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Building muscle during Lockdown.

Sin Silver

Jun 30, 2020
Since lock down started I've been either running or performing HITT 5 to 6 times a week. It's been a major boost to my mental and physical health. Being on this forum has made me REALLY want to put on some muscle.

At the gym, I always like to focus on the big three (Squat, Bench, Deadlift) but saddly, the only thing I have at home is a exercise bench (non adjustable, always parallel to the ground)

I expect their is a good 1 to 3 months before gyms are open again, so I'd really appreciate your advice on how I can put that muscle on without investing a huge amount in a temporary kit.
For upper body, I go to a park and do pullups and pushups in the playground area/monkey bars. Or even better find an outdoor pull up bar.

For lower body, I do plyometrics.

Having access to a gym is not a reason to not build muscle.
Can't speak about your country, but in Poland the gyms have been open for 2 weeks now, so there is hope for faster opening!

Try doing calisthenics alternatives to the gym machine exercises. Eg - do pullups/chinups instead of lateral pulldowns, pushups instead of bench press.

Disclaimer: I am not gym expert by any means. Just sharing my personal experience about the at home workout.
Didn't get the sort of answers I wanted, but then I didn't answer the right question.

I do a lot of body weight exercises, I've been doing HITT with Mr. PMA and Joe Wicks 2/3rd of the days since lock down started. My stamina and strength have definitely increase doing them to a point, but I feel I have definitely plateaued, and I'm not sure how to move forward.

If I was in the gym, I would definitely be looking at increasing the weight or number of reps, but naturally these are weightless exercise, following a strict time limit, rather than a rep limit.

I'm thinking of abandoning the HITT time limit, and instead doo 20 X 4 press ups for 1 week, then increasing to 22 x 4 When I can nail that, as part of a larger work out routine. Any opinions?
Jocko Willinck has a video for buying equipment for a home gym. I suggest watching it.

If you only had $150 you can buy a pullup bar, rings, a jump rope, foam pads for the jump rope so it doesn't wear the rope out, and a kettlebell. I just ordered a set of rings and plan on splitting time between the gym and my local park. With the latter I can save a bit of time since I'm pressed for time.

If you want to ball out then get everything Jocko suggests. I personally don't have the money or space for a squat rack.

Good also shouldn't be the enemy of perfect. I prefer working out at the gym as psychologically I'm trying to impress other people.