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Bad experiences with coaching?


Feb 9, 2021
Hi all,

Given that KillYourInnerLoser is a coach, and other coaches exist here, I'd be lying if I said this wasn't controversial.

I've had a few coaches and wingmen in the past 2 years here in the UK, mainly for cold approach. I don't have any horror stories, but do have a wide range of good and less good anecdotes about said coaches.

Before I share more of these however, what are folk's thoughts and experiences here?
Andy is the only one I would vouch for, period.

Andy is a legit good person, very intelligent, super hard-working, and he takes the process of coaching and people development seriously. It's all tangible, measurable, and you WILL make progress if you show up, work your arse off, and do EXACTLY what he says, the second he says it. With Andy's work, there is an overall framework, it starts with your internal beliefs and image, and radiates out to achieving excellence and elite outcomes.

I have hired other people in the past and they were all dog shit. See this video about them:


Also, if you are DEAD ASS serious and work hard, log every day, there are guys here who will help you for free and give you fuck tonnes of value.

All in all, if you're ended up at KYIL, you're lucky. You have found the holy grail....

I'd suggest reading a bunch of his articles (particularly his Tinder guide) and deciding for yourself. Most people here don't care about 'game' and if your previous coaches are PUA style coaches then it wont be anything like that. Granted I have not used his services but it is pretty obvious he will kick your arse into gear if you are SERIOUS about doing it. At the end of the day if you don't want to commit 100% there is nothing anyone can do. Andy only wants people who are serious and most people here will ignore you until you show you are serious and put in the work. It isn't in an unfriendly way or anything, you will get encouragement here and there, but so many people come and go and so many people are working so hard on themselves that there is only time for other serious people. If that makes sense. Don't take it personally, I don't, it just encourages me to be more serious.
If this is you being on the fence about coaching and you want to lay out your thoughts then fair enough

If you want to start like a ‘bash the scene’ style section of the forum though this is not the place for that

This is not a discussion forum like most places, its a place for guys to log the action they are taking and get help etc from other guys

Regards Andy, his coaching will get you the results if you out in the effort. I cant vouch for any other dating coaches. I believe RogerRoger is going out to Vegas for some night time coaching and his log will be worth following
Really glad to read that post Andy. You are the best guy in the self-improvement game, it truly is a privilege to be mentored by you, in 10 years time they will be paying boatloads of money to just get a 5-minute email consult from you and I'll still be grandfathered in at my early adopter price muahhahahaa.

Also, the guys who are actually doing the private coaching are fucking beasts, my brothers in arms, love them all to death. I would like to see 100% of the guys who join to be truly hungry for success, to such they will happily bleed for it, because this is a beautiful journey and work that will echo into eternity.

Snooze you lose fellas,