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Continue bulk or cut?


Jul 14, 2022
So I've been bulking and am currently 176 lbs at 5"11.5.i want to bulk to 190 and then cut.Im currently do a 500 calorie surplus but I'm gonna do 250 for the last 15 pounds(I bulked from 165 to 176 but I didn't have abs at 165 so always skinny fat) and should be getting ready to cut at around January. Should I just continue the bulk or cut?
Depends on your goal. If your goal is to really get big and you have a lot of experience lifting and/or have a good bodybuilding coach guiding you, then continuing to bulk might be a good call - I'd let guys who are more experienced in this area weigh in.

Otoh - you said in a previous post that your goal is to get 5 lays by the end of the year, and you currently have basically no experience. If this is your goal, then you should be cutting asap and following the tinder guide.

Imo, if your goal is to get laid, order of operations should be -

1) Get lean. Get pictures of your lean self.
2) With a decent profile that shows off that you are not fat, you will get matches, lays, experience, confidence.
3) While these lays roll in, do maintenance/recomp/lean bulk diet where you gain and keep just enough fat to support heavy lifting and muscle growth. Focus primarily on getting stronger in big lifts, as early on strength and hypertrophy will walk together, and strength will support later hypertrophy goals. Though you won't be quite as defined as in (1), you will still look good enough to fuck while simultaneously making gains.
4) Continue (3) as long as you keep getting stronger / bigger. Once you stall out (and have confirmed it isn't an issue with technique, programming, recovery, etc) it may be time to start doing bulk/cut cycles. Start by cutting, attempting to keep your lifts at the same level while you lose fat. At the end of your cut, you get new pics with your best body to date. Then start your bulk.
From an aesthetic perspective, no question - cut first. You can get to a good baseline level of leanness within about 6 weeks and then start adding muscle from there while remaining lean.