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Cold Approach Girl in my loosely in my work circle

Jan 23, 2022
Okay so I cold approached this super hot Indian girl today and hit it off. Day game FTW! Got her number and planned a date tonight for Friday night. My question is this, we are very much in the same work field in Tech and she works at a company with people that I used to work very closely with.

My question is this. How should I adjust my plan on sexualizing and escalation knowing that we know the same work people? Do I need to play it a lot safer? Normally I am pretty aggressive in qualifying sexually to make sure I don't waste my dates since my time is limited but that feels like a risk in this instance.
Can't offer any specific advice but I'd personally never date a girl from work. I like to keep my professional life separate. If things don't work out, it's awkward at best, and catastrophic at worst.
Squilliam said:
. If things don't work out, it's awkward at best, and catastrophic at worst.
its only awkward because you care so much what some random women at work thinks of you

when you already got her out on a date idk why you treat it any differntly than any other girl, but perhaps you live in SJW usa with extremists femenists as your HR so it might be different idk
Olafsmash said:
its only awkward because you care so much what some random women at work thinks of you
Word it however you want, but I prefer not to entangle my personal and professional lives regardless. There's so many other girls, why do I need to date a girl from work?
Squilliam said:
Word it however you want, but I prefer not to entangle my personal and professional lives regardless. There's so many other girls, why do I need to date a girl from work?
nothnig wrong with that and no ofc you dont have to
Squilliam said:
Olafsmash said:
its only awkward because you care so much what some random women at work thinks of you
Word it however you want, but I prefer not to entangle my personal and professional lives regardless. There's so many other girls, why do I need to date a girl from work?

To be clear, I don't work with her directly. Were not at the same company. She works at a company that around half dozen of my former colleagues work at. I used to work at one of the biggest Tech hub company's in the Northeast so many people in tech in this area will have a "6 degrees of separation" from me. My point is that there's no direct working relationship but we know some of the same people and if I aggressive screen her or sexualize to qualify if she is worth my time then it could bite me (I think the risk is reasonably low).
countingsheep7878 said:
To be clear, I don't work with her directly. Were not at the same company. She works at a company that around half dozen of my former colleagues work at. I used to work at one of the biggest Tech hub company's in the Northeast so many people in tech in this area will have a "6 degrees of separation" from me. My point is that there's no direct working relationship but we know some of the same people and if I aggressive screen her or sexualize to qualify if she is worth my time then it could bite me (I think the risk is reasonably low).
Okay, thanks for clarifying. My personal answer wouldn't change. I'd say no, just because if she doesn't react well, I feel it could come back to bite you. Aren't hard screening tactics inevitably going to turn off/creep out some girls? Now, in almost any other context, this wouldn't matter, but we're talking about your job. If she knows people that you know, the information could spread.

Some food for thought. I'm inexperienced and this is just my logical opinion.
If it's people you "used to" work with, and she doesn't work with you, then whatever you do wouldn't impact your current work. I'd just do the usual then.