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Coyote_Tracks1 Progress log

Oct 29, 2023
Current Situation:

35, 5ft 5", No spare tire but no 15% body fat visible abs either. Enough muscle from my job to not be an absolute twig but could be better. Won't claim to know much about style but if I had a date tonight I'd be wearing what I am in my profile.

Currently living with parent in a small town with a part time unskilled manual labor job. Don't have a degree/special certifications.

Used to have a very social job (coffee shop) and studied drama at uni for a little while so not totally socially retarded but initiating anything has been difficult up to this point. I've chatted up and kissed a woman in a bar once (we were both drunk). No other romantic or sexual experience with women.

Current Goals

1. Start a location independent business that can earn me a full time middle class(ish) income.

2. Move to a city so I have more opportunities to make friends and date women.

3. Develop healthy habits to look and feel better. Such as:
a) Learn how to swim all four major strokes and go swimming 4 or 5 days a week
b) Eat a healthier diet such as keto or paleo (leaning paleo right now), will have to restrict calories or maybe do the
‘if it fits your macros’ plan to reduce body fat by about 5%
c) Get more and better sleep (the full 8 hours)
d) Reduce unproductive screen time

4. Be able to get dates with attractive (or at least cute) women using cold approach and other methods. I’d like to be able to have a date at least every week.

5. Be able to go on multiple dates with the same woman and do that repeatably with different women.

6. Publish 2 or more books (self publishing is fine, but I want physical copies I can hold in my hot little hands). I have no illusions of making a shitload of money being an author but I’ve always wanted to have the joy of seeing a printed book with my name on it. For now I want to write a series short stories in a variety of genres (horror, romance, adventure, sci-fi, fantasy, thriller) and then publish them all in a little volume. If even a couple dozen people enjoyed it I’d be happy.

7. Make some new friends.

8. Find some way to help people and have a positive influence on the world.

What I’m working on RIGHT NOW:

Bought a laser engraver & I am trying to sell lasercut earrings & jewelry on etsy. 0 sales after 1 month online. Sold 6 items locally (mostly to people through social circles) I’d always intended this to be a side hustle but am feeling a bit discouraged. Need to do a better job selling. Even so, I don’t really see this scaling to a full time income. ON the positive side I do have a product to practice learning how to make sales with and that's not a bad thing. I'm going to go into every nick-nack and tricket store in town and see if they'll sell my wares. Wednesday will be the next day I have free for this.

Have arranged for swimming lessons at the local pool (have to wait until end of November unfortunately) and I am building the habit of swimming more every week. I'm gonna see if I can go twice this coming week.

I am working on building the habit of writing every day and definitely want to finish the short story I’m writing before the end of the year. Plan to write for at least 30 minutes every day this week.

Have a coaching call scheduled to brainstorm business ideas this week.

Thanks in advance to anyone who takes the time to read this. Double the thanks for any honest feedback.

Worked on short story. Having trouble figuring out how to get the main characters to meet in a believable way but moved them closer to that meeting at least. Spent 30 minutes writing.
Not much got done today between work and a very busy halloween. Maybe 10 minutes writing. Tomorrow will be better.
Busy couple of days. The coaching call was great. Got a lot of great ideas and helped me adjust my focus on some things. It's also really great to have someone who has actually helped people a lot with building businesses and dating give their honest opinion on your ideas and plans and let you know what you're doing well/good enough at and what you could improve if you want more success. I haven't done the coaching but the one off call was worth it IMO.

Today I went out and just walked into a local store with my lasercut earrings and the owner bought everything I brought and she wants more for the Christmas season! This is my first sale to someone outside my social circle and it feels great. Tomorrow is Sunday which in a small town means less opportunity for sales but I'll make up for it by writing and posting some facebook and online ads. I also will go through my stuff and see what I can dejunk. Then I'll make a bunch more jewelry and set up a garage sale when the forecast foretells a warmer weekend (yes, I'm going to be a maniac and have a garage sale in Canada in November). Plus there are more stores I can try to sell my stuff to. Right now I need to get a lot more people to know my product exists and I'll get exposure with this.

Anyways. Today was a good day.
Over the past couple of days I’ve worked on my business my making a bunch more earrings and I got another store in a nearby town to stock my earrings! I’ve also made up a physical catalog of all my earrings and left it where I work. All told I’ve made more money in the last week than I have in the last month. And frankly I haven’t gone nearly as hard as I could have. And almost everything I’ve sold has just been from cold approaching businesses so I’m super pleased that I’ve gotten up the nerve to do that. I’m going to keep improving. It’s Christmas season and it’s time for me to make some kick ass ornaments to sell. I kinda fell through on getting enough product together to have a garage sale this weekend but it’s a rather solemn holiday here in Canada today so I suppose it’s just as well.

This week I plan on making a bunch of Christmas ornaments and pitching them to local stores to sell.
I also have an order for a bunch of engraved leather bookmarks I’ll finish this week.
I also want to have maybe 40 earrings in inventory along with maybe a dozen Christmas ornaments and set up a garage sale for this weekend (weather permitting).

Felt kinda bummed after selling a bunch of earrings to that store and backslid on some bad habits for a day or two. Is it weird to like feel a little bummed after achieving/making a bunch of progress on your goals? It’s kinda perverse. Like you learn how to deal with frustration & disappointment and delaying gratification so much when you actually get exactly what you’ve been asking for you don’t know what to do with yourself. Anyways, I shouldn’t be complaining. Things are better this week than the last one and I’ll try to have fun doing even more this week. Wish me luck.
Coyote_Tracks1 said:
after achieving/making a bunch of progress on your goals


You spiked your dopamine while getting to the goal. Now you are experiencing withdrawal effects.

Huberman is talking about this in one of his episodes based around dopamine.
Okay, so I've been gone a while. My original goal was to build a business because I was living in a small town without many opportunities to meet women but honestly my heart really wasn't in the thing I was trying to do. I will build my own successful business but that's not what's been on my mind.

What's been on my mind is women and my romantic experience with them (which aside from one drunken kiss in a bar) is zero. I'm going to fix that this year. So I've saved my money and moved to the big city in my own apartment in a central location. And aside from maybe getting a part-time job to reduce expenses a bit my full time occupation for the next 5 months is going to be finding a way to get experience with women. Having sex is kinda intimidating right now so my goals are as follows:

Go on dates with women.
Have some of those women be willing to come back to my place either on the first date or for a 2nd/3rd date.

My own opinion (which doesn't count for much due to lack of experience) is that if women trust & like you enough to go back to your place then getting more sexual can definitely happen (at least with some women) if you just have the balls to ask for it. It's also less intimidating in my own mind, so hey whatever works.

To accomplish this I am:
Going to use all the apps I know of. (& take a shitload of photos & try improving them on at least a weekly basis)
Cold approach (I'm using the GLL AA program modified to remove some of the physical stuff because LOL 2024),
however I'm also just going to go out and try to ask women for their number too. I'll see how far I get through the
GLL program before I get up the nerve.
Letting the few friends I have in the city know what I'm looking for so if they know anyone they can introduce us.

I'm doing a lot of other stuff to improve my looks, etc. I got a DSLR camera so I can start taking good photos. I detail more things I'm doing in a later post. EXCITED!

Thanks to anyone who took the time to read this LET'S GOOOOO!!!
Coyote_Tracks1 said:
What's been on my mind is women and my romantic experience with them (which aside from one drunken kiss in a bar) is zero. I'm going to fix that this year. So I've saved my money and moved to the big city in my own apartment in a central location

lmao highly relatable
Here follows the notes of the day of the GLL AA program I've done so far transcribed from my journal notes:

Day 4 AA Program
(Ask 5 women for the time. Leave.)

No real issues. Was scared to talk to women in groups. Some women seemed leery at first but got friendly after realizing I was friendly. Got a bit scared asking a somewhat beautiful woman. Didn't miss many opportunities. Happy w/ performance.

Asked 5 women walking alone outside on the street. Also 1 lady in an antique store.

Day 5 AA Program
(Ask 5 women for the time. LEAVE.)
(Ask 5 women for the time but do it faster than the last set. LEAVE.)
EXHAUSTED -- no sleep from last night barely managed to head out. but still did!
Didn't finish.
asked 2 women for the time
no one on route for lumber and groceries
Need to head out EXCLUSIVELY to do the work. Nothing else. Otherwise walking route may not be high traffic enough to get it done.

THOUGHT: some of the most negative reactions you get may be from her friends and not the person you're asking. People like to help people. People like to meet new people. But her friends may resent being ignored/not having a monopoly on her attention. Just a thought.

Day 5 AA program 2nd attempt
(Ask 5 women for the time. LEAVE.)
(Ask 5 women for the time but do it faster than the last set. LEAVE.)

Complete! Along *********** avenue.

first set 13 min 2nd set 8 min (just walked faster so walked past more women more quickly)
Was ignored 3x just about everyone else was friendly. Few were just....bored?
Was nervous to change direction & literally only asked people who crossed my path. But still! I did it!
Asked 3 women who were with friends today! not just ones that were alone!
Many of us started from ground zero.

At 30, I had done zero with women. ZERO.

Been on a rampage ever since.

Depends how hard you are in your heart and soul. You can become tough as nails and obtain hella success.

..........Just keep showing up.

It ain't that difficult. You change over time.
Thanks man! I appreciate it. I'm not sure what's in my heart and soul; but in 2024 I'm going to try my best and see what happens!
Day 6 GLL AA program
(ask first woman for time, leave.)
(ask 2nd woman for time & directions to a nearby location, leave)
(ask 3rd woman for time, directions, and ask her if she's been there before, leave)
(repeat cycle 5 times to talk to 15 women in total)

Holy shit was this harder than just asking the time. Asking for directions was harder but okay. But stretching the interaction to 3 questions for some reason was so hard. I was out for about an hour before I got up the nerve to ask the 3rd woman. Right around woman number 4 or 5 I really wanted to quit. I muddled through scared and in my head until the second time I got to the 3rd woman and she was actually SUPER friendly and sweet (and she was hot too!). After that I finally felt like what I was doing wasn't weird or awkward and that I was just making it that way. I had already been out for 2.5 hours at this point and this was the sixth woman I talked to but for the next hour and a half I kept going and eventually got to the 15 required after 4 hours walking.

There's no point to talking to women in a group that includes a man. For those who think chivalry is dead let me assure you it is not. Even if you address her specifically the man in the group will take on the role as helper.

Hot women really are nicer generally. Although more 'jolly' woman can be very nice too.
Most common 'non-positive' reaction is simply to completely ignore you said anything
Only had two 'negative' reactions where I got the 'what kind of weirdo are you for asking the time' vibes. Fortunately I had enough social momentum at that point it didn't bother me.

I'm not used to walking this much, holy shit. But I feel good.

Today the weather is finally nice enough I can whip out the DSLR and start getting more photos of myself for online profiles so I'm going to focus on getting photos as long as the weather stays nice until I have at least 4 or 5 somewhat nice ones in different outfits, poses, locations. They don't have to be perfect and I can improve them over time but I need to get my online profiles up and running in addition to the AA programs and daytime cold approach.

Also I strongly recommend waxing your chest vs shaving. Razor burn over a chest sized area is an astounding b*#Ch and a half. Gonna hit up H&M soon and get the basic black outfit Cam recommends and try on a bunch of stuff too.

BTW has anyone have affordable (I mean 50 bucks ish) cologne recommendations that women seem to like?
Coyote_Tracks1 said:
BTW has anyone have affordable (I mean 50 bucks ish) cologne recommendations that women seem to like?

I don't know stuff that cheap, but

Acqua di Gio Profumo from Armani - This is nice office friendly one, this is more "smells good" then "smells manly"
Suavage from Dior - This is at the edge of still office friendly, this is a mix of smells good / smells manly
Spicebomb or Spicebomb extreme - This is not office friendly, this is a combo of smells manly and sexual

You can buy testers of very small samples online of very expensive brands to try out. I recommend starting off buying those and finding some stuff that suits you. Also, one unsolicited tip: Try to ignore the small % of strong negative reactions. There is a subset of people that cannot stand any noticeable scent. Fuck them. That's their problem, don't tone down your cologne to the point these people are satisfied. It's their fucking problem, not everyone elses problem. I try to wear an amount a girl has no choice but to smell it when coming in for a hug, but would have to try to smell it when sitting 90 degrees from me at a square table, and would not be able to smell when trying when seated across the table.
Alright, so in the past couple days I've done a couple photo shoots and gotten profiles up and running on Hinge, Tinder, and Bumble. Gonna buy memberships for Bumble and Hinge tomorrow, already have the platinum for tinder.

Need to photoshop my shots and reupload them tomorrow. Gonna go out and do another photoshoot tomorrow.
Zug said:
Acqua di Gio Profumo from Armani
checked this out at a local mall. It's very nice. I'm gonna go to a local specialty perfume shop and try a few more on my list but if nothing better jumps out I'm going to grab this one. Thanks!

After tomorrows photo stuff I'm going to get back on working to cold approach. Also I'll post my pics in the photo reaction megathread tomorrow.
Boy, It's been a busy week. Firstly my online dating progress is....progress. I'm getting more matches than I ever did before when I tried using the apps years ago. Unfortunately the matches are almost entirely women that I couldn't dream of lifting. But still, improvement. I can improve my photos (the cat in one of my profile pics is no longer in the mortal realm so I need to find another animal to photograph with). As soon as I get a sunny day I'll do another shoot.

Talking to women outside. Wow. What a trip. I started doing the GLL AA program. Then the thought occurred to me "Have I ever seriously tried to just you know, talk to women?". Not in the "That specific woman right there. Stealing glances and pysching myself out at the bar" kind of way but just go outside and talk to pretty women in general. I couldn't remember that I had. So I decided to take a week and just TRY to do the bog-standard "Hello, I know this is random but I wanted to say you look really pretty, my name is X, what's your name?" kinda thing. And it took me 5 days and almost 20 hours of walking outside, miserable in my own head until I finally bit the bullet and told a woman I thought she was cute. I was too nervous to do anything other than say she was cute but that was the huge barrier that I needed to cross. I swear I felt like lightning from olympus was going to incinerate me on the spot. But she just happily said "Thank you very much!" and walked away.

It occurs to me that I've never had that much of a problem complimenting a woman on like, her shoes or her scarf. And if you gave me an assignment to compliment 50 women on what they were wearing I could bang that out without really any anxiety. It's the "Me Tarzan, You Jane. I'm a sexual being that sees you as a sexual being and values your sexuality" and openly expressing that even in the most innocent schoolboy "aww, you're pretty" kind of a way that just spikes my anxiety like nothing else.

Anyways, the day after I told a girl she was cute I actually made a FULL approach and introduced myself and asked if she was single. She reacted really well and even though she said she wasn't single she complimented me and told me I looked great as well. It was actually fun.

The next day I did that twice. Both women seemed to be in a hurry and were polite, smiled and said they weren't single.

The day after I only managed one but she was super happy and giggly and said that she couldn't go on a date because she had a curfew because she was in town for like two days volunteering for a charity and they had to be like back in the hotel when they finished work or whatever, anyways. Really sweet.

Took the next day off. Tired.

Did an approach on the next day. She was really nice and I actually got a phone number! Unfortunately, I messaged her that night and no response. Eh, whatever. Still, I was kinda stunned at the time. Probably more stunned by success than if she had been cruel.

Yesterday, did 2 approaches. Both were really nice. One was super smiley and giggly too. Like, I know we're supposed to be outcome independent and I'm definitely trying to be but no one really tells you that you can be 'rejected' and still feel like a million bucks for turning a woman into a blushing, smiling, giggly mess just for being a well dressed stranger and very politely telling her that she's cute.

Today it is pissing rain so I may end up going to a mall? Never approached women in a mall before. Maybe I'll try it. I need to pluck up my courage and approach more women. And women in groups.

HELPFUL INFORMATION: anyone who's doing this or thinking of doing this. Compliment everybody. You're walking around, kicking yourself for being in your head, pussying out and kicking yourself for letting that pretty girl walk by....Compliment someone for their nice shoes, or jacket or whatever. It gets you out of your head and reminds you that most people are nice. If you compliment a bunch of people and made them feel happy you'll be less terrified when you actually approach a girl. I realize I'm hardly the guy to being giving advice at this point but I've found that this makes the process more enjoyable and it's helped me personally.

Current missions:
Find an animal to take a photo with
Get a photo with a friend (not very social so this is harder than it sounds)

Retake main photo with a less busy background
Retake 2nd photo with a lower angle shot to make me look taller

Learn to use a photo editor to make a really neat artistic photo

Approach 3 women in one day
Approach a woman in a mall
Approach a woman in a store
Approach a woman in a group of 2
Approach a woman in a larger group
Eventually approach 10 women in one day

Continue exercise program
Visit a specialty perfume store & get a nice cologne

I was gonna try and diet but I'm walking like 5-6 hours a day doing this. I'm blowing another 900-1000 calories a day and I've lost weight while really changing nothing at all diet-wise. So, great I guess? I was never that jolly to begin with and considering I'm strength training as well I'm not sure I need to do anything other than avoid sugar and cheap carbs and get good protein.

So, progress. Long ways to go. But before this week I'd asked maybe two girls in my life on a date and those were women I knew in my social circle. I've made more progress in a week than in the past two decades. Like, fuck man.

Anyways, Imma keep going.
Your story reminds me alot of my daygame experiences.
It's good that you figured out that once you are in your head, it's easy to snap back out by doing some basic approaches. (Complementing)
Just keep in mind to switch back to being direct once you are back in the zone, or even in the set. If you see she is being responsive, don't leave because you were just supposed to give a compliment. Transition it to a real approach, if you get what I mean?

The numbers from daygame can always be a bit flaky. If they don't respond, I tend to keep track of it and send a new message two days later.
Some will respond from a thoughtful second message, but don't wast to much energy on it .

Anyway, you're are doing really good, keep up the daygame hustle!