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Choosing a black jacket

Sin Silver

Jun 30, 2020
So I've been indulging in my favorite pass time of blowing my money on fast fashion, and have been out shopping for a black jacket to fit with my black jeans/white shirt combo. I would highly appreciate all of your input on it.

I'm wearing white converse in these pictures as well, but I might look at get black boots or Cubans to go with them as well. Also, forgive me for having not styled my fringe, and having to wear a mask in these pics.

The contestants are...

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Jacket number one, a nice black leather jacket. Pictured in the worlds smallest changing room, it hit nicely around the shoulders, but but it felt a bit short in the arms length, as you can see in the second picture.

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Jacket number 2 is only £10 from Primark, and I can smell the blood and tears of the Bangladeshi sweat shop workers who made it. It fits okay, but I expect it won't last long.

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Jacket number three is from river island. It's longer at the other two, and I'm not sure what I think about that.

Cast your votes(and critical opinions), on which of these contestants that you think should win or not.
That leather jacket is solid. Just go with that, you may be able to roll up the sleeves as well for an even edgier look.