Bloomer's Log


Mar 1, 2023
Hey so this is my first post so I feel I should quickly outline some goals I would like this progress log to keep me accountable to. Goals in not particular order: Get an aesthetic body, move out of parents house, quit porn, get laid.

What I've done to achieve above goals:

Aesthetic body - Started going to the gym seriously in March. I did workout for a roughly a year before then but hated it (wasn't consistent with it at all, so saw no results). I then found a program that I really enjoyed (an Upper/Lower program); I haven't missed a day yet, my diet is on point, my motivation is sky high, and I'm finally seeing result I'm proud of. That simple change of program made I world of difference.
Lesson learned: Don't give up; experimentation is key; if something isn't working, change it to work for you (i.e. don't be a victim of circumstance or expect someone else to fix it for you); I don't have shitty genetics :)

Move out of parents house - Still need choose a city. That part is complicated because of work so this will be a slightly longer term goal that originally thought, but still do-able. As for more actionable steps to achieving this goal, I've started to budget and save money for an emergency fund, deposit and moving costs for when I can finally make the move.
Lessons learned: Not much expect a fair amount to personal finance and that I'm not sure I really care what city I'm in as long as its a city - anywhere is better than my home town.

Quit porn - I'm half way through reading The Easy Peasy Method book. Listened to the Your Brain On Porn and The Porn Myth audiobooks. My longest streak was 11 days, then relapsed, but I didn't let it get me down and started again. The gym definitely helps.
Lessons learned: I'm starting to learn more about why I watch porn (depression and insecurity) and why it won't fix those problems.

Get Laid - This one is pretty good. I decided to go out to a club alone this weekend and just gave myself the task of talking to strangers (anyone, man or woman). I did this once before in February and it was fun (I met a cool group of people and went and sang Karaoke with them, looking back I could have made a move on the girl but pussied out). This time wasn't quite as fun but a girl did make out with me on the dance floor - I'm talking really sloppy kissing. She was definitely attractive to me and she was really filthy (like she was asking me to choke her while making out and tonnes of other stuff). That's never happened to me; before that night my bad self-esteem kinda thought "this sort of stuff doesn't happen to people like me". Definitely increased my confidence. But I was impossible to turn it in to a lay since we both lived with our parents. Also, after we stopped making out she was really cold to towards. Has anyone else had that happen? Maybe she was just looking for some fun making out and nothing else, not really gonna overthink it.
Lessons learned: Not much learned about picking up girls because I'm not really sure what it was that I did for that to happen, except that I should but my self out there more, I am worthy of experiences with women, and talking to strangers isn't so bad (I'm kinda decent at it).


Other than continuing the above. I need to:

Up my style - My wardrobe is basically empty, so I bought some clothes. Nothing special. Just the bread and butter stuff: a few t-shirts I like the look of (I used an app to tell me what colours go best with my colour palette), and some trousers (black, navy, and light wash jeans). I figured that would be a good place to start, then I can use Radical's style guide to increase the sex appeal of my look. When the clothes are delivered I'll post pictures of me wearing them. Also, I need help to decide the best style of eyeglasses. I know contacts are best, but I'm gonna have to wear glasses sometimes, so I would like to look at least decent when wearing them.

Do something about my hair - I think it might be balding so have to look at options for this.

Get started with tinder - Gonna use Andy's guide and the forum to help me with that. I also want to start tinder because I don't thing clubs are my scene; I kinda hate them and people I meet in clubs seem worse than the people my friends hook up with on tinder. I want a more efficient method of getting laid too.

Start day game - Kinda hard since there really aren't many people my age in my small town. But I can at least get better a talking to strangers, so I've started to me more open to conversations with people in general.
bloomer said:
Also, after we stopped making out she was really cold to towards. Has anyone else had that happen?

I will say with a lot of empathy (because I tend to ask myself similar questions), you are probably overthinking it.
She could have been cold for any, some, or all of these reasons:
  • Anti-slut defense/regret (especially when in public)
  • Frustrated that you guys couldn't follow through on sex
  • Being intoxicated/on drugs
  • Remembering she has a boyfriend
  • Feeling rejected (her thinking: "if I was hotter then ...")
  • Emotions
  • Left the stove on
  • Bad day
  • Coming off the high of making out
  • Your Sexual Market Value not high enough
  • ...

Girls (and guys) will be cold or ghost for many reasons. You might have talked to them for hours. You might have been their friend for years. You might have had sex with them and gave them multiple orgasms. It happens and that's okay. On to the next.

That being said, it is super validating when a girl gives you sexual attention like that. Congrats dude and keep up the good work on everything else that you're doing
It's been too long since my last post. Not much to say. Haven't missed a workout yet. I've been upping my style. Biggest change was that I started buy clothes that fit well thanks to the suggestion of the forum and it definitely has had an effect. I was wearing the new well fitting clothes at the Basketball court when playing a last minute casual game with my mates and a girl my friend invited commented on my body: she said I had good shoulders and I had "that triangle body shape" (pretty sure she meant a v taper - don't have a great v taper YET but my shoulder-to waist-ratio is decent I think). It was so out of nowhere, and that's never happened to me before. A definite boost to my self-esteem.

The gym and the clothes have had an effect on how I carry my self too. When I was with a friend and his new girlfriend for some reason we were talking about height. I said my height (5'9'') and she commented she thought I was taller and that it must be because of the way "I carry myself".

So I'm learning a lot of these things I've previously dismissed do add up to have an effect. So I'm taking skin care more seriously and starting to have a think about possible facial hair styles I can pull off.

When at a Museum I decide to go up to this cute girl and start a conversation. It was pretty good, we had a short conversation. I learnt a bit about her then left. I don't really know why I did it; I was just really loose, and I think I was trying to get a start on beating approach anxiety. It was good and she was interesting. I've only every done similar stuff in clubs. I think I prefer approaching during the day or maybe even bars.