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Cold approaching and getting almost no numbers


Jul 20, 2022
Hello, guys, I came from the good looking loser website and though I didn't follow his AA program I did it on my own. My anxiety program was based on saying the words you should be saying to peform basic guy game. Right now, I'm on the point of asking for phone numbers and already did more than 60 approaches on that but I've noticed how much more time it takes me to do it. If I only had to introduce myself and say a compliment I would probably need no more than 10 minutes to talk with 8 girls but right now it takes me 10 minutes to talk with just one girl. I think it is because the rejection is now part of the game. Yesterday, I did 5 approached and got rejected by all of them and it is starting to becoming normal to get rejected so many times. Before I did this I probably took 2 months to ask two or more random girls for their number but my sucess rate was way higher when I did this
Sup bro

So, if you were doing it so unfrequently there's no way to know if your success rate was higher or not, you just lack the ''data'', so to speak.

It's also pretty random, you could, potentially, go a whole streak of 100 approaches without a single number, and then approach number #101 is a DTF girl and you get laid.

You absolutely can (and should, imo) make those interactions shorter, that's what I'm aiming for (and mine are usually pretty short, 2-3 min max)

Regardless, rejections will always be 90%+ of interactions, give or take.

I saw your post in the introduction thread, idk if I got it right but you're in Brazil? If you do, you can PM me and we can help hold each accountable, if you live in the same city as I do, we can even game together
caico11 said:
Hello, guys, I came from the good looking loser website and though I didn't follow his AA program I did it on my own. My anxiety program was based on saying the words you should be saying to peform basic guy game. Right now, I'm on the point of asking for phone numbers and already did more than 60 approaches on that but I've noticed how much more time it takes me to do it. If I only had to introduce myself and say a compliment I would probably need no more than 10 minutes to talk with 8 girls but right now it takes me 10 minutes to talk with just one girl. I think it is because the rejection is now part of the game. Yesterday, I did 5 approached and got rejected by all of them and it is starting to becoming normal to get rejected so many times. Before I did this I probably took 2 months to ask two or more random girls for their number but my sucess rate was way higher when I did this

Was there a question here?
Crisis_Overcomer said:
60 approaches on that but I've noticed how much more time it takes me to do it.

60 approaches is basically nothing. That's like me saying I worked out for 2 days, how come my arms aren't bigger?

Most people take time to get results from CA, because if your anxious you fuck up a lot on the approach. You turn girls off by being nervous/timid.

There needs to be a question on here.

In general, negativity and complaining on this forum doesn't go well.

Post your actions, post your progress and if you get frustrated then ask questions.

It's hard to tell from your post if your complaining or legitimately trying to find an answer.

If you want help here turn this into a log and everyone can follow your progress and journey

Best way to get guys on your side as opposed to these sorts of articles
Hello, guys, I will post a log starting today. My approach anxiety program is based on doing sets of asking a girl for her number. When I started I just used compliments(usually I compliment her hair or tattoos), volunteer my name and go directly to a handshake and then i ask for her number. I talk to way more girls than that but only now I'm asking almost all of them for their numbers or at least try to.
Today I've to ask 6 girls for their numbers(I do this till I get to talk with ten girls and then I restart in order to make the approaches a little more difficult than last time). Before that, I will try at least 3 warm up sessions when I give them compliments only to see if it makes me move quicker with the interactions.
caico11 said:
Hello, guys, I will post a log starting today. My approach anxiety program is based on doing sets of asking a girl for her number. When I started I just used compliments(usually I compliment her hair or tattoos), volunteer my name and go directly to a handshake and then i ask for her number. I talk to way more girls than that but only now I'm asking almost all of them for their numbers or at least try to.
Today I've to ask 6 girls for their numbers(I do this till I get to talk with ten girls and then I restart in order to make the approaches a little more difficult than last time). Before that, I will try at least 3 warm up sessions when I give them compliments only to see if it makes me move quicker with the interactions.

I'm not sure I follow what you're saying correctly, but in any case:

Asking for the number immediately will yield less success than if you have an actual conversation. If you're a beginner to this, your goal should be to actually sustain a 2-3 minute conversation at least, then ask for the number. If you ask for the number almost immediately, you force the girl to make a snap decision about you before you've had the chance to convey anything about yourself or your value. It can work sometimes, but it's not best practice. The number is the thing you do at the end, not the beginning.
Sonofagun check out my log. It is "jhoes log" it was started right after my rant here. I figure that I can get 3/13 numberd/instagrams. I can definitely talk to girls way long now but asking for the number it is something I do soon into thr convo. Some girls will let you talk for hours and still wont give you the number. It is a way to not waste time.
caico11 said:
@Sonofagun check out my log. It is "jhoes log" it was started right after my rant here. I figure that I can get 3/13 numberd/instagrams. I can definitely talk to girls way long now but asking for the number it is something I do soon into thr convo. Some girls will let you talk for hours and still wont give you the number. It is a way to not waste time.
Ok, and how many dates have you had from these numbers which you take so quickly? Is it actually translating into anything? If not perhaps you should consider reevaluating your approach. You said in your log you're not getting a lot of follow up. If you're rapidly closing then that's part of the reason.
Post a log and do something constructive.

60 approaches - that's 2 weeks.

I did it for almost a year before I started to get dates. I'm still new. This is a skillset and you get good when you get good.

Start a log and do some work. Post your questions there. Take this seriously and you'll be taken seriously in return.

It is not difficult to actually start a log and properly attempt self improvement.

Sonofagun actually got a date scheduled last week from one of the girls I cold approach in my log. Probably, day where I had to do 7 approaches. Last year I got two scheduled from this same system. But last year I only did probably 60 approaches where I am asking for the phone number. Right now, I am doing 50+ a week or a little less. Seems like I am getting two dates out of it for the next week, but I don't know for sure because they can ghost. But I am not yet performing maxing my results. My goal is just to ask for the phone number and as it is easier for me right now I am testing more way to perform or get better in my approaches. Like approaching groups.
For huge players from gll, say that you should expect to gain 2/100 lays. As I am a beginner I should expect to get lower than that. But I am kinda getting results
Sonofagun about the follow up I think it is part of the process of learning. I am not going to rush it but as I progress I will definetly use the method that works best for me. From gll forums though, huge players said that girls have flakey attitude but you will get less of it because you will actually know by experience the ones who are a waste of time. So, I guess that the no follow up are part of the experience