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Cancelling date for possibility of other dates

Sep 13, 2021
So I've gotten my self in a situation that I haven't really been in before, and was hoping that some more experienced members could chime in with their 2cents.

Yesterday I decided I'd give resetting my tinder-profile a go, seeing how I've recently improved my main pictures tremendously (profile pic + me with a camera in same quality).

I deleted my account and signed up for a new one, using a different email, and entered my confirmation code for the platinum subscription I got a month back.

Lo and behold, over the course of 24 hours I've racked up 45+ possible matches (a lot for me, seeing how I've only gotten around 30+ matches in 1 months time previously).

My dilemma now is the following:

I agreed to hang out with a Hinge match I've fucked in the past, and we've hit it off quite nicely and are both into each other.
Downside is that her body really is a mess, and I've struggled to get hard with her previously.
I set up this date prior to getting all my new possible matches (haven't swiped on most of them yet), and now that it's getting close to the time we set up, I'm torn between if I should go for the stay-at-home date with her, or try to see if there's any possibility of going on a date with a new girl tonight.

I hate getting flaked on my self, and I don't want to feel like an asshole and ditch her for the chance of getting laid with a new chick.
At the same time, Norway today lifted basically all covid-restrictions, and I'm thinking the bars will be packed tonight and girls will be eager to get out and look for hookups - and it feels like I'm missing out on a good opportunity for some new adventures.

Any advice or thoughts on this?
Why not both? Get her to come over early. Or late.

Keep in mind that while 47 likes looks good on paper, many of those girls will be below your attractiveness standards or far away. At least, that's how it works for me.
Don't cancel unless you actually get another girl lined up. 47 likes might not get you a date.
Go for a sure thing first. See the other girls later.

Tbh do whatever the fuck you want is the best answer.

But I'd personally schedule the more guaranteed girls first and then the maybe girls later.

Saying this from experience.
Hey man, congrats on all the likes! That's awesome.

I agree with what everyone said above. If you have a girl that pretty much guarantees sex, I'd prioritize her over the new ones for now. And then when you don't have a date with the girl you've met before, then go for the new ones.