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Cost and process to start a custom forum

Jan 27, 2022
I'm thinking of building a niche community and starting a forum with a similar look/feel as this one is kinda what I'm going for.

Anyone know the monthly costs would be? What is the name of this platform or others like it? Is there a simple drag n' drop version such as WordPress? I've done some very basic HTML a couple years ago.

Find a host that has a 1-click phpBB install. Bluehost is like $8/month if you commit for 3 years, $30/month if you don't.
Don't use phpBB. It's not good. If you have the money then get Xenforo. If not I'd suggest myBB instead.

Only costs would be web hosting + forum software (optional) + if you pay for addons or themes that will cost money too.
My advice as someone who has built a community:



When I first started using this site, there were 2 to 4 active logs. No one was really getting their goals achieved. One or two guys, were getting laid. We had potential, and quality guys would sign up, but there wasn't traction.

Andy & Radical did build it up, through a lot of dedication and passion. But after a certain point, their energies were just best served elsewhere.

I just posted relentlessly, daily, for f**king years. And wanted to serve people, every day, and just cared more than anyone else. That energy, brought more and more people, and more guys started to post, create logs, get active, and we created a genuine brotherhood and community.

Building forums like this, is not easy, and takes heart and determination. You have to truly want to serve people, and it has to come from the heart. If you have any inauthenticity, the guys will sense it a mile off, and they will never invest in walking with you. They will take their time, energy, and journey elsewhere.

You will have many dark times, some bad apples will talk shit though you are giving your own time, own energy, own investment, off of nothing.

And then, you will see some people rise up, and achieve their goals. And the hairs on your neck will stand up when you see the changes they have made.

I've cried a bunch of times reading these logs, of these men bravely moving forward into the unknown, without any sense of being able to get the job done, but gutting up, and pushing though off sheer heart. These men give me strength, and made me the man I am today.

That is why I love this community, and Andy and Radical elected me to lead it.

When you can have that level of passion and commitment, and will see the task through no matter what, you will create a great brotherhood and community where men will come, fight for a better life, and win.

Good luck.
