Building a 7+/10 three-to-five girl rotation until 1st of June 2023

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Oct 27, 2022 is the background to my issues (the thread got locked and I was told to start a log).

I'm currently doing the following:
1) Going to gym
2) Working on a new business
3) Focusing on building a rotation

Currently I'm dating one girl, but am not satisfied with her.

I want to transfer from LTR to dating multiple girls.

My biggest sticking point is girls ghosting me and becoming uninterested after one or few dates.

I can do Tinder messaging fine and get some numbers, so that is ok.

Here I will progress my attempts at remedying the situation.

I'm Russian.

Current next steps I will do today: collect and translate 5 examples of my interactions with girls and post them on forum for critique. This might address any text messaging sticking points and give me improvements.

Then I will use the tips to fine-tune my messaging and see if it solves the issue of girls flaking.

If that doesn't help, I will troubleshoot further to identify the core problem.
Perfect, my plate is half Russian. So when you're done, send me the texts along with the images. And if you're in another country, rest assured - we got members from all around the world eager to help with translation.

I also want you to privately send me the following:

1) Link to your Tinder profile
2) Picture similar to your avatar, but also showing your face. It's OK if you're not as lean/muscular, but I want the same pose.

Locking this thread till you send everything via PM. You figured out how to add a signature, so I know you can figure out how to send those pics.

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