Boys, feeling real down.

Aug 21, 2022
Lost all hope.
You can see my post history. I was as ready as I could be. or at least I thought I was.
I don't know if I am going to make it. Feel like a loser not only in not achieving my goals, but as a whole boys!!
Thoughts of killing myself have started appearing the past several weeks.
Every bit of motivation is squeezed by lack of effort from my end.
I really don't know where I am going.
Its scary.
gettingoutofcomfortzone said:
Lost all hope.
You can see my post history. I was as ready as I could be. or at least I thought I was.
I don't know if I am going to make it. Feel like a loser not only in not achieving my goals, but as a whole boys!!
Thoughts of killing myself have started appearing the past several weeks.
Every bit of motivation is squeezed by lack of effort from my end.
I really don't know where I am going.
Its scary.

Hey bro.

Many of us doubt we'll make it in life - this is common, and is something that we need to work on and develop within the subconscious.

Truth is, ANYONE can make it in life, with women, money, physique, etc.

"Your best thinking got you where you are"

Lack of motivation, lack of belief, self doubt, suicidal ideation.............You could be talking about literally dozens of us

Go read my log. I came here a fucking mess. And through 2 years of outright grinding, became a better man.

Countless examples here.

Look at Andy...........

I never thought I could go on ONE date.

Now been on ~100

Never thought any girl would want to lay even the periphery of their finger tips on such a disgusting, monstrous gargoyle such as myself

And yet I lost my weight, improved my body, and 9 girls slept with me. One of them was very attractive. I also had a lovely FWB who I retained for 4 months.

Point here is this:

The brain is a neurolplastic organ - it can completely change.

The body is full adapatble. Want to lose fat? Gain muscle? it is adapted to do both.

All these games in life, are winnable.


If you're experiencing suicidal ideation, please contact Samaritans asap, and/or find an organisation local to you who support people who are in a suicidal state.

You're in a bad space - I get it. Been there many times in my own life. However, one thing I can absolutely assure you of, as a guy who has been at rock bottom completely - there IS a way back into the light, and for a guy who has been down and out, to make something of himself and live a good life.

Now let's DO something about it.

Within the next week, find a therapist who you can discuss your suicidal thoughts with.


gettingoutofcomfortzone said:
Lost all hope.
You can see my post history. I was as ready as I could be. or at least I thought I was.
I don't know if I am going to make it. Feel like a loser not only in not achieving my goals, but as a whole boys!!
Thoughts of killing myself have started appearing the past several weeks.
Every bit of motivation is squeezed by lack of effort from my end.
I really don't know where I am going.
Its scary.

Hey man,
I'm sorry to hear these sad words, but you talk about how your life is already ended while it's far far from the truth.

YOU HAVE INFINTE TRIES! and guess what? the best of the best have just failed more than you.

You are not a looser because you haven't achieved the "goal" you had in your head. You are a looser when you proclaim to be one.

You are in the right place to find knowledge and support, but you have to believe in yourself first, we can't do that for you.

And if the thoughts persist, please find help from your local CBT therapist. There is absolutely no shame in that.

If your super macbook pro doesn't work properly, you'd like an expert to have a look on it right? so why not for the super computer between your ears?


You are not a failure

And you never will be as long as you are alive and taking even one step towards any of your goals

gettingoutofcomfortzone said:
Lost all hope

You're not even as hopeless as you say you are, because no one truly devoid of hope would bother posting on these forums

You are not alone

I woke up feeling really down and angry this morning and even had fleeting thoughts of suicide myself, but then I realized I don't actually want to die, I was just feeling so angry at the parts my brain that sometimes malfunction
(in my case it's most likely from undiagnosed ADHD)
that I wanted to destroy them

And even though my angry/depressed brain is pretty dumb, it's at least smart enough to recognize that destroying the malfunctioning parts of my brain would also kill me

Maybe you have something similar that's been holding you back that a good therapist can recognize and effectively treat?

I was absolutely amazed how much better I felt when my friend let me try a few days worth of his ADHD meds.

They weren't exactly NZT pills from the movie Limitless, but they were the closest thing to it I've ever encountered

Maybe there's a medication out there that can help you just as much?

Just try to be patient and keep your faith if the first couple meds you try don't work
(I was misdiagnosed for over a decade and tired several different medications during that time that didn't help at all, because they were trying to fix the wrong malfunction!)

Keep going to the gym!

It really is one of the best medications of all, and as silly as it sounds the stronger you are the less intimidating life will be

You can have a great life

Find a success story like MakingAComeback's or kyil_andy's or colgate's and read some of their early logs, because a lot of guys (including me) have felt exactly the same way you do right now and managed to make it out alive and are building amazing lives.

You can too

You're a lot tougher and more capable of greatness than you realize
Go ahead and take a look at my avatar. I look like a morbidly obese Ming the merciless. Guess what happens to me on an almost daily basis with woman, work and attempts at integrating into society? I’m either invisible or mocked and scorned and get little respect despite everything. It’s brutal.

There’s a disconnect between what we want and how long it will take to get there, you can’t plan anything and this endeavor’s effects will transfer into other parts of life.


This is the stuff that builds character, frame and inner strength.

Meditate, journal, and find a mentor or guide.
Get a therapist.

There’s everything we want to do and some things we need to do. the essentials of happiness can be listed as three because we all want to be a somebody.

1. Something to do - that matters
2. Something to love - that includes yourself
3. Something to hope for - you need dreams and the courage to pursue them.

Dale Carnegie noted, “Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all.”

If you can, take a walk in nature. Get out of the jungle you’re in. It helped me a lot.
Hey, AM still here.. that is a big win, right?
The difference between reading about feeling depressed and going through it in real life is not the same. It never is. But, it still felt very comforting to read your messages.
1. I will reach out to someone.
2. I will lift some heavy weights today.
3. I have gone through some of your post history. I feel like an outsider boys. like a homeless man looking at a Ferrari owners club. :) I want to own a Ferrari too, but I feel overwhelmed with my stupid brain. I have a good meal plan, good set of workouts to do,. but, I have become my own enemy.
gettingoutofcomfortzone said:
Hey, AM still here.. that is a big win, right?
The difference between reading about feeling depressed and going through it in real life is not the same. It never is. But, it still felt very comforting to read your messages.
1. I will reach out to someone.
2. I will lift some heavy weights today.
3. I have gone through some of your post history. I feel like an outsider boys. like a homeless man looking at a Ferrari owners club. :) I want to own a Ferrari too, but I feel overwhelmed with my stupid brain. I have a good meal plan, good set of workouts to do,. but, I have become my own enemy.


Look bro, start a progress log, a new one, and post as much as you can.

An action plan for you right now:

kyil_andy said:
Read this:

Then read this:

Once you've read those, read all of these:

Then listen to this:

And hang in there, mate. Everybody on these forums is rooting for you. We want you to WIN.

"If it is to be, it's up to me."

Then send me a PM - let's do coaching. If money is an issue, tell me; we'll figure out a way to make it work. I don't want you feeling alone and stuck; let's fix this.

STEPS FOR @gettingoutofcomfortzone

(1) Print out the above articles. Read them daily. Twice a day if possible. Morning & Night
(2) Settle into a better lifestyle. Exercise, sleep, diet, plenty of sunlight, earthing, cold exposure. Meditate. Breathwork. Accept and flow.
(3) Report back and PM Andy once action 1 is complete.

Re. feeling like an outsider:

Do you think I don't experience this every day of my life?

Self Improvement is a multi year journey for some people. I could sit here and be negative, brood and just sink into depression like I used to

Or I can gut up, accept that there is a chance I can make my vision real, and shore up all holes in my regime and have a NO WAY WILL I FAIL attitude and grind forward with sheer grit, determination, and pure iron will.

Re. your stupid brain

Remember, Andy and I are 'hard cases', and have been there. Andy has become excellent as a man and is now having a world-class impact on self improvement. I will one day, too. We both understand how the brain can distort reality, because that was us.

I have been depressed to the point where I was on a cocktail of medications, under the care of a psychiatrist, crisis intervention team, the lot, for ~2 years. After that, I was severely anxious (ceasing the medications gave me extreme rebound anxiety) and was housebound for 2 years with extreme panic attacks agorophobia and anxiety so bad I was no longer able to function and had to get my parents to take care of me basically.

I shared everything in my log, and wrote it up, not for the majority of the users here who are better looking than I will ever be and are unlikely to really struggle with getting a girl to like them like I do, but for people like you:

I care about people like you deeply and you are the reason I get up at 5am and bust my fucking ass to SUCCEED

In those years being at rock bottom, I had a dream that one day, I would turn my life around, and leave the hell I was in, and become someone, and something in this world. I told myself 500 x a day that I would make a come back.

This shit took me YEARS

YEARS to drop my weight and improve my body

YEARS to get a girl to just give me the time of day

YEARS to get a girl to send me a text

YEARS to get the confidence to approach

YEARS to be able to get a date

YEARS to get a lay

YEARS to get a FWB

YEARS to go from being a 2 to a 5.5/5.75

You could call me an outsider all day long.

....All that does is add more fuel to the fire and make me stronger, more determined, and more ruthlessly focused on success.

And that is why I will keep working, day in, day out, and give everything I've got to become a better person.

Because no way will I fail in my mission in life

If all hope is lost and you have nothing else but the ability to draw just one breath of air, then that is enough to suceed.

This situation, I assure you, is fixable. Just take baby steps, and importantly.........



You do not know the potential you have, but you will have to trust me and go ALL IN with what Andy says.

I assure you, what got me out of that horrendous position, was the advice Andy provides on Self Improvement, which I have listened to, no shit, for THOUSANDS of hours in my life. His entire podcast, from episode 1 to where it is now, a few times through. Over and over. That is enough to heal a broken soul.

You will be ok, dude.

All will be well.

If a humble man from dirt nothing can turn his life around, like I did, then so can you. I did coaching with Andy which was mission-critical and was the prime reason I was able to make a comeback in life. Discuss with him and explore possibilities. At the very least, he does offer hour long coaching calls. Schedule a few. Remember, I personally did coaching wit Andy myself and still work with him

I am on my mission in life and in this world. You too, will take your place.

I want to see you successful, so start taking action, and so long as you TRY, I will push you.

gettingoutofcomfortzone, we're here for ya, man.

I can't help you with your own pain and feelings of failure -- only you can, but you are not alone through it all. All of us have these experiences -- not exactly the same -- but still similar. I used to run away and repress my pain for almost 27 years of my life. Most of the time that worked well until I reached a breaking point and lost it (my sanity).

Although it is uncomfortable and painful, I give myself the moment/hour/day to feel the feelings and figure out why I feel that way. I bask in the pain, but I do not wallow in it. You will get used to it, you will get better at it, and most importantly, you will get fed up and ready to kick some ass. Take this pain as a sign -- you feel it for a reason. Find out why. And if at any moment the pain becomes too much: ask us, family, friends, strangers, hotlines, therapists, etc. for help. In fact, I recommend not doing it alone at all.

All the best