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Building My Brand


Jun 6, 2020
Yoooo, going full on heavy metal - just set up a dedicated twitter + insta for the company I'm developing. I was going to just buy up the .xyz, etc. of the domain name - but .com is already taken...

My #1 choice is .xyz or .io (since it's tech related) but I figured buying the other options and redirecting would be ideal. Any idea if not having .com is a dealbreaker?

Also, what web host do you guys use? Is WordPress still supreme? I'm googling all these things now, but I'd rather just hit the ground running rather than reading a million articles if you know what I mean so anecdotal advice appreciated.
I dont know if he is still coming onto the forums much but AGF is the best to ask on this stuff

He recommended Siteground for hosting and I've found it very good so far for my site - they use wordpress
I also recommend WordPress. I use it to help clients close deals, and any marketing automations you want you can bet it integrates with WordPress because they are just so prominent in the web.

I will recommend against SiteGround and Bluehost hosting for any real businesses looking to scale. They are very slow for website speed these days (SiteGround used to be fast, Bluehost just has a good affiliate program, hence they are everywhere in "How to Build a Website Without Code For Beginners" tutorials).

I recommend Cloudways for hosting. Best bang for buck for website speed (important if you will sell anything in a website), and unlike Bluehost & SiteGround with lock-in period & increased renewal prices, Cloudways stays constant in pricing & has no lock-in, meaning you can leave anytime you're not happy with them.

Read this only if you're interested in a more technical read:
Crisis_Overcomer said:
Dealbreaker for what?

Probably SEO.

RogerRoger if something tech related, .io is fine. I see other tech companies use .io over .com, but I can't comment on any SEO benefits. Still, a .com is the best situation, regardless.
Crisis_Overcomer said:
RogerRoger said:
Any idea if not having .com is a dealbreaker?

Dealbreaker for what?

Well, one niche I'm considering is typically non-tech-savvy, so I imagine some ppl will be dumb and try to go to .com...which will go to another website.

Anyway, that's getting ahead of things. Thanks all for replies! I already paid for SiteGround for one website but I'll try CloudWays for another one, cheers Sigma.
RogerRoger said:
I already paid for SiteGround for one website but I'll try CloudWays for another one, cheers Sigma.

No problemo. I hate SiteGround because they unceremoniously stopped operating in my country, with the reason they wanna fovus on more "profitable" (AKA 1st world) markets without any warning. While they still host my previous clients, I noticed they got slower (I don't tell my clients because migrating those sites are a headache).

The downside of Cloudways is that it's a bit more technical to setup, but as you can see in the posts I shared, you definitely will save money once you scale. If you have any questions setting up Cloudways, just DM me.
SIGMA_1234 said:
RogerRoger said:
I already paid for SiteGround for one website but I'll try CloudWays for another one, cheers Sigma.

No problemo. I hate SiteGround because they unceremoniously stopped operating in my country, with the reason they wanna fovus on more "profitable" (AKA 1st world) markets without any warning. While they still host my previous clients, I noticed they got slower (I don't tell my clients because migrating those sites are a headache).

The downside of Cloudways is that it's a bit more technical to setup, but as you can see in the posts I shared, you definitely will save money once you scale. If you have any questions setting up Cloudways, just DM me.
The other downside of Sitegrounds is the cheap option I chose only works for one website :/

I actually went with BlueHost for the other one becuase Cloudways was way more expensive - probably I'll have to switch to it after I get big, but I'll cross that bridge when it arises.

Got one website with siteground SSL secured + cloudflare setup + wordpress installed. Next stop is adding some content :)
RogerRoger said:
The other downside of Sitegrounds is the cheap option I chose only works for one website :/

Funny you mentioned one website in SiteGround's plan. Cloudways actually can host multiple websites (10+ at one point, so almost less than $1/ month a site) as long as your bandwidth allows (which is very capable). I actually hold my website on one server & build the same client website drafts in the same server. Same deal with free SSL & Cloudflare setup on my Cloudways hosted sites.

Nevertheless, the important thing is you hit the ground running. Just putting my experience here in case anyone wants to build a website :)
Professional Instagram and Twitter now LIVE! I've been posting to youtube ~daily up to 5 videos now. Somehow randos have already found the channel even though I'm not advertising it (yet). Kinda scary because the quality isn't quite where I want it but every day a little bit better.

Anyone know how to filter out mouse clicks and keypad noise from videos??? I'll keep trying "easy solutions" but also might go the python route if that ends up being quicker...
Really just hopped on here real quick to let you all know Mark Manson is dropping an NFT in a few days - at least supposedly. I haven't looked into it at all so it could be an impostor. If his official twitter says anything about it though it'll probably be tough to get WL (it's mostly twitter/discord activity, which is pretty typical), but probably a great flip opportunity (but nfa & dyor).

In other news, my second nft drop is tomorrow. Everything going smoothly there, learning loads every day but there just isn't enough hours in the week at all. Don't feel like I'm putting enough time into anything (work, my project, Gabo's project, two other bounties I'm working on) but if I survive another six months I have essentially no doubt I'll get to 8 figures within 1.5 years.

The main danger is I'm kinda addicted to flipping now. I've made some poor choices but also three-six great ones where with just three of those projects I'm at least breakeven now -- and I'm fairly certain they're going to get me to a pretty nice ROI within a few months.

Pretty entrenched in the metaverse but I should try to hop back here occasionally. Keep slaying playas ;)

EDIT: if you're going to check out Mark Manson's NFT WL thing anyway, you'll help me out if you use my link (but you're cool either way)
KillYourInnerLoser: I imagine this would be your NFT collection:

They made $4.8 million a few hours ago

In other news I didn't mint Mark Manson NFT - they had technical problems but did end up selling out. Floor is below mint. In general seems kinda trash.

Feeling pretty confident on my solidity / web3js skills now I just need to figure out how to make pretty web3 dapps.
I've looked at NFTs and fail to see their value outside of extremely niche ways to update real estate titling and auto title chains of ownership, and possibly intellectual property rights chains of ownership, and even then there are other alternatives in use or being developed.

Seems to me that NFTs are a bubbly scam that's the result of our precariously decadent times brought forth by the printing press. They have almost zero pragmatic use outside of speculation, as what they boil down to is a digital public ledger.