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Cheap acne solution?

Sep 16, 2020
Monetary Freedom
Life is meant to be lived, not just survived
Hey hey. Gonna do a quick google search too, but I'm wondering what y'all do for acne.

My forehead and parts of my shiny bald scalp are breaking out.

Low budget here, so not gonna buy anything over $20 right now.

I'll share the things I try and when something does work people can refer to this post for solutions.
Cheapest, most effective for me is Stridex Pads Extra Strength. I will usually wipe my face down with one before working out and once before I go to sleep. I'll usually let it sit on my face at least 15-20 mins before I add anything else on top of it. It can be drying, so you can wipe your face down then add moisturizer or whatever later. It's less than $5 at Walmart and lasts 1-2 months. As far as shoulders, back, chest... I'm trying out a new benzoil peroxide body wash but those areas have been way more difficult to treat. May need to get low dose accutane like Andy did.
In addition to actually treating the acne, it's probably worth examining your diet and lifestyle and seeing if you made any changes very recently that coincide with your breakouts. Using myself as an example, I get acne when I eat a lot of dairy and it clears up almost as soon as I cut it down.
I def. need to do a diet audit someday soon.

I realized I was just barely brushing the soap across my scalp, so that's probably the culprit right there. Last night after I posted this I washed thouroly (fuck how the hell do you spell that damn word!?!?) and this morning all the acne went away.

I'll get some of those pads though, seems like an awesome long term preventative solution.
We are what we eat. Junk food is bad for the body and it's visible through the skin.

In addition to paying attention to diet, I do scrubs 1-2 times a week. It cleans the skin well.
I don't know the product sold in the USA, I only use french products.
Cleanser (Cerave w/ salicylic acid), niacinimide (the ordinary), moisturiser (Cerave, again with salicylic acid), sun protect (in the day). AHA by the ordinary 2-3 times a week. In the morning, and in the evening, without the sun protect in the evening.

Not sure that there's magic stuff you can put on to make a breakout go away, but you can stop them coming so often. Find out if your skin is oily or dry and buy the correct stuff for that. I try to avoid alcohol, sugar, and junk food as much as possible.
It could be your diet... or it could just be genetics. I've always had acne regardless of what I ate. I think you'll like the Stridex pads. They'll help prevent future breakouts, while helping clear up whatever you currently have. It's not a miracle product but should give you a good ROI.
Got the salycilic acid pads yesterday and been washing my body much more thoroughly.

The acne went away overnight. I'll keep using the pads as a precaution. I wonder if my skin will get dry from them, although I did start a lotion regimen every day so I don't think I'll notice it even if it does.

Lessons from this:
1) Don't just rinse yourself in the shower. Put soap on every square millimeter of your body, lather it in and wash it off.
2) Salycilic acid wipes work wonders. At least for me. Shower thoroughly as a first resort, use the pads as a second resort, and if that doesn't work explore more in depth shit. Also use the pads every night as a precaution.
After over a week of being more thorough in my showers (oh myyyyy) and wiping my sexy brow with salicylic acid wipes most nights, my forehead is clear.

Lessons I learned:
1) In the shower you need to lather the soap into the skin (it lathers the lotion from the bucket...). Not just wipe it across. Otherwise you're a dirty, dirty boi.

2) Salacylic acid is a cheap and effective first stop when having an outbreak.

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I'm trying to make my skin tone more even, less splotchy, putting witch hazel on my face and scalp every morning. Not seeing results there yet.
Update! These pads are okay.

But my friend's learning to become an esthetician.

She gave me a sample of this stuff: https://facerealityskincare.com/collections/all/products/soothing-clay-mask

Erased my acne instantly. Red spots gone and all. She told me only to use it 2x/week max.

I ordered a tube. Hope it helps!