, i've been taking the gym more seriously. I know i need to stop drinking but at the moment i'm not ready to do so, Maybe i'll stick to just red wine. I'm thinking my goal should be to looksmax.
I have around 100 lays but i haven't really been into it in about 3 years. I'd like to bang around 5 new girls by the end of the year.
I have around 10k savings, i'd like to get close to 12k
I am BIG into watching martial arts, i would really like to get into kickboxing/ BJJ. I would maybe like to have at least 1 Amateur fight in the next two years.
I would like to learn a foreign Language. I speak two languages fluently and would like to learn a third.

That's about 5 goals i would like to accomplish however judging from what chris from GLL said, focus on 1-2 goals. I need to focus on those goals. I wanted to write this so i can hold myself accountable. I have a Burning fired under my As* now, no more excuses for me. Thank you all for reading, i'm ready to fix my life!