Bori's Adventure Log


Jan 18, 2023
I'm beyond excited to join this forum.

A little background (timeline).

- 13: I study at an all boys school and discover "pickup". It makes me overthink things and messes me up with girls big time.
- 13-18: Kiss <5 girls; no lays. Shy kid, little nerdy.
- 18: Summer after graduation I take 4wn with Alex Social. I lose my V card on program and pull 4 more girls that month.
- 18-23: College, in a frat. Get lays up to around 40, have a couple FBs. Need to get drunk to get confident. Still a shy bitch when sober.
- 23-25: First long-term relationship. She's 9 years older. I had good times and bad, but knew it wouldn't last. I let myself go.
- 25 (Aug-Present): Dump GF. Move to new city. Do a bootcamp, get laid from daygame (HB9). Start GLL Going out Solo. Pulled 6 chicks total.

Since discovering GLL, my confidence and self-esteem has skyrocketed like never before. I haven't been getting laid as much as college but I am much more confident. I know it and others notice it. GLL has had an insane positive impact in my life so I am moving on to the next challenge which is the AA Challenge.

In this log, I will keep track of my progress with the AA challenge. I will log every day of the challenge here.

Since I work long hours, I will have to go to the local mall to complete them. I might do voice logs but I likely won't put my face since I don't want to get Doxx'd.

Excited to share my adventures with you lads. The journey starts this week :).

Main Goals for Year
1. Complete GLL Going out solo and log it all here
2. Pull at least 10 new girls
3. Integrate approaching into my day to day (sober)

- Bori
Below I am signing the GLL Petition.

- My goal and only goal for the next 3+ months is to beat approach anxiety.
- Because that is my ONLY #1 goal and I care a lot about it- I won't try to balance it with anything other than going to work/gym.
- Since I'm not trying to BALANCE it with several other goals, I will have more than enough time to do the drills.
- I agree to FORGET ABOUT GETTING LAID (for now).
- I will DO THE DRILL as it is written and leave.I will DO THE DRILL as it is written and leave.I will DO THE DRILL as it is written and leave.I will DO THE DRILL as it is written and leave.
- I will NOT turn the drill into an 'indirect' approach and get deflated if it doesn't go well.
- I will also start a POF (or OkCupid) account and use GLL's or Rooster's guide because I understand that giving myself some online options will decrease my neediness.
- I will check in on ~daily basis, documenting what day I'm on, what I plan to do and if I did it.
- I understand that doing a Vlog will only help me be more accountable and get better results.
- I will stop  I have beaten 90-100% of my approach anxiety. (~3-5.5months, @Level 7).


- I will see this through or get professional help for my anxiety and do it again.
Day 2 - 3.

In the audio clip I go more over my background in dating / social. Tomorrow I start Day 4 / approaching. Let's go!!
Day 4 - "Ask for the time to 5 chicks"

Pretty easy, did it in less than 10 minutes. Onwards!

- Bori
Day 5 - Ask the time to 10 girls.

Did it in 10 minutes on my way to the gym in the morning, excited for the next challenge.

Going out sober tonight and tomorrow to see how it goes. I'll report back.

- Bori
Day 5 - Approach 15 girls. Ask for time, location and if they've been there?

Complete. Completed it in about 30 minutes. Had an epic day. Made some girl friends in the park and pulled a hottie from the bar. Might get this girl to be a new FB, she had a great time. I pulled her and my friend pulled her friend.

Laycount is now up to 7, since moving to this new city. I go more in detail in the audio below!! Lets fucking go, day 6 tomorrow.
First day I don't do the challenge since I started. Tomorrow I will do it on my way to the gym. Cheers.
Does what you text to girls matter?

Meeting a girl tomorrow for drinks so that's good. Going hard this weekend!!

I'll post my AA challenge update later tonight.

- Bori
Day 7 - Approach 15 girls. Ask for time, location and if they've been there?

Done! Did it on my way to the gym.

I'm starting Week 2 today. Today I'm going to walk to work (about 45min) because I don't want to burn all the bridges in my neighborhood and I'll have more time to do this challenge. I'll post up an audio for it.

- Bori
AA Challenge: Day 8

It went great. I did the challenge on my way to work (45 min walk). I had a girl ask me "Is this your line?" LOL after asking her for the time. First time that happens. Onwards!

Also had drinks / sort of date with this mexican chick. Pulled but i didn't close. Good vibes.

Going to do today's challenge on my way to work too.

- Bori
AA Challenge: Day 9

Ask time, restaurant and did you like it? I loved this challenge and enjoying it more as each day goes by. Let's get it for day 10 tomorrow!! Also, ugly girls are meaner than pretty girls 🤷‍♂️

- Bori
A bit hesitant to do Day 10 but gonna do it regardless. Red shirt year baby. I'll report back in a few hours.

ask 15 girls for time, movie theater and if they've seen any good movies recently.
AA Challenge: Day 10

Knocked it out in less than 20 minutes. Super vibey. Off tomorrow for day 11.
Tomorrow I am doing Day 11. No excuses! A bit delayed (have skipped a couple) but on to it.
AA Challenge Day 11

Got 3 dates planned for this week. Let's go. Will report back how those go.

Did my 20 approaches, smooth sailing. Excited for tomorrow .

- Bori
AA Challenge Day 12

Challenge complete. Tried to do it faster than usual. Was able to lock it down like 10 min faster than usual (30 min instead of 40min). I failed to do day 13 today because I biked to work but tomorrow I am walking so I will lock it down!!! I want to get to day 15 by Sunday so I can't skip any more days.

Also pulled this girl I met in a party last weekend. We went to karaoke, had drinks and brought her to mine.

So lay count is now at 8 since moving to this new city in August. Getting closer to 10!

Here's the audio clip summing up the challenge.

- Bori
AA Challenge Day 13
I don't have audio for this but did it quickly on my way to work. Let's go!

AA Challenge Day 14

Need to repeat challenge. Only did 12/20.

Got 2 new lays this week. So I'm up to 9. I also pulled these NBA cheerleaders on Saturday but didn't close. Hope to see the cheerleader girl again this week. On Sunday, I I had a coffee date with another girl. We got drinks after. I will be seeing her again too.

So solid week overall:
- 2 lays
- 1 pull
- 1 date

- Bori
I stopped the challenge at week 4.

But, I'm at 6 lays since Jan 1st. 5 new ones in the last 4 weeks.

I have 4 fuck buddies. So usually, when I fuck a girl they want to come back. I guess the sex is good.

I think by end of year (December 31) I'll be at 1-2 new ones per week consistently + pulling the top 5 girls in the club consistently.

We're all gonna make it brahs

Current laycout (since August 12) - 12

- Bori