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Building rotation of 3-5 fuckbuddies, progress log


Jun 28, 2021
I'm using cold approach to meet women.

Approaching directly usually with some witty situational comment like "hey would it be crazy to meet a random girl right here on this bus stop?" or "hey, you seemed interesting, I just wanted to get to know you" stuff like that.

Here are my statistics for last month or so:

I did some statistics for my dates.
37 approaches.
8 phone numbers.
5 first dates.
1 sex (she bailed after)

That's it.

I don't know if this is good or bad, but to me it seems quite bad. Many women ghost me after dates or don't want to come over or arrange a second date.

I text only for logistics, no playful chit chatting.

So after getting her number I will send sms in a few days or a week to find out what her schedule is, which days is she free.

Then they inform me of schedule and I try to arrange a date.

Then we meet on a date.
Usually an hour-two hour walk around neighbourhood/park/beach. Now I started inviting to coffee / wine glass in restaurant outside to maintain eye contact as when you walk side to side you can't really look into each others eyes that much.

My main problem is abysmal conversions. I approach women I find attractive usually in 6-9 range. Most dates are with 7s or so.

I have no idea how to improve, because I try to ask questions, get her to talk about things, get her to share positive emotions about her experiences, use descriptive phrases like "Wow, it seems you are really excited about travelling" to have her expand more on topics she finds enjoyable, generally avoid politics, arguing, negative topics. Trying to be relaxed, chill dude.

Offer to invite them over to my place after date, but they usually decline. Three girls have been over to my place and I fucked one from 3, made out with 1 and one bailed on me and became bitchy.

What do you think guys I should improve? Picture related is my body, I have lookmaxxed (tan, teeth whitening, style, good clothes ,etc..). I don't think I can improve my looks much anymore unless I get on roid cycle.

At this point it seems the looks are not main obstacle as I'm actually getting some dates and numbers from day game / cold approach.

But the problem is that my persona / charisma is probably lacking in some aspect, but I can't figure out that "spark" that is missing.
Sometimes said:
But the problem is that my persona / charisma is probably lacking in some aspect, but I can't figure out that "spark" that is missing

Usually girls are dull tbh.
Charisma is a non-issue imo.

You don't need chemistry to get a # or get laid.
Manganiello said:
Sometimes said:
But the problem is that my persona / charisma is probably lacking in some aspect, but I can't figure out that "spark" that is missing

Usually girls are dull tbh.
Charisma is a non-issue imo.

You don't need chemistry to get a # or get laid.

Right, so... what could be the problem? I don't know if the statistics I posted are "ok" or "meh". I think they are rather bad. I don't know why but girls often "nope" at some point in dates or when I bring them over. I can't understand why. I don't live in absolute shithole or anything, I will be upgrading apartment sometime soon, but that's not the point. They often get disinterested way before that.

I'm 6'2'', pic related and well groomed, looksmaxxed, have received compliments. Breath doesn't stink, teeth whitened. I am not overly emotional, but not a total robot, know how to keep a convo going and how to get her to engage and talk about her positive experiences.

One guy friend of me said that I might not be texting them enough to build intimacy. I text mostly just for logistics to get to know when they are free and not much chit-chat. What do you think guys? Do you text only for logistics or banter a lot too?
You need to read Mike Mehlman (guy has more cold approach exp. than anyone else on the planet). And he doesn't make his income from dating advice so his content is honest.


General rule of thumb is that if you're pushy on the date 1/3 of the girls will come back (FROM COLD APPROACH).

A lot of these questions can be answered just by reading more of Mike's content.

Your stats are amazing, but misleading. Looking at stats on 37 approaches is like extrapolating annual climate data based off of 1 sunny afternoon.

37 approaches is basically nothing.
10x that number for your monthly approach count and do that for multiple (4-6) months and you'll have reliable data.
Manganiello said:
You need to read Mike Mehlman (guy has more cold approach exp. than anyone else on the planet). And he doesn't make his income from dating advice so his content is honest.


General rule of thumb is that if you're pushy on the date 1/3 of the girls will come back (FROM COLD APPROACH).

A lot of these questions can be answered just by reading more of Mike's content.

Your stats are amazing, but misleading. Looking at stats on 37 approaches is like extrapolating annual climate data based off of 1 sunny afternoon.

37 approaches is basically nothing.
10x that number for your monthly approach count and do that for multiple (4-6) months and you'll have reliable data.

Got it, thanks man!
Couldn't have said it better then Manganiello

If I were to add anything it would be your opener line is not actually a direct approach

Direct approach is "hey your cute/hot/sexy and I wanted to say hi."

No need to be quirky and add "wow this is so random" or similar things. Let your intention be known from the start. She's hot, you wanted to talk to her.

2 hour date is EXTREMELY too long.

Personally my dates go like this. Meet up for boba/coffee/gelato (something casual and quick). talk about random shit for 10 ish min. Ask if she likes movies. Suggest we go watch a movie at my house. Walk 5 min to my place. Within 1-5 min of starting a movie I go for the kiss. Escalate to sex.

As manga said. All of this information and more can be read on mikes blog. What i said is a hyper short summary of what he has written in depth about.