Benja2204's log


Jul 13, 2023
Hello everybody.

My name is Benjamin. I am 22 years old and I come from Belgium. I don't speak English very well but I will do my best.

I'm still a virgin. I've never known anything about women and I'm very insecure about my appearance.
I'm 5'7. I weigh 70kg. I am muscular but I have baldness. I'm going to shave it all off at some point. For now, I let my beard grow with the help of 5% minoxidil. I have seen that bald people look very good with a nice well trimmed beard.

I started the cold approaches but so far no results. I approached 40 women. I had contacts but it did not follow up.

My goals for this year:
- lose my virginity
- fuck with 10 women
- Gain even more muscle
- Improve my style and my grooming
- Be better in cold approaches

What do you think of my profile?
Are my goals realistic?
Welcome! Your goals are more than reasonable and attainable. You're starting off at what appears to be a solid level of fitness.

Go bald ASAP. It's a unique, good look, especially if you have baldness or onset baldness. I suggest researching how to do it properly and just get on it. It'll make you stand out in a positive manner as well, especially if you keep it groomed properly.
Good luck bro! I have similar challenges and goals as you do. I’m also short (5’6) and fit and my total body count now at 40 is 5. I’ve been doing daygame using the LDM for about a month and I’m starting to see some improvements.

Benja2204 said:
Hello everybody.

I'm still a virgin. I've never known anything about women and I'm very insecure about my appearance.
I'm 5'7. I weigh 70kg. I am muscular but I have baldness. I'm going to shave it all off at some point. For now, I let my beard grow with the help of 5% minoxidil. I have seen that bald people look very good with a nice well trimmed beard.

I started the cold approaches but so far no results. I approached 40 women. I had contacts but it did not follow up.
Hi guys
I continue my self improvement. I continue to do musculation to gain more and more muscles. I improve my style of dress. I improve my grooming.
I know I should approach women too but I still don't feel good enough.
I watch a lot of Blackpill/Incel/Mgtow content and it makes me hate women. I realize that I have a lot of hatred and frustration towards them. I realize how much effort it takes to have even one sexual relationship. I have this feeling of injustice because a woman can get laid with anyone effortlessly even if she is not so good. I come to the conclusion that by being a man and with all the self-improvement we have to do we bring more value than women bring us. And it's true apart from their pussy they don't bring much
Hey man, fellow incel here...

This is going to be controversial but I personally don't think you should be cold approaching if you already have negative views about women from incel content. You have a similar body to me when I started and ur 3.5 inches taller so you should be able to get started with online dating.

When doing online, you have full control on how you present yourself. In cold approach, your vibe can be off or you can be nervous, which means women will reject you. I remember when I started I would (falsely) get black-pilled with my first 200 approaches and I only kept going because I had prior success from online to remind myself I can do it.

Bro tip: muscle contributes way more to attractiveness than the internet would have you believe. I didn't know this until interacted with girls in real life and payed attention to what guys actually do well.

Finally, post pics of your hairline. It might not actually be balding, because your profile pic looks fine to me. I remember when I was an incel I legitimately thought I was balding because I didn't know what to look for.
Hi guys,
I have had certain feelings of hatred towards women for some time. I want to sleep with them, I want to love them but I hate them. I've only had bad experiences with them. Every rejection I feel from them feeds this resentment. Sometimes I think that the only girls who will be interested in me, I will hurt them like other girls have hurt me before. I don't know what to do, I don't think I'm a bad guy. I had read an article by Andy who said that we must accept this feeling of resentment towards women and that it will eventually pass through being around them.